Chapter 33

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Garroth POV:

     That hurt. A lot more than you might expect. Not physically but the pain was still equal to getting stabbed with a butter knife. Of course it was not inflicted purposefully, nor in ill intent. So Lady Y/n is not at fault in this. I'm at fault for staying quiet about it. Laurence has brought it up many times before that we both like her. I've even come to terms with the fact that I might even love her. But Laurence is like a brother to me, and is basically challenging me to tell Lady Y/n.

     She hasn't caught onto anything, yet it's not like I was giving actual hints to anything. "Just tell Aphmau you like her already. There's no point in being scary about it. It's only gonna hurt in the future." Y/n actually seems to at least find some sort of attraction towards Laurence. His appearance isn't diminishing. So not telling her could be bad on my end, yet telling her could mean I get flat out rejected.

I don't have a lot of options here.

     Everyone was already at the location of what looked to be Lord Aphmau's attempt at another boat. Lady Y/n had took over and created an actual base for a lower level. Logan was being forced to run back and forth by Donna for more materials. Of course everyone else was helping, but Lady Y/n basically had a mental blueprint and wasn't telling anyone what it was. In the end, it was a decently large size. Enough for all 11 of us and then some. We would be able to reach Phoenix Drop in an hour tops.


Dr. Doctor, Zoey, Brian and Levin were all waiting at the docks for us to arrive. Lord Aphmau set out Yip and Malachi, introducing them to Levin. "Levin, this is Malachi...Your new brother." Levin had fallen silent for a second before bursting into a fit of laughter, latching onto little Malachi's arm. "BROTHER! PLAY! PLAY!" They both just met and were already getting along perfectly fine. Lady Y/n leaped ahead, tapping Levin on the head and then jogging back some. "Tag your it!"

Levin laughed again and patted Malachi before too running off. "No disappearing this time, Malachi!" He nodded before going after the two of them. They all were racing around with no real end goal in mind. Next thing I know, I'm it and am suddenly dragging into this silly game. Sand now stuck in the souls of my boots, but I barely noticed it over the moment's excitement. Lady Y/n had then been tagged by Malachi.

"Oh Blondie~"

The tone it was said in, made my masked face slightly flushed. But that only lasted a second when I saw the danger displayed in her eyes. "If I catch you, I'm forcing you into that dress." I booked it away in the other direction, immediately remembering the dignity shattering experience that almost happened. She was maniacally laughing in the background as her footsteps chased after me. "I don't find this very amusing!!"

"I do!"

It's actually a lot harder to run in sand than it sounds. This woman is unnaturally fast, since she now was almost right behind me! A freaking crab then decided to snap at my feet, causing me to trip and fall. Tumbling down WITH Lady Y/n. She's heavier than she looks, I should know from when she would try sleeping outside. We both groaned in pain before she sat up over me. One arm on my torso and the other next to my head.

Lady Y/n then laughed out loud, moving hair out of her face. "Now you definitely have to wear the dress," before she stood up and extended her hand out. The helmet is definitely hot again and I don't even know if I can look her in the face without it. Zoey then came over, informing us about a surprise over in the plaza. Lady Y/n thanked her and ran off ahead, waving over her shoulder. I stayed for a few minutes before going over myself.

Night had took'n over with a bright moon. The whole plaza was decorated with many fairy lights and a buffet. Tables laid near the Irene statue and a dance floor was on the other side. Many people were dancing, as Dante and Lord Aphmau were sitting down and watching. I looked over and saw Laurence tilt his head at me before waving in a manner that he was about to purposely annoy me. He then strutted over to Lady Y/n in the most cocky way possible, who was snacking on a pear.

He asked her something I couldn't hear, before she hesitantly nodded with narrow eyes. Setting her fruit down, and grabbing his out stretched hand. They both then walked to the dance floor. Lady Y/n had a cautious look on her face as Laurence spun her arm around. They both were rocking back and forth as my knee bounced in aggravation under my occupied table. He then purposefully nudged her feet, making her lose her footing and fall forward.

Laurence then dipped her down before bringing Lady Y/n back up. She blinked for a second before staring back at him with an unamused expression. Lady Y/n mouthed something and started walking past Laurence, when he held onto both her hands and pulled her back. It looked as if he were apologizing with a smile on his face, while swinging her arms side to side. She rolled hers, but stayed there.

Lady Y/n had said something else while looking down at their feet. Laurence stepped back with his left foot and Lady Y/n stepped forward with her right. He then stepped back with his right and she, forward with her left. Their places then switched, with Lady Y/n walking back and Laurence going forward. They were going in a pattern as a small smile could be seen on her face. Lord Aphmau wasn't helping the situation by going "Awwww!" Before realizing I was right there.

I tried ignoring the repetitive sorries coming out of her mouth, turning back to the two. Lady Y/n was still looking down at their feet and stepped up again, but Laurence didn't move and she walked into him. Lady Y/n looked up to him with slightly widened eyes. Laurence let go of her hands and instead wrapped his around her lower back. My breath had caught in my throat when he started leaning the both of them forward.

Lady Y/n's eyes got larger before glaring and harshly stomping on Laurence's foot. He staggered back and held onto it. Lady Y/n said something once more before kicking him in the shin of the one leg he was still standing on. Laurence then fell onto the floor and Lady Y/n marched back to her previous spot before the whole ordeal. I had then noticed that I had been laughing to myself for the past few seconds. Laurence got off the floor and looked in my direction. He couldn't see my face but I waved in the same manner he did earlier.

1206 words.

Some may think that this is focused more on Laurence than Garroth, but I actually like Garroth more and this is just for leading events.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now