Chapter 52

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Y/n POV:

     I had been at the guard station for another two hours before going back over to Nicole's place and finishing our little project. It took almost all night, but we made 5 cannons. I left her house with them all as soon as dawn broke. "Thanks again Nicole, I'll repay you before you know it!" We both look exhausted as she was carrying a crooked grin and bags under her eyes. "Don't sweat it, repay me by scaring the crap out of someone with that thing!"

    We did a 'bro' handshake and I left. I went home and only got about an hour or two of sleep before being woken up by Brian. "Uuuaaaahhhhhggggg it's to early!" I glared down at him from my deck. "You should have gone to sleep earlier then. It's time for my shift and you asked to tag along." I threw something on and grabbed my pole before going down. I'll just have to be tired today.

    We went to gate, Brian on the right side and me on the left. I was sorta forced to wake up since the sun decided to come out today. We had been out here for at least 4 hours when people started to approach the gate. Damn it. The Chicken Shaman was at the gate with 5 of his people tagging along. "I DEMAND TO SPEAK WITH WHOMEVER IS STUPID ENOUGH TO RUN THIS VILLAGE AND PUT A GATE ON THESE SACRED GROUNDS!"

    Brian was on edge as I sighed. "He's no threat, just go get Aphmau." Brian nodded and ran off. I climbed down the ladder and stood on the other side of the gate. "Hi Castor. How has your people been?" He glared at me wearing that weird orange bandanna. "I do not know you. How do you know of me and my people? Have the trees been talking again?!" This was entertaining to I nodded with much enthusiasm.

    "Yes they have! They tell of the great Chickan Shaman and the terrible chicken house builder!" He gasped and was about to reply when Brian came back with Aphmau. She immediately wished she hadn't come. "Oh my Lady Irene, not this guy." Castor saw Aph and came closer to the gate. "You! You are that terrible chicken house builder. Bring me your leader!"

    "I never thought I was gonna be upset to be the Lord of this village, but right now I actually am. I'm upset. Because of you. ButIamtheLordofthisvillage." Castor was extremely surprised. "You?? B-but you are a terrible chicken house builder! How--how can one be leading people if they cannot build proper houses???" Aphmau got irritated and just asked him what he was doing here.

    "This gate came out of no where, and it is in the very spot where my people have put annual egg pooping ceremony!" I raised my hand in the back. "Don't you mean egg laying?" I had a stupid smirk on my face since this guy was hilarious. "Quiet tree talking woman with a stick! I demand this gate be taken down or I will come back next year to complain!" Aphmau just stood there looking at him for a second.

    "Uhhhh, o...kay..." Castor took a double take. "Oh ho ho ho!! Now you have brought upon the wrath of the Chicken Shaman! Now, remove that gate!" Aphmau tried to compromise by providing a new spot since she definitely didn't want to let him in. He wasn't taking it, "Unacceptable! We will be back next year to complain  for 5. Whole. Minutes!" Aph glanced back at me then back at the Chicken Shaman. "Okay...."

     He pointed at her before talking to his people. "Ah! See how she trembles in fear? You're Chicken Shaman has redeemed your people. Now, lets go back to our egg pooping ceremony spot. Goodbye terrible chicken house builder and goodbye tree talking woman with a stick!" And with that he was gone. What a lovely way to start the morning. At least for me that is, I don't know about Aphmau though.

     She had to take a second and thank me for helping with the gates since they kept him out. Brian said he would introduce her to everyone before letting them in the gate, so that someone weird like Castor doesn't get in. Aphmau had left and I was about to go back up the ladder. "Y/n, your time with me is up now. You can go to another guard or take a break and come back." I thanked Brian for letting me help out and went off to go find Corey.

