Chapter 28

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Laurence' POV:

     Aphmau explained everything that happened on the way back to Lucinda's house. Everything she told us was very concerning, but what was also concerning was how quiet Y/n was being. It could have easily been that she was frightening and exhausted. Except for the fact that the rims of her eyes were red, and Y/n had done something on that phone of hers before sighing heavily and putting it away.

    Once we reached the tents, Aphmau leaped off of her horse and sprinted inside of Lucinda's home. Y/n had slowly gotten off of hers, petting it, before turning a heal and striding off somewhere. Dante and I had made eye contact, where he simply shrugged in response. I gestured that I would follow her, making sure Garroth didn't see. Dante nodded then went to do......something? I don't know.

    Y/n had walked behind Lucinda's house, somewhere where we didn't set anything up at. I didn't see her anywhere but as I continued on.,, there was low whispering coming from the left. "Amarion?.......Amarion where are you?........I want to ask you about somethi--" I tripped over a squirrel that ran past, making me fall to the ground with a thump. Y/n was already towering over me, by the time I recollected myself off the floor. A hand was placed on one of her hips while the other hung loosely.

    "I know you're a guard and all, but I definitely don't need any protection, Weirdo." I glanced at the area around us before returning my attention to Y/n. "Who was it you were trying to talk to?" I noticed that her ears had moved slightly, while her face stayed the same expression. I guess that's some sort of reaction. Y/n waved me off with her hand. "My imaginary friend. He's very annoying at times and likes to wonder off."

    She then walked past me and sat down on the floor, beginning to slowly run a hand through her hair. I'll admit; the very jester made a lump form in my throat and caused my mind to wander, wondering what it might feel like. I quickly snapped out of it, being skeptical of her answer from before. A sly smile made it's way onto my face, as I thought of a way to change the subject. "You know, you look very beautiful in that dress I might say. Sort of revealing too."

   Y/n let out an annoyed laugh before motioning me to sit. "Ha ha, still the charmer I see. I'm not that much a fan of dresses per say. I'd chose joggers over anything, if given the choice." I only smiled at her while sitting down. "Well I'm sure you'd still be beautiful no matter what you wear." She gave an eye roll before replying. "Save the compliments for Aphmau." My features furrowed into a frown that Y/n couldn't see. I had forgotten about her thinking that I was still in love with Aphmau.

    I looking off into the forest, that was on her opposing side. "You know........I personally find you attractive." She lightly snorted to herself. "Nice to know that my looks don't kill, in a bad way that is." I heaved a breath, feeling more flustered than I should in this sort of situation. "No I mean......both your physical and your personality..........I find it attractive and intriguing." I could tell that Y/n was at least looking in my direction, if not AT me from the low shuffling coming from behind.

    ".........And what is that supposed to mean.......?" Y/n's voice didn't exactly sound that ecstatic while asking. Cadenza told me it would do some good to at least tell her before Garroth did. At least giving me a better chance at acceptance. "Intriguing as in, I enjoy learning knew things about your persona and what you might do depending on your mood. And attractive as in, you're definitely not a sight for sore eyes, nor are you a bad person in general."

    I heard her suck in some air, and could practically FEEL the conflict radiating off of her. ".....An-and.....what d-does that mean...?" I held a completely serious expression and turned back to face her. Y/n was staring back at me, seeming almost frightened with glossy eyes. I almost regret even saying anything. Almost, that is.

    "It means I like you. That I like everything about you. I still may not know much, but....I want to. And I want you to know that whatever things you don't like about yourself, I still will. That I'm scared of losing you, but I'm willing to risk you not liking to be around me just to tell you this. I'm not wishing for you to jump in my arms and say you love me," I let out a chuckle as a tear stream trickled from her eye. "I just hope that you acknowledge the fact that I am interested in you, Y/n. is up to you whatever you do with this information."

    Y/n couldn't look me in the eye anymore. She was hugging her knees with every emotion except happiness displayed across his features. "Th-this, this is.... uh, a lot to think about. First of all, the storyline for pretty fucked up, everything is gonna take a 180 spin. Aha, I now no longer know what's gonna happen; so that's scary to think off. An-and what about Aphmau? I actually shipped you guys you know, and I'm sort of feeling like you're making me a rebound here, haha! On top of that--"

     I didn't kiss her, if that's what you're thinking. I simply cut her off by cupping her face. Y/n was very much surprised by the jester, enough to flinch super hard once we made contact. I'm not gonna lie; both my pride and my heart have gotten stabbed in the last 3 minutes. I turned Y/n's face back to look me in the eye. Hers were completely red and puffy, something I had yet to see and it hurt.

     "...You're not a rebound. Yes, I do love Aphmau. But it is not the same emotions that I have developed towards you. She will be the one to have saved me from the Nether, but you forever be the one to keep me from it." I had been subconsciously bringing her face closer to mine, and had only realized it when Y/n pulled away. Standing up in the process. "Uh, my mind is kind of in shambles right now, Weirdo. I don't know how to feel about this. It would do me a world of good, if you'd go explain the thing with Lord Burt to Aphmau."

   Y/n turned her whole body around to face the opposite direction, while hugging her arms against her sides. ".....Yes. I can respect that...And one more thing....What was it you were trying to ask that imaginary friend of yours?" She let out a low, half hearted laugh. "It doesn't even need answered now." She then signaled me off to go once more. I quietly made my way back to the front of the house frustrated, agitated, irritated and flustered with myself for everything.

    As soon as I did come back though, Aphmau bombarded me with questions. "What were you doing? Did you do it? I hope you did it! What did she say? What did she do? How'd it go? What did you say? What's gonna happe--" I covered her mouth with my hand, ceasing the noise. Taking glance behind her, Garroth was standing right there. He was looking at us and I could tell he knew exactly what I did. A low sense of guilt crept up my spine.

I turned away from our silence stare down with a sigh. ".......All I did was tell her that I was interested....but she didn't take it very well........."

1335 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن