Chapter 18

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Aphmau POV:

    Everyone has there problems. I guess Y/n's was family also. Even though she hid it well, there was pain in Y/n's eyes while talking about it. "If I have any family, I don't know them. I can't remember anything before when I first arrived at Phoenix drop." The conversation was then left at that. Before long, the rain started letting up. "By the way Y/n, had you ever had a crush on anyone in the village?" Y/n had started laughing to herself.

    "In fact I actually did. Don't laugh at me though, it's been a while since I gave up on that stupid crush." I gave Y/n an amused look, while leaning closer in a continue manner. Y/n started playing with one of her braids. "Don't tell anyone Aphmau, since I no longer feel this way about them." My ears perked up some more at the mention of them, meaning multiple people.

    Y/n saw the look on my face, and sighed heavily. "....It was Garroth.........and Laurence." I started twirling around in a circle. "Oohhh~ love triangle!" Y/n covered her face with her hands. "Aphmau, you more than likely are gonna have a love octagon." I don't even think that can exist. Well this only proved that one of the two couples might work out, since Y/n had liked the both of them once upon a time.

We both walked out of the cave once all the rain was gone. Kiva was waiting outside Kiki's hut for us. "Aphmau, I had examined the pendent, and found something out about it. It is not me who could explain it to you though. Keira would like you to come to her, so that she may explain it properly." I agreed without any trouble.

Y/n and I then made our way to Khira and Bodolf. Once over there, Khira immediately started to explain exactly what happened. Not only was Kiki's sickness caused by the pendent, but now it is housing the egg of a child. A child from both Kiki, and Zane. Khira was just wondering if he wanted to take Kiki's magics or have the sealed inside of the future.

"Wait, Kiki had magics?!" Khira nodded her head. "Kiki has.. Kiki has.. Kiki has always had magics. But unlike others, Kiki's is passive. This making her able to talk and understand animals. Passive magics users, aren't always able to detect that they possess an amount of power. I even sense some off of your new found friend."

Y/n clearly didn't believe Khira based on the look off her face, but was trying to be respectful. "You can.. you can.. you can deny what you will, but I know what I see. The decision of what to do with the pendent is up to you, Aphmau.  Just know what Kiki would gladly raise this child as her own, like she did many other wolf pups." The two of us were then let out to leave.

    We both decided to help raise the defenses in the tribe, since there were no other werewolves around to do it. Placing cobblestone walls around the area of the elder house, for a start. It gave me an idea for the defenses in Phoenix drop, and how low they are. I noticed two people down the hill. Neither of them, people I recognized.

     Upon closer inspection, one of them ended up being Donna along with a blue eyed and haired man. She was calling out for help, as the man kept reminding her that they could get caught and to keep her voice down. Me and Y/n ran up, taking them into one of the huts, inside the wolf tribe village.

    I had Donna explain what happened. She told us about Logan questioning his humanity after turning one night on the honeymoon. They decided to learn more about him and wolf culture, having a truly splendid honeymoon. But when going to talk to a wolf village with different wolves than Logan, were taken hostage. The blue haired man named Dante had helped them survive. After that, Donna began to rant about them keeping Logan and letting them go only because he was HALF human.

Y/n POV:

Dante. He seriously fucks himself over in the future. And right now, he was planning on going back for Logan alone. When Aphmau proposed to go with him, he denied. "I mean no disrespect, but I'm not used to working with anyone else. Especially a lord and I haven't even found my own village yet. This is a lot of pressure."

I raised a hand, "Don't worry about Aphmau. I'd be making sure she is alright." I continued on when Aphmau turned back around to me, since I knew that she would only tell me to stay with Donna. "I told Garroth that I'd act as your guard since he wouldn't be here to do it." Aphmau eventually complied and turned back around continuing the conversation with Dante.

     As the both of us, walked out of the hut, Nicole came up in a panic talking about other wolves outside. As soon as we came over, they turned around and walked off. "....that's the direction we'll go tomorrow then." Aphmau said with a determined look on her face. I agreed and then calmed down Nicole.We decided to rest for today on that note.

     The next morning, I left Aphmau to deal with Kiki and the pendent. I whipped up some tea to cool off Donna, with the green tea leaves I collected. She thanked me, before slowly drinking it. The silence leaving me to question if Donna was secretly judging me for what I was wearing.

    My thoughts being interrupted by Aphmau. She came in to check on Donna, and tell me that it's time to go. Nicole said that she would watch over the wolf tribe while we went to the Eastern tribe. After that, we made our way over to Dante. Aphmau was sent on a dummy mission to saddle up some horses, so I stayed behind to watch. Dante handed me some armor to put on before continuing to sharpened hit weapons.

     Before we left, I had took a diamond sword from the guard house. I'm sure they won't mind, because I'm bringing it back. So now, I have a gun, a sword and a taser. Nice combination if I do say so myself. "Yes! The horsy song works!" Aphmau exclaimed from below. I looked at her again to see three horses now tamed, and being pulled over to us.

    Aphmau decorated hers in gold horse armor, as Dante was having a hard time saddling up the horse. I simply patted mine, while humming a random tune to let them trust me. After Dante took an hour and a half, we finally were on our way to the Eastern tribe. Along the way, Aphmau asked to stop in front of a doorway inside of a hill.

    I narrowed my eyes, as foul memories of Zenix came back. 'Traitorous clod.' Dante had unsattled his horse, and began setting up a tent. "It's getting dark. We should camp here for the night." I agreed and began crafting a fire. Aphmau came out soon after that, with a whole lot of string. "What you find in there?" I asked being curious. "Spiderwebs."

1215 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora