Chapter 12

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Y/n POV:

I woke up in a complete frenzy. The air felt heavy, and my breathing was irregular. None of the lanterns where on, so it was pitch black for a minute, until my eyes adjusted. It was completely unreal and unnatural. This was one of the moments I was dreading. Aphmau was going to have to deal with it. I rushed out of the house and into the village. The black and purple stuff had taking over the areas already.

I could hear Dale and Molly yelling from the inside of their house as I passed by. My instincts were telling me to go inside, even though I already knew what was waiting there. I ran in, Aphmau right behind me. "Someone! Help my baby!" Molly was balling her eyes out while hugging one of Alexis's toys. Dale was aggressively trying to get rid of that black and purple stuff that had surrounded and consumed her.

Both me and Aphmau ran over to the Plaza. There Zane was being the bitch of a son he is. He had Alexis on the table. I pulled out my gun, reloading it. Even if I have bullets, they're gonna run out eventually. Alexis was turned into a shadow night, and started trying to attack us. I shot near her head to try and scare her. It didn't do anything though.

She slashed my bicep, as I moved out of the way from a one way ticket of losing an arm. I held a hand to my arm, backing up some more. Alexis was about to attack Aphmau, when Molly came over. "...H-have you seen my baby?" Alexis stopped fighting before her helmet fell off her head. "Mama?" She fell unconscious on the floor.

     I turned back around in the direction that Zane was, and started firing off shots. He wasn't there anymore, me wasting my ammo. "ZANE!!" There was only one bullet left, so I took it out and placed it in my pocket. I watched as Kawaii~chan and Zoey took Alexis to Aphmau's house. I stayed away since I definitely might have hurt someone if I went down there.

     Aphmau now held no remorse in her face, grabbing some dynamite and going straight to Zane's house. Garroth and Brian came along with us. The door was blown to pieces, as we rushed in. Corpses were scattered on the floor with a foul smell lingering in the air. I decided to stay out of this part, as the thing down below in the blackness might not talk to Aphmau if I come along.

     Garroth left to go search for Zane, as Brian inspected the corpses. He left soon after going to go find Garroth. I stayed upstairs, seeing when Aphmau was going to come out of the hidden area. When she finally did she nodded at me, knowing that I already knew what had happened. Aphmau ran to go find Garroth, and I made my way down the ladder.

    The creature was tall like an Enderman, but it was black and dark blue and its eyes weren't visible. It was calm a second ago, but started freaking out again when it saw me. I lifted my hands up and slowly walked forward. Showing that I wasn't going to hurt it. The thing calmed down a little. "Hello there. I'm Y/n. Do you have any idea what your name is?"

     They were looking a little see through. "N-no I do not. D-do I know you?" I shook my head. "No you don't. But I already know that you can't remember anything." I reached my hand out closer to the thing. It flinched but didn't move. "Can I touch you?" I don't think it knew what would happen. "S-sure..."

I put my hand against its arm. It was cold and some black mist swirled around my fingertips. I stared for a second, before the floor shook. The thing began to get more see through. "You have to leave! I'm fading into the darkness, and you'll die if you don't go!" I grabbed it's arm, "Then you're coming too. I know that you can't, but let's at least try!"

The area started growing corrupted. "No! I can't leave! Please, you may keep this if you leave for me!" A brightly glowing object came out if it. It was floating on its own, and I have no clue what it is. "You can take this part of me with you. I haven't a clue what it is, but it's the only light that I can touch without burning. Now please leave!"

I nodded and grabbed the item, running out as the whole area was growing darker. A weak 'Thank you' was emitted from behind me. "You're welcome!" As soon as my foot got out, everything collapsed on itself. No trace of this once being a hidden area, was visible. Aphmau had finally gotten back with Garroth and Brian. "Y/n! Are you ok?"

I nodded and stood up off the ground, brushing myself off. "Yes, I'm good Aphmau. But the hidden room is now gone." Aphmau's face saddened some. "O-ok, but I now have this 'Heart of Darkness' and-" Garroth cut in, "Aphmau you should get some rest. I believe you, but you're in a very stressful situation right now. We'll take care of this in the morning." Aphmau sighed heavily but complied, making her way back to her house.

My shoulders relaxed, and I gently placed the star like object in my pocket. "Garroth, I'm going to head back for now." A new forming headache started coming. He apologized for no reason, and let me go. It was still the middle of the night, so I chose to see what this fragment think can do. I pulled it out and let it float in my hand. The object itself was extremely bright, yet it emitted a softer light around.

It was beautiful, as it could still be seen from a far distance. Even a small amount a warmth came off of it, on my hands. I subconsciously started smiling widely. It wasn't something you couldn't smile at. I placed it onto my nightstand, once I reached the inside of my house. Looking up through the sunroof at the stars, I thought how the object looked like it would belong right up there. Drifting off to my own subconsciousness.

1050 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora