Chapter 38

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Aphmau POV:

Yesterday, Lucinda moved in and got into that long going 'fight' with Kawaii~chan. Today I was planning on spending the day with Levin and Malachi. I wanted to make them a treehouse that they could play in, other than the play ground right outside. I'm not very experienced with building tree houses, but if it gets too complicated I could ask for help.

Zoey had been so kind as to give me one of her sacred tree saplings to use for the treehouse and even gave a suggestion for its location, based off of what Levin said in a previous conversation. It was gonna be built over-looking the ocean, but safe enough so that they wouldn't fall. I had thanked Zoey and went on my way outside to tell the boys the plan.

They were super excited as we went looking for a destination. A pretty place to put it ended up being near Flipper, in the lagoon like area on the right side of our house. Zoey's instructions on how to plant the sapling were pretty simple. Place it, the surround it with water. As soon as I placed the last of the water down, the ground shook slightly as I had Levin and Malachi back away.

The tree sprang out of the ground in a few moments, going at least 150 feet in the air. It was wide spread and casted a large shadow over the area. The boys started bouncing and squealing, before running off to go 'get supplies' even though I already had some. As they left, someone else started yelling. I turned around and Y/n was jumping up and down with a huge grin on her face.

"I didn't know it was that episode already!! Yes, I love everything! My ship, my ship!!" I was confused and slightly concerned, since by know I know that Y/n ships me and Garroth together. I do the same with them, so I can't really say anything. At least there is an architecture around now to help me with the building. "Y/n, good morning! Would you mind giving me a hand with this?"

She was basically bursting with energy as the air was super light. "Would I ever!!! Come on, let's start already!" Y/n picked up one of the axes off the floor and began to make a path into the tree. The inside was already hollowed out, which made things a lot easier. Within 3 hours, the two of us made a safe staircase going to the top of the tree. As I finished a steady walkway for the kids to play on, Y/n kept glancing over to the sunset, then the ground, then at me with a grin on her face.

It may have creeped me out just a little bit. The two of us then started setting up a fence border. We were working on the outside of it, as I placed the last stents up after going back on the inside. "Aw geez Aphmau." Y/n was still out of it, standing on the edge. Her face was a little annoyed, as she started trying to take out a plank since she couldn't climb over it. "Oops, sorry."

Y/n waved me off until we both heard Garroth. "Lord Aphmau?" Y/n's eyes went wide as she looked down at him then back at me. "Aphmau you have to come back over--" the plank she was taking out, made Y/n jerk backwards as it was yanked out of the floor and she fell back. "Aw fuck!!"

No one's POV:

Aphmau gasped and reached forward, narrowly missing Y/n's hand. The (h/c)nette/blonde started falling down. No longer irked that she had 'switched' spots with the lord, but now blankly staring at said person's shrinking figure. "Y/N!!" They shouted in horror, before she too finally registered everything and yelled out.

A knight's fast footsteps were below, as Garroth caught Y/n right before she hit the ground. Time slowed for the both of them. Her mind was in a panicked frenzy while his had a rushing sense of both relief, and fluttery. Y/n's hair was now had many loose strands sticking out and a far off look in her eyes, as she stared at the head guard. Garroth on the other hand, slowly processed the situation and their position.

He had originally caught her with both his arms under her body. Now one had been placed above and rapped around Y/n's lower back. Keeping him from dropping her, but also looking like a heavy dip. A creeping blush bloomed throughout the boy's face. His helmet covering the lot of it, as he swiftly set Y/n back on her own two feet.

     "L-l-lady Y/n, are you ok?! What were you doing up there? Where did this tree come from?" Y/n was regulating her breaths while fixing her hair a little. "....." She didn't answer his question and only stood there. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she looked back up at the tree from where she fell. "DAMN IT!"

    Aphmau had raced out of the tree to the two of them, and began check Y/n for any wounds. "Irene, Y/n are you alright?!" The young adult sighed slightly, covering over the fact that she was super relieved she wasn't injured. "No, you were the one that was supposed to fall!" Aphmau took a step back, surprised. Y/n was shaking her head looking at the ground.

    "You were the one that fell in the show, Garroth caught you, and it was the best scene in the series, cause you're my shiiiiiiip!" Y/n then began to pace back and forth, thinking of other moments that might happen with the two of them. But for a quick second, she herself switched spots with Aphmau subconsciously. Switching at the scene with Irene's Tree, where Garroth kissed Aphmau.

     She stopped walking with widened eyes, as her ears quickly started burning. Y/n then noticed the other two looking at her. She turned away, feeling highly embarrassed and guilty. "Ill uh, go find Levin and Malachi." Fast steps escaped the awkward feeling that she herself caused.

    When she was no longer in earshot, Aphmau turned back over to Garroth. "You got to tell her." He flinched and shook his head. "T-tell her what? I don't know wh--"

    "She still thinks you like me. Tell her. If not now, then later. Nether, it can even be a month from now. But don't keep her in the dark like this forever." Garroth felt a slight sting in his chest. Before he could reply to his lord, the woman of the hour and the two kids came running back. "Noo, Malachi won!" Levin said, laughing.

"Guys, guys! The treehouse is all set up now, y'all should go up and play!" The boys booked to the stairs with gleaming faces. Y/n then turned over to Aphmau. "What are you doing? Go watch your sons!" Aphmau waved at the two of them before going up also. It was only Y/n and Garroth still on ground level.

"....." Niether of them said anything, making everything worse.

Garroth then stumbled for a second, when Y/n randomly hugged him. It ended almost as soon as it started. "Uh yeah, thanks for not letting me die?" She was being sort of awkward wth her words and movements. Ears returning to a light pink color, that didn't go unnoticed by the runaway prince.

"You are forever welcome, Lady Y/n. It is not only my duty to keep the villagers safe, but also the 'non-villagers' too." Garroth replied with a slight nod of his head, towards the fact that Y/n always says that she isn't a part of Phoenix Drop."Hmm, well I'm about to go up with them. You're welcome to join if you wanted." And with that, she walked away.

Garroth stood for a few more seconds, looking at the spot where she once stood. A sigh left his mouth, before a small smile was placed. 'I'll be dead by the end of all this, won't I?' He followed after the two women and children, up to their play fortress.

1371 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now