Chapter 39

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Y/n's POV:

     Black space. Floating in black space one again. A simple nap and I was here. "Yo, Amarion!" I was 'sitting' with my arms and legs crossed. Last time I tried to find him, he wasn't anywhere there and was ignoring me. The white specks once again came, and he crystalized on the spot.

    "Sup?" It was a little hard to take him seriously with all the accessories. "What did you bring me here for now? Last time I was blatantly ignored, so I thought you were busy or something." He shook his head with his hands in his lap. "I told you before, the reason I even sent you here was because I was bored. And your universe is on hold, so there is even LESS to do."

    The air had a crisp feeling to it.  "Than what did you ignore me for?" Amarion started pulling dominos out of his pocket and lining them up in the air. Surprisingly, they stayed still like they were on a flat surface. "If you haven't noticed, I can't go into the realms. Not yours, nor this one. I can contact people, but it's a complicated process that you don't need to know about. Besides, Laurence was right there and that would have been bad on my part to 'show up'."

    I understand and replied with a nod. "Well what's up now? I'm not here for no reason." He snapped his fingers and pointed them at me like a fake gun. I wouldn't be surprised if he could actually shoot it though. "Observant I see, and yes there is a reason." Amarion grew a smirk across his face, the one a little brother would make when they are about to snitch on you.

     "I see you're getting real chummy with two dazzling dudes." I sighed out heavily with narrowed eyes. "You're insufferable aren't you? And no, it's not like that. Laurence is just ruining the plot for Aphmau."  Amarion laughed, still setting up those dominos. "Oh yeah, the plot has taken a nose dive. But don't act like you haven't been thinking about Garroth. You had some interesting thoughts yesterday."

    My ears started burning as my narrowed gaze turned into an irritated glare. "You're mistaken, and that from yesterday was a mistake also. Laurence will get over his crush, and get over that embarrassment." He shook his head without looking up at me. "You're being oblivious. Look, all I will say is that you being here has clearly altered either a lot or a little. But the thinks you have been saying to people and the relationships you have,"

     Amarion let go of the first domino. It rolled into the other ones, as they split into three paths. One out of the three didn't move while the other two kept rolling. They ended and hit a bigger domino, causing it to fall on the floor. The other trail that didn't move, leaded to a different bigger domino and none of them fell over. "Have and will affect a different outcome."

    I was now suspicious and slightly concerned. "What will be affected." Amarion shrugged and put them back in his pocket. "Who knows. Maybe Kawaii~chan will lose an ear, or Aaron won't meet Aphmau. Maybe Zane gets the relic or everyone dies, I can't tell you." And just like the child he looked like, Amarion was being stubborn and waved his wrist at me. My eyelids started closing on their own.

"Don't think too hard on it."


      I woke up in the guard tower, where I had previously fell asleep in. I sighed and sat up, rubbing one of my eyes. "Dang, and it was finally quiet." Said Dante as he paced around the large glass-less windows. I rolled me eyes before standing up. "I couldn't sleep with the sound of all that hot breath in my ears." I stood and looked out over the docks and water. Dante was on the other side looking at the villagers.

    "Then stop breathing through your mouth." He replied. I hummed in sarcastic acknowledgement. My eyes lazily scanned to the right, before I stood on alert at the approaching ship. Approaching O'kasis ship. Garroth and Laurence had just made there way up the ladder. "Guys! We have unexpected visitors!" They immediately stopped their small chattering and  ran up to my ledge.

    "O'kasis! Garroth, do you know anything about this?" Laurence had his eyebrows furrowed in an almost panicked and angry manner. Garroth shook his head with his tone just as serious. "No I do not. This could be bad. When they arrive, we must see them at the docks. If they are a threat of any kind, Laurence you must get Lord Aphmau!" Laurence then nodded as we all made out way down the ladder.

It took them about 15 minutes before we could see the people on the ship from the docks. My eyes had widened slightly from the familiar face. "Katelyn..." I said under my breath, yet catching the attention of all three of them. "Do you know one of them?" Asked Dante. "Jury of Nine, K--" Laurence booked it up to Aphmau's house before I could finish. "--atelyn the Fire Fist."

The two of them seemed more alerted. Their ship had docked close by, but not directly at the docks. Katelyn and two guards made their way down and over to us. Don't get me wrong, Katelyn was one of the most relatable characters. But, if I say or do the wrong think, things can take a turn for the worst. For everyone.

Garroth had ordered them to stop, as she asked to see "our lord". Her attention was turned to me, as I was a few steps behind the Dante and Garroth. Katelyn asked if I were the one she was looking for. I replied with a respectfully cautious 'no'. "I'm simply well acquainted with this village, while I don't live here." She nodded in acknowledgment, with the same ghost smile expression.

Her eyes felt like she was trying to read me, and it made a shiver go down my spine. As Katelyn took a step forward, Garroth told her to stop again. She began glaring at him. "I seek audience with your lord, not her head guard." He and Dante had their weapons still out, as Laurence joined next to them. "Before you speak with her you address me. "Just because you are the son of the lord of O'kasis, does not mean I would hesitate to pull that tongue from your--"

Aphmau came right up. "Hey, hey! That is completely uncalled for!" Katelyn apologized for the fact that "A young lady such as yourself should not have heard that." I felt slightly agitated. 'Oh, so I guess I'm a guy now.' I stopped listening to their conversation, and instead looked upon everyone's facial expressions. Clearly neither sides trusted the other.

This is gonna be rough.

1160 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now