Chapter 13

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Laurence POV:

     Someone had sat me near a window, since it was warmer and the air was a little cooler then the rest of the room. Aphmau was checking up on everyone before coming in to see me. "Hey Laurence, are you doing ok?" I turned my head in the direction of her voice.

    "Yes I'm doing fine. Me losing my sight has actually increased my other senses. I can hear what's happening in the next room." The floor boards creaked every now and then from the shifting of weight. Aphmau was about to leave went I called out. "There isn't much for me to do, so I was wondering if I could hang out with Levin? Someone else there also, of course."

   Aphmau took a step back into the room. "Sure you can! The funny thing about that was, that Y/n had volunteered to watch him for Zoey. She would be the one with you then." That's gonna be super awkward for the both of us. Even if she forgave me, she still seemed slightly uncomfortable. I put my hand out for Aphmau to help me walk. She took it and then walked me outside of her house.

I heard the sound of a gate open as Aphmau pulled me along, and then the sound of it close behind me. "Hey Aphmau. Oh. Uh hey, Laurence." I could here the uncertainty in Y/n's voice. "Hi Y/n! Thanks again for taking care of Levin for me and Zoey. Laurence here had wanted to spend time with Levin. Is that alright with you?"

"Oh sure, I'm perfectly fine with that." Aphmau made me sit down on the ground, before she walked off to go deal with the problem in town. Levin was making his toddler noises, giggling at Y/n and whatever she's doing. ".....sorry again." Y/n laughed lightly at me. "It's fine Laurence. I was first going to pretend to be Garroth's girlfriend to get Zane off our backs. But that clearly backfired."

A little hand touched my leg. I reached my arms out and Levin had started playing with my sleeves. I smiled at him and heard Y/n stand up then sit down in front of me. "Hmm that's adorable." Levin grabbed onto my finger, then slowly walked pulled it in the other direction. I leaned forward so that he wouldn't fall down. He stopped moving and used his other hand to repeatedly hit something.

"Hah, Levin say Y/n." He struggled a couple of times as Y/n repeated her name several times. "Y....../n......y.../n......yn..?" She started clapping. "Yes, Y/n! You got it!" I felt her pick him up, then turn him around. "Now say Laurence!" The cycle repeated until he finally got my name as right at a toddler could. "Ok, Levin. Y/n.........Laurence." She poked her hand against my shoulder. "Y/n........Laurence."

"Y/....... Y/...... Y/ence!!!" We both started laughing. "Good job Levin! We'll try again later." He started giggling before playing with my sleeves again. We continued playing for about an hour, when Levin started pulling my hand once more. I was crouched down while following behind him. "Where are we going Levin?"

He let go of my hand, then waddled behind me and started pushing my leg. I let out a chuckle. "Come on Levin, where are we going-" I cut myself off when I tripped over a toy or something. I fell forward and stuck my hands out last minute to catch myself. "Uahh!" That was weird. One, from the random noise and two, the sun was radiating on me from below.

"Umm....Jesus take the wheel?" I felt my eyes widened as I tried getting up. I realized that I had fallen on Y/n and was more or less straddling her. "S-sorry!!" I fell right back down, since I couldn't see where I placed my hand and slipped on another toy. Levin is just out to get me killed today. "D-do you need help?" My own face was on fire. "Yea--" Brendon's voice came from outside the gate.

"Y/n, did you need any help with Levi--woah, uh ok. I'll just be going then." Brendon's foot steps retreated quickly, making it even more embarrassing for the both of us. "........I need help getting up..." Y/n stood up from under me, then picked myself up off the ground. "....thank you.." she gave an uneasy laugh. "You're welcome ya weirdo."

We both had stopped talking for a minute before Levin cut the silence.'"Y/ence!" Levin had patted my leg again. 'You adorable little shitball.' I sighed and picked him up off the floor. "It's Laurence. L-A-U-R-E-N-C-E. and Y/n Y-/-N, not Y/ence." Levin tried saying it again. "Lar....Lar....Lar/n!" Y/n face palmed.

I heard her then let out a gasp. I was about to ask what happened, when the dark aura went away. It was replaced with a really light one. Basically like a breath of fresh air after a heavy thunder storm or tornado. "Aphmau fixed it, didn't she?" Levin had fallen asleep in my arms. "Yeah. She did. Come on, lets go put Levin down to bed."

Y/n grasped onto one of my hands, leading me and Levin back into Aphmau's house. The stairs were a slight challenge, but I made it up. Y/n took Levin and laid him down into his bed. We walked back down to the first floor, when curiosity continued to eat at me. "Y/n, can you give me a hint for what you look like?"

She laughed softly, and it sounded as if she did a turn or spin. "Fine then, I'm (your height) feet tall." I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of me. "What kind of hint was that?" Y/n flicked me on the forehead again. "One that was vague. Now be happy." I huffed out a breath as I was then lead back downstairs to my current room. "Fine then. At least I know you have a peculiar sense of humor. Thank you for entertaining me today."

Y/n breathed out a laugh and then sat me down on the bed, once we made it back to the basement. "You're very welcome, Weirdo." I felt at my eyes rolled. "What? So is that my nickname now?" She hummed a yes before leaving towards that door. "Hey," I called after her. Y/n footsteps came to a stop. "Don't hesitate to ask me for anything." I smiled in the direction of the door. "Alright then Laurence. Catch you later." 'Hmm. I'd like to see what she looks like.'

1127 words.

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