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I've been tagged by both Shadowsoul93 and ShadowSoulSS  so here we go.

1) What's your favorite song?

I'd Love to Change the World
By Jetta

2)What is your favorite band?

Melanie Martinez
Panic! At the Disco
21 Pilots
(I have more than one)

3) What is your clothing style? (Edgy, emo, Chill, perky)

My hair is considered edgy, since I like wearing it super curly, and in front of one of my eyes. I like long sleeve with skinny high waist jeans, or short sleeve with bellbottoms. I HATE dresses.

4) What is your favorite colors?


5) Do you have a crush?

On myself

6)What's your sexuality?

I'm straight, but you do you boo!

7) What hashtag do you use but your friends don't understand?

I don't use hashtags.

8) Favorite food?

Shepard's pie.

9) Are you wearing socks?

Yes, I'm at school.

10) Do you normally wear makeup?

What's makeup?

11) Most annoying question people ask you.

What's wrong?

There's nothing wrong.

Then why do you look angry?

That's my normal face, jackass.

12) Favorite flower?


13) Short or long temper?

Normally short, but depends on the person.

14) How do you say goodbye?


15) How do you say hello?

Huh? Oh hi.

~Here are the people I'm tagging~


226 words.

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