Chapter 51

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Aphmau POV:

Lucinda explained on how she was really confused on Malachi's condition. Since he was a ghost and was knocked out. She wanted to monitor him and help if she could. I thanked her and offered her the guest room before going to find Zoey. When I made it to the basement, Y/n was already talking to her. "I-I don't deserve to watch the kids anymore!" Levin was next to them also, patting Zoey's leg for comfort. "Yes you do Zoey. It was an accident and accidents happen. Aphmau isn't mad at you."

"S-she isn't? Still... that doesn't excuse what put Malachi through." Y/n picked up Levin who was still smiling at the elf. "Zoey, I can promise you that Malachi will be okay. More than okay when he wakes up. But he is gonna want to see you again. You're his family too." Y/n handed Levin to her as she finally wiped away her eyes. "I..I will be more careful... but I want to ask Aphmau." I walked all the way down the stairs.

"I want you to stay Zoey. You've been here through thick and thin." She thanked the both of us and hugged Levin once more before letting him down. Y/n instructed him to keep an eye on her in case any pirates come and we both went upstairs and out the house. I let out a long breath and ran a hand through my hair. More and more stress keeps piling up, but Y/n said he would be fine. So imma put my faith in that.

     I remember Laurence had told Be that Brian got promoted and wanted to show me his new position. I asked Y/n to come along, since she's made the situations easier so far. Before going to Brian, we stopped at the plaza where Corey still was. He asked me to set a banner in a specific place as to were we could move the Irene statue. I picked up he banner and we had been walking around for the past 5 minutes looking for a place to set it. "Hmm.... Y/n do you know a good place?"

    Her face broke out into a smile before she grabbed my wrist and sprinted past the plaza and past the first guard tower. We were closer to my house when she made a right and we were going up a large hill. Y/n stopped at the very top and started getting rid of the tall grass covering the ground. It took her a second but she was done pretty fast. "Tada! Perfect place!" It really was perfect.

    It was elevated about the rest of Phoenix Drop, and outlooked the sea. Any boats coming into the docks could be able to see the statue if they were to come in. "I... I love it! It's beautiful!" I smacked the banner down with a grin matching Y/n's. We finally could go over to Brian now. I paused for a second when we passed the guard station. 'I really hope Garroth is alright.' I shook my head and continued going.

    I noticed we passed another banner on the way to the gate. But I had to stop for a second time when I noticed Cadenza over there. Her and Cookie(the dog) were talking to someone, whose frame was hidden behind Brian. I said hi to him and asked what was going on. Apparently, Brian's promotion was to gate patrol. I congratulated him before he told me who the lady way. Brian questioned her several times and checked her traveling gear before letting her in.

    I guess she is a fortune teller too? Never actually seen one before. Brian was so keen on having her tell his fortune later. I was a little surprised that he believed in that. The lady herself was dressed in a long purple, white & black dress with a hood over the back of her head. She had black hair and pale blue eyes. She was beautiful and the most sweetest thing! As soon as I told her I was Aphmau, Lillian started going on about the storied that Cadenza told her before complimenting me and bowing. Literally bowing.

It was a little unnerving. I asked about Lillian fortune telling and it turns out it's actually a recognized prophet. Seeing visions and them coming true. She asked to be let pass through since she was traveling the world. Even offering to help Garroth since Cadenza too told her about his sickness. I didn't exactly want to say yes from the stranger's warnings. She seemed really sweet and was asking to help out. "...Of course! Just be sure to stay out of trouble."

"Yes mam'! I sure will! Thank you, thank you so much!" I turned over to Y/n who was on her phone device. "Y/n this is Lillian. She is gonna be here for a little while and offered to help Garroth. Isn't that nice?" Y/n looked up and at Lillian without saying anything. Then she looked back down and went onto her phone again. "Yeah, nice." That's an odd behavior for her to do. Especially towards a new person.

    I just left it and let her be. I welcomed Lillian once more and told Cadenza that we'd talk later. Y/n said bye to me as we passed the guard tower, she wanted to get a little bit more practice in before she went to sleep. I waved and finally decided it was time to rest. Yeah, rest.

No one POV:

    Y/n had put her headphones on and was blasting music thru them as she trained herself. 'Just pretend you are actually fighting someone.' The funny thing was that she had actually taken some self defense classes when she was much younger, but forgot almost everything about it since she never needed to defend herself. The dummy was continuously being beaten, almost ruthless. Y/n didn't care nor try to notice the movement behind the door on the balcony.

    Back inside, Garroth came out of his room again to get some of the food Cadenza made. Right then, Lilian can up the ladder startling him. "Garroth?" He stepped back some. "Huh? Uh, who are you?" She kept a calm demeanor while talking. "My name is Lilian. I'm new in town and I'm a medicine specialist. I'm so sorry for intruding on you like this but Cadenza isn't here, and the herb medicine I made for you is ready. Your friends wanted me to help you get better."

    Garroth calmed down and became more friendly. "I see. If you are a friend of Cadenza then you are welcome. But I really just want to be alone." Garroth looked away from her. Lilian pressed on. "So, what exactly is wrong with you?" Garroth sighed before speaking. "It's really nothing, I'm not actually sick." Lilian tried to make him feel a little bit guilty. " are pretending?"

     "No I really don't feel well." Lilian scrunched her face slightly to make her point more clear. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." Garroth had spaced out in the last 2 seconds. "Huh? Oh sorry but...." He glanced out the window and saw Y/n training by herself. It only made him feel worse. "..A broken heart isn't something anyone can help me with..." Lilian pretended to ponder to herself.

    "Sometimes..." she stepped closer, "Talking about it helps."

1253 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now