Chapter 30

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Y/n's POV:

     This is a pain. Aphmau was so keen on asking about a crush because Weirdo told her he had one. I'm still confused on why he does though. He was in LOVE with Aphmau, and he likes me? Sure I'm flattered, I like myself too. But me and Aphmau are basically opposites. I'm not gonna compare myself to her since I consider her a friend, yet that doesn't make anything any less confusing.

Is Garroth still going to betray Phoenix Drop? If so, will it be for the same reason? That wouldn't make sense. Malachi had climbed up the tree with me and ended up falling asleep. Being a ghost, he was laying next to me, but I couldn't feel his presence. My mind had been racing since last night, and I ended up just staying awake. The sun couldn't be seen over the horizon as the sky had gotten lighter.

My eyelids stung from my body finally starting to catch up with what I had wanted it to do so much earlier. But I couldn't go to sleep now since everyone would be waking up soon. My ears picked up the sound of light footsteps. I glanced over the edge of the branch Malachi and I were occupying. Laurence was walking around and stretching out. He caught my eye and looked up at me. An awkwardly forced smile took over his features.

I yawned in response and jumped down, making sure not to disturb Malachi. "Good morning, Y/n." I nodded scratched the side of my forearm. "Good morning, Weirdo." The conversation stopped before it even started. I took a foot back to walk away, when Laurence said something. "I apologize for making you cry yesterday. I don't regret telling you, I just regret the way that I did."

    My head tilted back in Laurence's direction. He had been staring at me, apologetic and slight worry visible in his eyes. I let out a short laugh, feeling my ears getting warm. You can't real blame me though. An imaginary character whom isn't that bad looking once they aren't in the form of blocks, says that they like you AND is worried about your feeling? Sure I was being over dramatic for even crying in the first place, but it's still not a bad feeling. "You don't have anything to be sorry for. I should actually be the one saying that. What I did was uncalled for and rude."

    The both of us were facing each other, giving whoever would be speaking direct attention. "Well there still had to be a reason you were crying in the first place."

I don't enjoy these types of conversations to begin with. "Does it really matter? I don't even know why." I spun around on one foot with my hands behind my back. The tips of my ears were burning a little. I heard Laurence laugh at me.

"Personally speaking, I think you don't want to know. But I'll respect your pride and drop it at that." I narrowed my eyes at him as he responded with a look of fake innocence. Another yawn surfaced itself. "Hey, are you ok? You don't look so good." I nodded and stretched out my joints.

"Yeah, I just didn't get that much sleep last night." Laurence hummed a response until a smirk landed on his face.

"Might you want some assistance with that then? I am a good cuddle buddy." I gave him an unamused expression and put a hand up.

"No thanks, I'm good. Besides you need to be with the others when Azura gets here."

"Hah, well at least take my sleeping bag when you get too tired." I rolled my eyes before replying with a simple thumbs up. Malachi had woken up and appeared next to me. I picked him up and spun him around a few times, before setting him back down. "Morning Malachi!" He was a little dizzy as he smiled. "Morning Y/n! Is mom busy today?" I nodded my head, looking over at the tent. "Afraid so. Lets go gather some wildflowers until she's not!"


   It was now about 11 o'clock in the morning. I was slowly and steadily getting drowsier by the minute. Malachi and I had a small pile of flowers, before giving up halfway and instead going after any cool looking bugs. Now that, was a glorious pile. Malachi decided he wanted to spend some time with Dante, and walked off. I should probably go annoy someone so I don't fall asleep.

    An owl flew out of Lucinda's house, so that means Aphmau and Laurence are out of the question. I waved up at her, walking backwards. Something caught the back of my ankle, and I fell back on my ass.


   "Ah! Lady Y/n, my apologies!" I looked over seeing Garroth laying down. Well not anymore, he had sat up onto his elbows.

"It's fine. Besides, this gives me permission to annoy you now."


    I rolled in a partial circle until I was right next to him. Garroth sat up higher onto his arms. "W-what?" I hummed in annoyance and knocked his arms back to how he was laying before I got here. "Just sit down damn it. I'm not a disease." I could faintly hear Garroth mumbling nonsense to himself as he turned his head away.

It was slightly cloudy as a bright blue could still be seen. "Hey," Garroth turned his head slightly in my direction. "Y-yes Lady Y/n?" I lifted my hand up and pointed to a cloud. "That one looks like Shon Connery." He let out a light chuckle and his helmet clicked against his chest plate. "I guess it does." Garroth then pointed up himself, to the left. "That one reminds me of Lord Aphmau's pet dolphin, Flipper was it?"

    I hummed a yes and pointed off to the right. "Someone doing the splits." Garroth pointed close to the horizon. "A cake."

"Flying pig"


McDonald's sign."

"Mc-what sign?"

"Nothing. Oh look, a dragon about to eat a balloon!"


No One's POV:

The 19 and 22 year old continued on the childish game for a good 30 more minutes. Garroth had been smiling the whole time, but of course Y/n couldn't see that. Yet neither of them saw the knowing look Azura gave the two through a high up window.

"A house plant."

Garroth waited a few seconds for a response from girl. When none came, he looked over at her. She was once again struggling to stay awake like a few nights ago. ".....Lady Y/n?" She blinked and pointed up at nothing in particular before her hand fell back down. "Oh,....a, a box....." and with that, Y/n's eyes closed and didn't reopen. Her head fell back facing Garroth. A soft breeze swayed the grass along with Y/n's hair.

    Garroth breathed out, still having a joy filled expression under the metal coverage. He quietly got onto his knees leaning over the girl. One arm went under her knees, while the other went under her upper back. Y/n stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. Her figure turned outwards, almost as if she were awake and wanting to walk on her own. Garroth lightly chuckled while watching her before walking into the tent to set her down. There was a piece of paper on his sleeping bag that wasn't there before. It read as:

    She fell asleep didn't she? I told her this morning to sleep since she hadn't gone, even though she says she got an hour or two in. Don't test me Garroth, she said she would sleep in MY sleeping bag if forced to. If Y/n's laying anywhere else when I get back, we're fighting.

/ \

Garroth sighed, a little bit irked by the snark message from a man that wasn't even here right now. When the cover was placed on top of her, Y/n curled herself in like an infant would. The ghost of a sly grin dances on her lips. 'Her smile.' Garroth thought to himself looking down at Y/n, who laid in her slumber as his feeling remained unbeknown to her.

'It reminds me of my mother, one of the first things I remember about her, and I've felt nothing but better every time I've seen it.

There's no doubt I like this woman.'

1389 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora