Chapter 31

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Y/n's POV:

I was currently twirling my futuristic device betters both my hands. There hasn't been any signals ever since I got here, having the music from before I paid for it. The battery had died yesterday when I was trying to contact that child of a godly being, Amarion. I'm still utterly confused on what he even is, but not that interested in finding out. Already got enough religions to worry about. Don't need to add another one into the mix.

Dante had drawn on my face with the ashes of the fire when I was unconscious. And now, he's still trying to get the sand out of both his armor and hair. All the while complaining my ear off while doing so. I groaned and flopped back onto the floor, cutting him off. "That sounds like a personal problem." He glared at me but finally shut his trap.

The tent had been packed up when Aphmau and Laurence returned from their ordeal. I'd miss Lucinda and her snarkness, but she'd be joining Phoenix Drop sooner than we think. Aphmau made her way back outside, getting the heads up that everyone was good to go. Our horses were then saddled up and we all took off.


Night came around faster than expected, and Logan couldn't stay in the lasso from his injuries. We reset up the camp, more than a few miles away from where we used to be. I was up late once again, but not because I couldn't sleep. I'm just normally one to get more energy in the night than in the day. I had gathered a few materials for a small project that could help out in the future. Aphmau was awake also but was simply minding her own business.

"What's that?" I turned my head around seeing Dante, looking at what I was making. "Nothing much. I'm trying to make a new battery for my phone. It's been dead for a while, and it would be awesome to get some pictures." If my phone and other objects came here with me, than it might leave with me. Getting a good photo or two won't hurt anyone. "Oh, ok." We stopped talking in a comfortable silence.

Which was rudely interrupted by Aphmau. "Are you ok Dante?" The both of us flinched and turned to her. "I swear to god Aphmau, someone's gonna accidentally stab you for sneaking up on them." She took a step back with her arms raised, defensively. "Heh, sorry." I turned back around to my previous work, tuning out their conversation. Would it have been easier to make a red stone battery or a solar casing?

    I decided against the solar casing, since I would have to make it water proof along with a protector from me constantly dropping it. I replicated the shape and size of the regular battery, using iron and tin. Some red stone covered wires and it was good to go. It was a rinse and repeated process, so I would at least have a few more of them on me. I looked up to the sky, thinking how much sleep I would get if I laid down now.

Aphmau had just went back to her sleeping bag, so I had no reason to even be up anymore. Malachi and (now)Logan needed somewhere to sleep, so I just put my head down against my book bag like normal. I guess Dante figured this out also, since he sat down where he previously was standing. My eyes shut as soft chirping played in the background. The sound slowly began to fade out.


My eyelids snapped back once my brain had proceeded that my sleeping environment changed. The grass and gravel was no longer under me, but instead a undercush and covering. 'God damn it.' I sat up, already irritated at the morning. I was perched in a specific bag, next to Malachi's and Dante's(The one Aphmau used).

I tossed the covering off and stood onto my own feet, before stomping off in the direction of a certain Weirdo. "Laurence!" He was kneeling in front of a smaller-than-average lake. A mere smile took over his face when he saw my slight scowl. "Good morning beautiful~" I stopped about a foot in front of him.

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