Chapter 24

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Aphmau's POV:

I had given the queen's eye and potions back to Lucinda yesterday. Laurence had also finally cleared away the poison ivy for our camp. Dante was still deciding if he wanted to be one of my guards or not. It was fine for the time being, as long as he came to a decision before we had to part ways.

I had woken up in the middle of the night, and decided to have a moment to myself. When I looked out, Y/n was sitting in the grass with her knees up her her chest. I walked over and sat down beside her. "You alright Y/n?" She jumped slightly and then calmed down. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have always liked doing this when I would have a bad dream."

That reminded me of when we first got to Malachi's castle. "Hey, Y/n? Sorry if I come off a little rude but, what was it that you were afraid of?" She moved her braids to cover the half of her face that I could see. "I'll..........tell you later Aphmau." Her voice sounded slightly conflicted. I think she wanted to tell me but didn't at the same time.

    "Ok then. Weeeeeellllll, how about you tell me about any *ahem* developing crushes?" I whispered the last part, making sure that only she could hear me. Y/n looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Why would I have any?" I keep thinking that she would comply a lot more. "Oh come on. You said that you used to like some 'said people' and that you don't anymore. You could possibly start to again!"

     She rolled her eyes at that. "I highly doubt that." This perked my interest some more. "And why do you think so?" I had a slight smirk on my face as she looked back at me. Y/n then narrowed her eyes. "You just look suspicious Aphmau. But I know that because, 1) 'said people' like you, 2) having a crush on someone who clearly doesn't like me is pointless and 3) this would be too much emotional conflict for anyone to deal with."

I guess Y/n had her mind set on logic above anything else. As if on cue again, Garroth came strolling out of the tent. "This seems to be becoming a common theme for you two. Being up this late." I laughed softly with a shrug. "You could say that."

Y/n was facing away from us, and I could tell that Garroth was looking at her even with his helmet on. "L-lady Y/n, are you alright?" She nodded and then laid out on the grass. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" She seemed sincere about her answer, but I'm still not so sure. "No real reason. You just looked out of it."

   Garroth then had asked me about Lord Burt from Bright Port. He was with a member of the jury of nine going to Pikaro village and still hasn't come back. More than likely holding him to join the O'kasis alliance. "Than we should make our own alliance." Said Y/n who was still laying down before releasing a sigh. "Laurence come out already." He then emerged from the tent. "How did you know I was up?" She rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You've been up ever since Aphmau left out. Now add some input like you would have anyways."

"In all seriousness Lord Aphmau, O'kasis is now starting to pose a threat to our world, and is only going to get worse if we don't do something about it. I know you are a pacifist and do not wish for any conflict, but do not think of it as that. Think of it as counting our eggs before they hatch." I began to ponder on what he said.

"So you mean to make our own alliance before O'kasis has the chance to take over. But how would we do that?" We all were now standing in a circle for the speakers full attention. "Easy. We save lord Burt and get Bright Port on our side. Then we ask Cadenza to get Meteli on our side. And then go for the big fish, Scaleswind. Doesn't O'kasis fear Scaleswind?" Garroth nodded at that. "Yes even though it is not as big, it was the home to lady Irene. For anyone to go to war with them, would set all the other villages against them."

That's all really good news. No one gave any complaints or worries. "It's settled then. Tomorrow we pack our things and then head for Pikaro village. We should all get some rest." Laurence retreated back into the tent for the rest of the night/day, time thing-yeah. I looked over to Y/n, only to see her fighting off the urge to sleep. I nudged Garroth in the arm and then pointed over to Y/n before going back into the tent. I peaked around the corner to see what would happen.

Next thing I knew, Laurence was doing the same thing right next to me. He was staring at the two of them intensely, almost glaring but not. Garroth had bent down and tapped Y/n's shoulder. She turned her head in his direction but I couldn't see her face since she was still laying down. Y/n then picked up her right hand, it falling on his arm. She looked as if she fell asleep on the spot. Garroth sat there for a moment before picking Y/n up, and bringing her to to tent.

Me and Laurence scrambled to our sleeping bags. I hopped in and slammed my eyes shut, faking sleep. I peaked my eye back open when Garroth's footsteps went past me to his bed. He laid Y/n down, putting the blanket over her before resting his head on her book bag to sleep on. Aw, adorable. Laurence may not be thinking that, but I sure am. I'm having an emotional conflict with the three of them. 'Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Staying out of it. But I really want to--NOPE!'

1026 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu