Chapter 9

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Garroth POV:

     I staked outside the house that Zane was currently occupying. Hiding slightly to not cause the villagers to get suspicious. Every now and then I would see Lady Y/n walking by. Coming with nothing in her hands, and then going with a lot of supplies. My curiosity kept growing every time she left. I could even faintly hear in the sound of construction.

    I eventually got too curious, and ventured out in the direction of the noise. I was coming up on Lady Y/n's house, there were items littered all around the tree stump. "Uh, Lady Y/n?" The sounds stopped, as she popped her head out the door. "Oh, hi Garroth!" She waved her hand, and I did a small wave back. "What are you doing?"

     Instead of coming down the ladder, Lady Y/n hopped onto a platform and began turning this crank. The platform quickly lowered to the ground, with me standing there dumbfounded. "Making renovations. What are you doing?" Lady Y/n asked me right back in a playful voice. "Simply making sure everything was alright over here." She nodded her head and leaned over the rail on the platform. "Well if you're not doing anything else, would you like to help me?"

      I was kind of skeptical about it, but stepped onto the thing none the less. It started moving and I held onto the bar. "What even is this thing?" Lady Y/n laughed at my unsteadiness. "Basically an elevator." Still confused, I left it at that. Upon reaching the top, I saw how she had changed up a few things. There was a small porch area and another ladder leading up to a view deck.

A few holes were carved in some of the walls, but were replaced with doors. The kitchen now had an island in the middle of it. There was a hole in the ceiling above her bed, and some glass was placed near it. "Wow, it's nice in here." Lady Y/n snapped her fingers, pointing them in my direction.

"And that's how you Minecraft." I asked her then what that means. She merely laughed, telling me it was to time consuming to explain. "So Garroth," Lady Y/n tossed me a hammer and nails. "Let's get to it."


By the time the sun began to set, glass now replaced the hole in the ceiling but not before some leaves and a squirrel fell in, one of the random doors were connected to another tree by a bridge that you couldn't see from the outside, along with the beginning of a safe room inside of the actual trunk of the tree. My armor was no longer on from how hot it had gotten. Lady Y/n was simply working in a tank top and shorts like the day before.

I tried best not to look at her at all for the most part with a light shade of red on my face. "Lady Y/n you do know it is uncanny to wear that." Lady Y/n snorted at me and threw a balled up piece of paper. "Not were I come from, sweet cheeks." That was an extremely weird nickname. "May you at least change while I'm here?" She threw another ball of paper. "You're just jealous I look better than you in this."

"No one looked better than me in anything." 'Shouldn't have said that.' An evil smirk grew on her face. "Ooh, sassy~! You wanna bet?" Not fully knowing what I was getting myself into, I said yes. "Alrighty then, strip little man." Lady Y/n pulled out a sparkly, small, blue dress. I let out an unmanly yelp, before running away from her as she chased me. "This is sexual harassment!" I said leaping over the couch.

"Not yet!" Lady Y/n then tackled me to the floor, straddling me down. "Put the dress on!" I was trying to push her off with a beat red face. "No!" She pulled some scissors out of no where bringing them dangerously close to my clothes. "Then I'll make you put it on!" I was suddenly very fearful for my dignity. "Fuck no!" I finally pushed her back and grabbed my armor; running into the bathroom and locking the door. Lady Y/n was in a fit of muffled laughter from outside. 'That was oddly thrilling and enjoyable.'

After getting the helmet on, I walked to the porch. "May you please bring me down? I don't know how this thing works." She hummed a yes and skipped over. Lady Y/n let me off at the bottom and waved as I walked away. "See you later Garroth! You're still gonna try on that dress one day!" I cringed and walked off faster.

     Today just seemed to settle down the nonsense that has happened over the course of two days. I immediately remembered what I was trying to achieve this morning, rushing back over to the house. I could hear a muffled noise from inside, but couldn't make it out. Lady Aphmau stopped by about 5 minutes after that, as we discussed further actions.

     She promised not to set off any of the villagers, as I decided to stay watch here for the night. 'If I have time tomorrow, I could possibly see Y/n again. No rush though.'  I started walking around the house, seeing if I could hear any better from a different angle.

Laurence POV:

     My thoughts were very scattered. My body was tingling all over, but it was a lot better then the amerce pain in the Nether. I couldn't see anything, but I could slightly sense where some things were located. I knew there was another room next to me, from the opening and closing of a door and the constant muffled chatter.

     I knew there was a window in this room, from when a breeze blew in before Y/n put in windows. I'm still slightly curious as to what she looks like. Or if she even is a she, but just changing 'her' voice. That's a ridiculous thought though. There definitely isn't much to do, but now that song from last time is now stuck in my head.

     I believe Y/n did promise to sing once more. Maybe she could teach me the lyrics so that I could say it to Aphmau. That might give her a change of heart. It was lovely. I hope everything turns out alright.

1053 words.

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