    We had made a new shrine for Lady Irene, but the statue itself hadn't been moved yet. They were planning on moving it today. We hade made an entire walkway up the hill since it was to hard to climb originally. Aphmau was going down to Emmalyn as I went up. Molly, Brendon & Donna were also up there waiting for Emm to do her stuff. We waited for a while and the sun was setting, but white and purple particles started swarming and forming over the shrine. A gleam of light came through the air and the statue appeared in front of us. It was so pretty to watch happen.

   Molly was crying from happiness while Brendon, Corey & I were jumping about and cheering. Aphmau was jogging up the hill and joined in our celebrating. Aph congratulated the builders before going back down the hill I looked at the statue one more time before leaving myself back towards the gate. Laurence and Dante were there with their weapons out. I got concerned and reloaded my gun before stringing over, staff in hand.

    On the other side of the gate stool the Lord of Scaleswind, the High Priest Zane and both of their guards. Brian was running back with Aphmau. He too was armed. She took one look at Zane before ordering us all to take stance. He only laughed before the Lord of Scaleswind spoke. "Where is my daughter?!" Aphmau was confused. "What? Y-your daughter?" That only made the guy more angry.

   "Bring my daughter Nicole Fonronsent to me at once!!" He was livid. Aphmau still was confused but upset. "What? Wait, N-Nicole? No, it can't be..." Oliver came from behind them. "This man here says he's seen my daughter as of yesterday in your village! Bring her to these gates, NOW!" Aphmau calmed herself down. "I know exactly where she is. Just, yeah." Aphmau booked it towards Nicole's house while we all stayed here.

    'Fucking Garroth being of no help.' Everyone was tense, I didn't bother looking at there faces. Being the only girl over here it could be shown as weakness and I don't feel like dealing with that shit. It took Aphmau way to long to come back, but when she did she didn't have Nicole. "Look, I am so sorry but I-I can't seem to find Nicole." For as old at he looked, they guy sure could tell. "WHAT?!"

"She is here in this village, I swear to you. But it's just, I can't seem to find her right now. She's not in her house and--" Zane cut her off, whispering to the Lord. "She's lying~"
I hit the gate with my pole. "Shut the fuck up Zane! You're the one who's lying!!" His damn mouth was pissing me off. "My daughter has been gone for 2 months! She is here and you cannot find her?! I don't know what kind of a shotty town you are running here, but you be the lord for much longer. You have 5 days to bring her to me. Or I will rip down your gates, burn your village and FIND HER MYSELF!!!"

The Lord stormed off with his guards right behind him. Zane stayed and waited until he left to say something. "Hahaha, wow. What a shame. Who could ever have seen this coming?" Me, asshole. Aphmau was pissed as he spoke. "Zane. YOU did this! Where is Nicole?!" Zane held a hand against his heart. "That is quite the accusation you have against me without any proof. It's quite the situation you got your little village into. I could talk to the Lord of Scaleswind and clear up this little misunderstanding and make this all go away. But I'm gonna need you to give me those two amulets back."

"You cursed my people with those amulets! I don't know why you want them, but I am not giving them back to you!" Zane began to laugh again. "You are a funny woman. You would risk the safety of you own people over those trinkets? The people you are sworn to protect, you would risk their life's over two pieces of jewelry? You could just give them to me and spare them." Aphmau stood her ground with a deadly glint in her eyes.

"I will not give them to you." Zane shrugged and turned to walk away. "So be it. My offer still stands." With that we walked away cackling. Aphmau turned to Laurence. "This is bad..... This is really bad." There literally isn't anything good about this situation. "Laurence. The amulet, where is it?!" Laurence pulled it out of his pocket. Aphmau calmed down slightly. "Good, we have to hide it. I don't know where but before that, be have to set out search parties to find Nicole."

We all agreed and got to it.

No one POV:

It was the middle of the night and Lilian game out of the guard station. She crept behind it, making sure no one was following her. Looking at her surroundings beforehand, Lillian pulled out a communication amulet and began whispering into it. Before long her disguise warped into the cloaked stranger with the white mask from before. They let out laughs into the night.

1653 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu