Chapter 41

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Y/n POV:

    Yesterday hadn't been very eventful after Katelyn showed up. All Aphmau did was walk around, and the guys were on edge for the rest of the day. It had rubbed off on me, and I spent the rest of the day keeping watch of Levin, Malachi and Zoey(who doesn't even need my protection).

     Today started off a little more energetic. A heat wave was over us, but it was perfectly bearable if you didn't mind a tan. I had on a casual shirt that looked more like a sports bra, with a see-through black coverup shirt. Some shorts and a pair of sandals complemented the outfit.

     I had made on of those paper fans and was down at the plaza with Donna. She had made some iced tea for me, herself and Logan. Yip was running around in a circle, apparently very hyper. Logan and I were playing poker. It was either that or black jack, and Logan will cheat like there's no tomorrow. I had won the past few rounds and he was getting a little ticked. There was a stupid smirk on his face this round though.

     "I call." He pushed all 30 his emeralds to the center of the table. Whether he is bluffing or not, isn't gonna help him. I placed a hand on my chin in a thinking manner. "Hmm. I think you're bluffing, I'm gonna raise." I crossed my arms after pushing my 30(plus 10) and sat back in the chair. Logan's smirk only grew when he too put in 10 before he slapped down his hand. "Bam!"

      2 Jokers and 3 Kings.

     'Damn, that's a good hand.' He started laughing and reached forward to collect all the loot. "Too bad little man, you fell to short." He stopped when I set down my hand. "I am and will always be the G.O.A.T."

       2 Queens and 3 Aces.

     The color drained from Logans face as I was laughing maniacally. Donna was choking on her drink as she was too laughing in the background. Logan was still frozen in his seat with a disconnected look on his face. I pocketed my new found cash, and looked up at Aphmau's house. No one was at any of the windows, nor was anyone outside.

I stood from my seat, deciding to pay the guard tower another visit. As I walked, my eyes drifted to the pathway. It had a messily organized feel to it. Going off in different directions before coming back in and staying on track. The air had cooled down some, since the sun had been behind some clouds for a few minutes. When I got inside and too the later, there were a few voices conversing up top.

They got louder the higher I climbed and soon I could tell who was up there. It was the guys and Aphmau talking about something. "Yo, what choo guys up too?" I looked up and saw the dudes in new guard uniforms. They were now matching except for different colored capes. Laurence had his Green, Garroth had his blue, and Dante had a red one. I let out a log whistle and stood next to Aphmau.

"Nice new gear. Katelyn was sweet to give it to you." I remember that Garroth was the one who came up with them. He drew a picture of armor when he was a kid. His dad got mad at him for it, but someone saved the picture and made it a reality. It was a brown and beige color, with checker patters at the elbow and knees. The front chest plate was white with a black cross going over it for the head guard, while the other too were also white but had a large brown patch going across from the right shoulder, over.

Garroth was basically checking himself out but without a mirror. "Aw boo!" He once again had a helmet on, even though it was one that matched the uniform. "You should really take it off, no one can even tell that you're blond, Blonde." I had a joking tone with a grin on my face. I guess he already took it off for Aphmau but put it back on. Garroth didn't say anything but instead reached for the helmet and pulled it off. Some of his hair went up before laying back down.

I saw a light pink dust across the tan of his face. Garroth looked me in the eye and gave a small smile.

Damn hot people and their ability to make people swoon. I can distinctly remember the police showing up at my house after I screamed when I first saw him do that.

I cleared my throat and moved hair in front of my ears while looking somewhere else. If I could feel them getting warm, Aphmau doesn't have to see them or I'll never hear the end of it. "I was just joking, you didn't have to do that." Aphmau was subtly nudging me in the arm until I elbowed her back with narrowed eyes. She backed down with a low chuckle.

Laurence was leaning back against a wall with a leg propped up, almost like he was posing for a photo shoot. I walked over and took my phone out, taking pictures. "Yes queen, work it!" He was confused for a second before laughing and posing like one of those female Instagram model. "Slay girl, slay!" They went on for a good few seconds before Dante came up and started photo bombing with a duck lips face.

I snorted before putting my phone away. Laurence pushed Dante off as the two laughed and the blueberry walked back to his own area. I knocked against the material on Laurence's arm. He looked it over once more. "These are real nice. What do you think?" I nodded at his question. "They look nice."

"Haha, nice enough for you to fall in love with me?" There it is again. Laurence said this to Aphmau. 'I can't get mad at him again, it's not like he knows this.' My arms were crossed in from of me. "Mmm, you'll have to look a little bit nicer for that." We both had joking expressions across our faces. "Darn! I was so close! Oh well, maybe next time I'll have a change of clothes I'll find something to make you swoon over me and you'll be begging me to marry you on the spot, haha!"

I clasped my hand together against my chest. "Oh my god Laurence, can we get married right here right now??" He turned his head away from me in a dramatic way and put up his hand. "Too late, my heart is already taken by...this table. You should have loved me when you had the chance." I smirked slightly and waved my handToo bad, I was about to ask Garroth to marry me."

Laurence suddenly got serious and was looking at me again. "...Are you being serious right now? Because I was seriously joking about the table if you're serious." I stood up on the table and hissed. "IM NOW IN LOVE WITH THIS TABLE, ITS SO HOT!" He grabbed the edge of it. "NO THE TABLE IS MINE!I SAW IT FIRST!" I jumped down and then leaned against the wall. "Fine you can have it, I never wanted it anyways."

We both were then laughing. "Hahahahaha! Oh, the was a good laugh. I love that you can joke with me like that." Laurence had a really genuine smile on his face as he looked at me. It made me feel super awkward and flustered and confused. He must have noticed after a long, silent, one sided staring session since Laurence's smile fell.

"Um, right. There is work to be done. I must be going. Try not to flirt with to many tables while I'm away, ok? I'm still trying to make you mine someday. Take care Y/n." I swallowed and gave an army salute before turning a heal. Dante was in a corner looking out the classless windows. I came up behind him and swiped at his cape. "Ohh, ooh~!" I circled him for a second pretending to look over the outfit.

Dante had his arms crossed and was trying to hide his growing smile. I nodded a few times before saying something. "Red is just not your color, it's clashing with the hair and those are two bold colo--" Dante pushed me back with an irritated face, clearly expecting a compliment. "Shut up!"

1431 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now