Chapter 54

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Y/n POV:

I woke up early the next morning already feeling stressed. And people say I get more attached to fictional characters than real people. It was sort of habit by now to put the jacket over the rest of my outfit, no matter what it was. The first thing I chose to do was go see Malachi. Aphmau and Laurence had left to go talk to the villagers before coming back almost an hour later. I stayed up in Levin's room with Lucinda and Bigglsworth.

Malachi was still asleep and he hadn't moved not once since being like this. Lucinda had been extremely frustrated was currently calm after taking a break. I knew those two were in the basement discussing the amulet, and I was about to go down there as well when the floor began to shake the like crazy. A booming noise went throughout the room for only about 3 seconds but it was enough to make me cover my ears.

It stopped as soon as it started and I was left smiling over Malachi's bed. He was sitting upright with a caramel skin tone, chocolate brown hair and greens eyes. Malachi was no longer a ghost but a human child. Everyone came sprinting into the room. He was utterly confused about it all. "W-w-w-what's happening?" Lucinda was looking him over being frantic. "This is... this is IMPOSSIBLE! HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?!"

Laurence joined in being curious. "So... he's a human? He's alive?!" Zoey talked in a low voice taking it all in. ".....I can't believe this!" Lucinda was now questioning Zoey. "How could this have possibly happened?!" She herself seem unsure. "....The only thing I can think off is that.. you see, when a fairy or elf dies in the Yggdrasil forest the trees feed off of their remains. The tree of the saplings Malachi used... it must have absorbed someone and taken their life force..."

"Wait...." Laurence was have an inner crisis. "Trees EAT people there?!?" Him and Aphmau were so lost on everything. "Only if you die in the forest will nature then run its course... your flesh and bones will return to the earth. That's something the high counsel would say... Though I've never seen anyone die in the forest myself." Lucinda came back in again.

"That's... very poetic. NONETHELESS, MALACHI! HE'S HUMAN AGAIN!! That means that... I want to understand this... DO YOU REALIZE THE POTENTIAL BEHIND THIS?! WE COULD POTENTIALLY HEAL SOULS AND BRING THEM BACK TO LIFE GIVING HUMANS IMMORTALITY!" Zoey asked her not to dwell on things like that, since the forest is sacred for a reason. Lucinda apologized and Zoey chose to have a talk with her elsewhere.

Me and Laurence decided to give Aphmau time with both Levin and Malachi. "Wow, the little guys got a blessing." Laurence made conversation as we walked down to the basement. "Sure does, lord knows he needed it by now." I sat at the table and picked up a pear while he continued to pace around the room. It wasn't long before Aphmau came down the stairs. "Lord Aphmau, you mentioned something about hiding the amulet?"

She nodded and felt her temple. "Yes that was what I though originally. But... now," she's gonna tell Laurence to take it. "I want Y/n to be the keeper." What?!? I shook my head opposing the idea. "No, you are supposed to give it to Laurence." Aphmau turned in my direction. "And what happens when I give it to Laurence?" That made me stop and turn away. The outcome of giving it to Laurence wasn't a good one. "....It gets taken."

"Exactly, so I know it would be in safer hands with you." Laurence agreed with Aphmau's reasoning and handed me the amulet. I felt super uneasy but stored in away(in my minecraft inventory) safety. "Alright. Thank you for trusting me with it. I will proudly protect it since I am still not a villager here." I gave Aphmau an army salute. "I've been wondering why you refer to yourself as that. Of course you are apart of Phoenix Drop."

"That's a nice offer but I just feel that it's safer that way. Sooner or later, I'm gonna get myself into trouble and it would be easier and safer not to get the whole village involved with my mess." I shrugged and we changed the topic of discussion to the Phoenix Alliance. "Y-you're right! If we must face war... we NEED our allies. Then... we need to have a meeting with everyone who is available. Come on."


All the guards(myself included) along with Aphmau gathered in the Guard Station. "Aphmau has issued a call to arms." Laurence got straight to the point. "What? When did she do this?" Garroth was confused and was facing the opposite direction of we're Aphmau and I were standing. "Just now Garroth. Given our current situation we need to make the call now." He understood and went quiet again.

"Laurence, shouldn't Garroth be holding this meeting?" Dante asked a question. "Garroth? Do you wish to speak?" Laurence directed to talking away from himself. "No. You have been active over the last couple of days more than I have. Use this as an opportunity to bring me up to date." Laurence nodded and continued. "Are you aware of what's going on with O'khasis?" I shifted on my feet. "It's been the talk of the town. Of course I know."

"...I thought you would be more.." Garroth most definitely carried a more aggressive and defensive tone. "More what?" Laurence was definitely suspicious but this wasn't the time for that. "....Nothing. You've been sick." Aphmau asked if he was still sick to which he didn't respond. The fact that he was ignoring her again irritated me. Dante took the attention off Garroth again. "So a call to arms of the Phoenix Alliance... you realize that will take some of them a few days to get here."

"Hense why we need to send out the messengers now." Garroth asked another question. "Who do we send?" I wanted to be apart of the conversation instead of just standing here. "For the wolf tribe, our best bet would be to send Logan. Lucinda could go to Pikaro if she wasn't busy. Raven could be able to go to Bright Port and Cadenza could be sent out by boat to Mateli?" It was pretty sound safe considering those people's relationships to said villages.

My plan was agreed upon as Brian suggested us as guards leaving to go deliver the messages ourselves. "We need every guard at arms here in case there is an attack." Laurence brought some logic down on Brian's question. "I agree." Garroth finally wanted to be of some help here. "Then it is settled. We'll head to our respective messenger and tell them of their task. This meeting is dismissed." Garroth was quick to get out of the room and I followed after him.

"Blondie, yo!" He halted his steps and turned around. "What do you want Lady Y/n?" I definitely heard the attitude in his voice. "I had been taking over your patrols while you were sick. I wanted to know if you were well enough to take them back or if I still had a job for the next few days?" I gave a half smile to mask over the growing tick his sass has been causing. "I am feeling better thanks to Lilian. She was very helpful in getting me over my pain."

There is a difference between pain and sickness. "Alright." I sighed and put my hands into my pockets. "Well, at least you missed most of the bad stuff that happened. It's actually been pretty terrible with all the hubbub." I could actually feel the knots in my back from all the tension. "I'm sure at least some of the things you tended to wasn't so terrible..." there was serious sarcastic laced through his voice. It took me by surprise since Garroth had said that to Aphmau.

"What are you talking about? If you mean the situation with Malachi, then yeah that was pretty cool. But that just happened today so it doesn't count." I had an eyebrow raised and something nagging at the back of my head. "I'm sorry. It's just.... I need to contact Raven....I'll talk to you later m'lady." Garroth quickly turned and fast walked away. I didn't know what to think of it all.

'Did he actually-- No....that's stupid. Garroth most definitely is in love with Aphmau.'

1435 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now