Chapter 46

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Dante POV:

    Y/n had recently picked up an interest in guard training. She isn't from nor born here, so it would be extremely difficult to get in and out of  an academy without being questioned. So she has been bugging each of the guards for the rules, regulations & basics. It's actually been sorta fun to teach her, as fun as doing something with Y/n would get. So of course we've made 173 more nicknames and got into 2 more fights.

     I've been set out to find a lost merchant outside the gate.  He's come from Mateli and somehow lost the path. "How the hell do you lose a path this big?!" Y/n was complaining about the logic this guy has as we walked. It wasn't my idea for her to come with me, but I didn't say no either. She's been carrying this pole around with her for the past day and a half. It wasn't a random pipe, and it looked more like a staff than anything.

     "We just passed the same tree for the 4th time!" My eye twitched from annoyance at her annoyance. "How do you know it's the same one?" She didn't say anything, just looked at me like I was stupid before pointing to it with her pipe. Carved into the tree was 'Y/n was here ||| times'. She just added another line next to the 3rd one. "Admit it, now we're lost too." I turned around and glared at her. "No we aren't. Like you said, it's a big ass trail. I'm just looking for the guy."

    She crossed her arms with a loud sigh. "What's his name so we can make this a lot easier?" I tended for a second before continuing to walk like nothing happened. "...You're dumbass doesn't know it." Y/n bursted out in a fit of laughter as I glared at her once more. "Shut up! I never asked for his name!" She was smirking while still looking around for the guy. "Oh, and that was such a wonderful decision now wasn't it?"

    I pointed my finger at her. "Like you could've done better!" Y/n did it right back. "I sure could've!" Our little bickering started back up when it started raining. "Aw great, your lucky I couldn't(no electricity) and didn't straighten my hair asswhipe!" I didn't know half of what Y/n was even talking about. "The Nether you mean I'm lucky?! I don't control the damn weather!"

    "Well you sure act like you eat thunder and crap lightning, Mr. Know-It-All!"

    "Who said I know it all you monkeyface-mud muncher?!"

    "You always act like it you Muzak-warbling wimp!"

    "You're such a sewage-swinging slime ball!"

    "I know you are but what am I?"

    "Barf-encrusted jumbo jerk!"

    "I know you are but what am I?!" It had stopped raining now, and it was clear that another fight was gonna start up before the both of us fell out on the floor laughing. Is this how siblings act? Gene never did this with--oh, great. Now I'm thinking about Gene again. The moment wasn't as funny anymore and I slowly stopped smiling. Y/n noticed and shooed me off into some trees. "Huh? Wha--"

    "Go talk to yourself on the amulet thingy. I'll keep looking for the merchant guy." I had forgotten that Y/n knows more than she lets on. "A-alright.....thanks." She brushed it off and turned around, walking away. "Don't mention it."

Y/n POV:

     I felt slightly guilty for telling Dante to go like that. Aphmau is gonna see him talking to the amulet and think for a while that Dante is a spy or something. I know he isn't and should tell her, but I want the story to play out. When they go to the Irene dimension I could go with them and since it'll only be 15 minutes, there will be a loophole in Amarion's deal. I don't think he'll mind though.

    But this damn merchant. I can't find him anywhere! He isn't calling out for help, and I don't know the guy's name so it's a double negative(which should make it positive but--). I had been looking for another 10 minutes before I saw Aphmau on the trail WITH the merchant. I sighed and rubbed my temple before just going back to the gate. Brendon was currently working on a bridge that couple villagers and I started on. It's looks gorgeous so far.

    I keep talking about the gate like its finished. That's what the merchant is here for, to sell supplies. One half is done, along with the actual guard towers that are all over. Then Mateli is a good 20 minute walk that there. Nicole had been gone all day and I had been meaning to talk to her. She was helping me with the construction of a firework cannon. I don't know why, but I need one in my life. The blueprints were set and the prototype had been made, we just need a final and then something to test it on. Maybe Roxy might comply(maybe not). It be something to think about for the rest of the day.

    Kiki's been asleep all day and I'm kinda worried about her. I know this is supposed to happen, but I don't know if she's eaten anything today or not. Aphmau had given me some rainbow curry when she came back yesterday, it might do Kiki some good if she has it instead of me. I walked in, and the barn was loud as always. I don't understand how she can even get a nap in with all this noise. I made myself known in case she actually was awake before heading up the ladder.

As I thought, Kiki was laying upright. Almost as if she were in a coffin. The pendent was above her head in a glass case, glowing. There was a chair in the corner so I decided to sit in it. Someone might as well keep an I on her.

1018 words.

    Know that things are about to get DRAMATIC. The next chapter is based off of episode 89. So, it's getting livid.

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