Chapter 32

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Aphmau's POV:

Dante had just ventured out to find his horse and had returned, right in time to see Laurence get curved. The both of us fell into a fit of our own laughter, when Y/n was dragged along with him. It had gotten 4 times more funnier, and my sides were cramping up. Garroth jumped into the water when Y/n was calling for help to get away from Laurence. He seemed slightly irked, but kept a teasing gaze.

The three had climbed out after, but Y/n'a clothes was now ruined along with her hair. She waddles off to get cleaned up, as Laurence simply shook his head like a wild dog. Garroth hadn't gotten submerged underwater, so he didn't exactly have anything to worry about. Sweet little Malachi had been talking Logan's ear off all day. After about 30 or so minutes, I called Y/n back over so we could get a move on. Garroth said we wouldn't make it back to Phoenix Drop by nightfall, so we would be staying in Bright-port Wolf Village.

Y/n responded before I could hear her footsteps coming closer. She. Looked. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Of course Y/n as her own style sense and is pretty no matter what, but I haven't seen her hair like that, and it's GORGEOUS. I complimented her and we took a couple pictures on her phone, before I went to grab my horse. The two lover boys were making goo-goo eyes at her. She was quick to call them both out on it and they turned away.


Y/n POV:

    What was once the Eastern wolf tribe, now laid in disarray. Dead werewolves took accustom to the ground. Aphmau had went off to go find survivors. I was putting out fires with the snow that hadn't melted from the heat. Aphmau soon returned carrying Yip. His father had died, along with the others at the hands of Zane. Aphmau had offered to take care of him from now on.

   Phoenix Drop just continues to grow as it should. We then set off once again before it got to dark. I still caught the casanova in my peripheral every now and then, though.

      It had reached sunset when we made it back to the Brightport Wolf Village. Nicole was taking watch in front of the defensive wall surrounding it. Aphmau had a quick word with her before rushing off to go find Donna in the farm house. We all decided to settle in for the time being. There was enough materials for me to  make my own sleeping bag, I'm getting tired of people touching me when I can't smack them.

    Aphmau did a round on everyone, before she too went to bed. It's been a long day and there wasn't much to do, so I quickly submitted to slumber also.


     The next morning had a slow start to it. I couldn't play with Yip nor Malachi since Aphmau was keeping the both of them in their golden lassoes. I eventually decided to just follow her around. She said a word or two to Kiki and I only greeted her. I have nothing against Kiki, but I might just blurt out what Zane did and that's a bad idea since she's basically carrying his child. Kiki mentioned something about Garroth and Dante being at the coast of the ocean behind the farm house.

    Aph shared a laugh with Donna before going over there, me still trailing behind. "Y/n? Are you ok?" I blink looking up at her. "Hmm? Oh yeah, just following you in a non creepy way." She nodded and continued on. The two boys had wood blocks in their hands. They looked like that wanted to build something, but didn't know where to start. "Lord Aphmau, Lady Y/n glad you could make it."

    Aphmau was confused on what was going on. "Isn't it obvious? We're trying to construct a boat!" I snorted and covered my mouth with a hand. "Not obvious at all. You know we can swim right?" Garroth sighed to himself, and mumbled something under his breath. "Ha ha, Lady Y/n. We have so many people coming with us to Phoenix Drop, Dante and I thought we would help out and construct a boat since everyone can't swim."

    I grinned and waved like in 'Little Rascals' since that last little comment was clearly directed towards me. Aphmau thought it was awesome and decided to help out. It was adorably pathetic that the chest with the materials wasn't nearly enough for a boat. Aphmau did a first attempt with what was provided, and ended up laughing at her failure. I told her I'd take over after we informed everyone of the....boat we would be taking back home.

    Nicole was the first to be informed, as she had asked Aphmau about joining Phoenix Drop. Only to get an immediate 'Yes' in response. Now that I think about it, I'm still not exactly considered a villager of Phoenix Drop. Wouldn't that be a good thing if my dumbass ever got in trouble though? I consider it one. While Aph was converting with Nicole, I took the time to tell Kiki, Logan and Donna about the boat. They all thought it was a nice idea and packed up.

    Aphmau and I made our way over to the Nether portal after she thanked me for the less work to do. Laurence was in the cave, inspecting the broken portal. He noticed us walk in and turned to face us. "Everything looks fine doesn't look like there's anything to worry about." The soul sand still freaks me out, since the floor is basically moving. "Had you talked to the Elder Wolf?" Laurence nodded at my question.

    "Yes, I explained to them about the shadow knights. Lets just say I'm 100% sure they won't mess with the Nether portal. Not for a long time."  I put up an 'ok' sign. "That's good to know." Aphmau looked to be a little closer to the exit than she was a minute ago, with a big smile stretched across her face. "It is. It puts my mind at ease...Last time I went into the Nether...well, I did not come out as the same person..."

    I've always been curious as to this. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is so different? I was never able to figure out that." I don't know if that question was rude or not. "....A lot, Y/n. More than you can physically see with your eyes." Tension had slowly started to creep in. I let out a low laugh and massaged the back of my head. "I knew at least that much. You're not obligated to tell me, you know."

"You did ask. *sigh* My heart feels different. My mind functions more fluently in a manner of putting myself before others.... a selfish trait. I can fight these thought all I want.... my fear is that eventually they might take over.... I never want that to happen. I want my mind and heart to stay the same. Even if you don't love me, I never want my heart to forget you."

I awkwardly laughed it that. "Love and like are two different things, Laurence. Aha, this is coming out of nowhere all of a sudden." I honestly want to just change the subject. Aphmau isn't being of any help as she keeps scooting closer to the exit. Laurence's face changed in shade as he let out both a smirk and a smile at the same time. "Heh, well--"

The sound of someone clearing their throat RIGHT next to me, caused me to jump out of my skin and sock them the torso. "DAMN IT GARROTH, you scared the horse shit out of me!" I placed a hand where my heart was and regained my breathing.

Laurence looked slightly upset. "GARROTH! IT WAS GETTING GOOD!" Ew.

"And that's my cue to leave!" Aphmau was blocking the way with her arms so I couldn't go around her. I growled at her and she only narrowed her eyes. "Lady Y/n and Lord Aphmau have more pressing matters to attend to." I guess that's true, we still need to build the supposed boat. Laurence looked ticked.

"I don't understand you Garroth, you really need to tell Y/--"

My ears were then covered as Aphmau was singing random noises. I was squirming around and trying to tell her to get off, but I couldn't even hear my own voice. Still over here questioning my humanity. I was finally let free after giving her a jab to the stomach. "Aphmau, was it really that serious to do that for the second time?! I'm an adult like you." She crossed her arms in front of her. "Barely. I'm at least 4 years older than you."

That only caused me to laugh out loud. "Wow, I'm younger than you, but you're shorter than me! Hahaha!" Aphmau got angry and left out. I then realized it was only me and Garroth left in here. "Yo!" He turned his head in my direction. "Just tell Aphmau you like her already. There's no point in being scary about it. It's only gonna hurt in the future." I jogged out after that note to get started on the boat.

'I feel like I'm missing something.'

1572 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now