Chapter 10

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Aphmau POV:

Kawaii~chan had told me that my house was done. I was going to go check it out, but first I showed Kiki her farm house. Not even two minutes later, it was filled with animals. And now, we are going to have a baby shower there for all the babies in the village. Then, I made my way up to my new house.

Upon seeing it, I was jumping up and down with excitement. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It's so pretty!!!!" I bombarded Kawaii~chan, Brendon and Y/n in a bear hug. They hugged back and then we all were jumping around. "I'm sooo happy Aphmau-senpia likes it! We just want to pay you back for all the hard work that you're doing for the village."

I explained to them about the baby shower, hugged them all once more and then checked out the inside. There was a room for me, one for little Levin, a room for Zoe, and a guest room in the basement that Laurence is staying in. Cadenza came down to the basement, and I learned that orange isn't his real hair color. It was simply dyed right before Cadenza was turned into a chicken.

Cadenza had convinced Laurence to go to the baby shower, and was going to help him get ready; along with fixing his hair back. I was now anticipating seeing this. I said hi to Zoey, and then walked back down to the plaza. There I was greeted again by Garroth.

"Lady Aphmau, it is both a blessing and a curse. Zane has disappeared, but we cannot see inside of that house he is staying in nor hear. If he doesn't come out in the next 24 hours, we can go in." Indeed that is. "Do you suppose he forgot about everything?" I asked hoping that might be the case. "If something urgent came up in O'kasis, but Zane isn't one to quit easily."

Garroth then asked me a question. "Do you have any thought that might help me with my, uh.. engagement?" I placed a hand to my chin, thinking. 'Hmm. Fake his death? No he already did that. Toss Zane in the Nether then break the portal? No that would put the village in danger.' I snapped my fingers. "How about you pretend to have a girlfriend already?"

"W-what? I n-never thought of that. B-but I can't be just any girl. It has to be one in power or with magical abilities. But there can't be one on such short notice.....unless..." 'Shit.' We were both quiet for a second. "'s me isn't it?" Garroth suddenly got really flustered. "N-no! I couldn't ask you of such a thing!"

"Then what other option do we have?!" Like Irene was secretly watching us from above, Y/n walked into the plaza. Completely unaware of what was happening. "Y/n!" I waved her over. "L-lady Aphmau, w-what are you doing?!" Y/n came over, as realization washed upon her face. "Ooohh Aph, so you're pretending to be Garroth's girlfriend now?"

I shook my head. "Zane would have a hard time believing than from our previous conversations. You are pretending to be Garroth's girlfriend." I pushed her closer to him, trying my best to suppress a squeal. "Lady A-Aphmau! Y-you didn't e-even ask for m-mine or her constant y-yet!" They both took a step back from each other.

Y/n's face had a light dust on it, but she looked fine. "Awkward, but I have no problem with it. Aren't there like laws for this though? I'm not in charge of a village nor do I have any magical abilities." I pointed a finger towards her. "Ah! But you do have and know how to craft items that no one else here does, So that gives you an advantage!"

She looked to be weighing the options. "I'm not technically apart of this village, so if I get in trouble, you guys won't." Garroth still was pretty unsure about all of it. Y/n shrugged and continued walking to where she was going. "Eh, well it's your decision. Like I said, I'm fine with it just don't do anything you don't want to." And with that she was gone.

I nudged Garroth in the arm. He turned over to me. "Yes, lord Aphmau?" I crossed my arms in front of me. "Why don't you like Y/n?" He was clearly not expecting me to say that. "W-what? Where is this coming from?" I made sure in my body language to show that I wasn't angry, just serious. "Nowhere in particular. Just asking to see if you don't want to pretend because you don't like her or something."

He shook his head. "No it's nothing like that. I'm simply looking out for everyone's safety first." I let it go as that, telling Garroth about the baby shower and then leaving to go check up on the rest of the villagers. Emma told me not to tell Corey, so that it would be a surprise for him and all his hard work.

Before going back to my house, I hunted down Y/n in the forest. "Y/n!" She had turned around to look at me, with a lot of apples in her hands. "Yes Aphmau?" I put a hand on my hip in a motherly way. "Make sure you wear something nice." She pretended to look hurt. "So I don't normally look nice?" I giggled at that, "what I mean is, wear a dress or something." Y/n narrowed her eyes at me.

"Aphmau, I don't do dresses." I narrowed mine right back, now with both hands on my sides. "Well tonight you do." We stayed like that for a good few seconds, before Y/n sighed in defeat. "Fiiiiiiiiiine, I'll wear a damn dress." I clasped my hands together and then patted her on the head. "Great! See you tonight!" She shook her head in a waving manner, since her hands were full. Time to get ready for the shower.

1024 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now