Chapter 55

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No one POV:

Y/n's sleep had been interrupted by the masked man in purple. "Come with me, we have to wake your Lord up." She just sat there for a second still half sleep, staring at him. " the hell did you get in here?" He didn't respond and only jumped out of the treehouse. Y/n didn't bother changing clothes but grabbed her staff and got out as quickly and quietly as possible. The two then snuck into Lord Aphmau's house through her hallway window.

She was shooken awake by the man. "...Levin...did you need me to--" Aphmau sat up bolt fast from the intruders. "What are you--" before she was cut off. "Not a word... I need you to get out of bed and look outside your window. Now." She was confused but did as she was instructed. Lillian was sneaking about and heading towards the docks looking very sketchy. The guy spoke out to the two of them.

"She has been avoiding the guards all night and acting suspicious. We should follow her." Y/n was definitely on board with spying on someone and Aphmau wasn't too trusting of Lillian at the moment. They all snuck out the house as to not wake anyone else up and followed after Lillian. She had stopped at the docks in front of Lady Katelyn. Hiding up and behind some close by trees where they couldn't be seen, the three listened into the conversation.

"So...tell me Katelyn... what exactly have you been doing here this whole time?" Lillian asked in her own sweet tone. "I've been standing my guard just like I was commanded to do." Katelyn gave a blanket answer. "Hm, you are a woman of great power... Only difference is, I'm a woman of greater power." Lillian pulled out a scythe and held it against Katelyn's neck who she herself didn't react to.

"Katelyn... Zane mentioned to me that you failed to report that Nicole was here in Phoenix Drop... Tell me why is that..?" The sweetness only made her actions seem even more bitter. "I did not see her. My job was to check up on the Lord of Phoenix Drop. Nicole would have been a good way to win Zane's favor, so if I knew she was here... why would I pass an opportunity like that up?" Her reasoning made a lot of sense.

"Unflinching as ever Katelyn... You members of the Jury of Nine never fail to impress me." The scythe went a little bit deeper. "We don't need to impress a woman like you." Lillian gave a slight scowl. "Fine... I'll make sure that Zane knows that you've been wasting time here. Until then Phoenix Drop is under your patrol, my job here is done." Katelyn spoke once more, "Lillian...."

Katelyn was in no way, shape or form in any danger. She sliced through the air with her gauntlets and made a crater behind Lillian. Lillian who stool completely still out of slight terror. "Next time you threaten me, I won't miss." She laughed to herself. "Heh heh heh, duly noted." They both then left in separate ways. Katelyn going back to her ship and Lillian rushing up the stairwells.

The man then spoke up as they left each other. "We need to apprehend Lillian, let's move!" The three of them started searching separately all around the village. Every crack and corner was looked through for the woman. But with no luck they all came back together. Aphmau was pacing back and forth in front of her house. "We know one of the people that we have to keep and eye out for. Rest for now. I'll keep watch."

Y/n grumbled to herself, not really wanting to go back to her house alone but not having a choice. Aphmau had actually gotten an extra bed set up in her room in case it was this late again and Y/n needed somewhere to sleep The whole time Y/n walked to her house she had her pole at the ready. There was nothing out of the ordinary when she got back so Y/n went straight back to Aphmau's after taking and checking on the Amulet 3 more times.


Aphmau POV:

It's too early for me to wake up, but I have to. I just couldn't go back to sleep after what happened. Going down the stairs I was immediately greeted by Laurence. "Aphmau, you look terrible! Did you not sleep last night?" It was not exactly optional on weather or not to inform Laurence of what happened since it was so serious. But I ended up saying I had been tossing and turning.

    "If that's the case, then you need all the rest you can get. Come, you're taking a nap now." I told Laurence that he didn't have to baby me, but he wasn't having it. "I'm not babying you. You need to rest if you are to fight a war. I'm here to help you win. Now please.... march upstairs and get some rest." I sighed before turning around and closing my door. I looked over and saw Y/n sitting up in her bed. She looked just as exhausted as I felt.

    "It's no use. Laurence is blocking the stairs, we might as well just try to sleep again." She fell backwards onto the bed again as I laid in mine.


    "Ugh, I just want to open my eyes, get out of bed and pretend that none of the bad things ever happened. And that all the good things have stayed. Right? That's something you can do when you are sleeping, you can dream that things are different. And that--" Y/n cut my spoken thoughts off. "Are you done over there yet? You're bumming me out with all, that." I sighed and got out of bed once more.

    I didn't feel as tired anymore and Y/n actually looked a lot better then she did before. Laurence was still waiting by the staircase when we got down. "Y/n? Was this a sleepover that I wasn't invited too? In any case you look much better now that you are well rested. And I'm glad you woke up on your own, I feel that if I did it any sooner I would have been swiftly slapped. Haha." We laughed for a second with him before Y/n spoke.

    It wouldn't be the first time someone has done that." Laurence was no longer laughing but questioning her responses "? What are you talking about?" She probably could have been able to play it off but my mouth reacted faster than I could think about it. "Oh, uh we had another incident with "The Stranger". Laurence immediately exploded in anger.

    "W-WHAT?! DID HE DO SOMETHING TO YOU?!" Y/n shook her head and told him about Lillian and us looking for her last night. He stood there for a second. "...You're kidding me... YOU'RE SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME?! DANG IT!" I told him she got away. "I should have been there with you three. Maybe if I was then she wouldn't have gotten away... No. there is no time for that now. We don't have time for regrets. I'll put everyone on high alert in case she returns. In the meantime we need to have a few words with Lady Katel--"

    Dante barged in through the doors out of breath. "L-LAURENCE! Y/N! APHMAU! THERE IS SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY COMING FROM A BOAT ON THE HORIZON AT SEA! HURRY!" We all followed after Dante to the docks. I was actually worried for a second before I actually saw the boat. It was in the shape of a chicken with actual chickens on board. Castor came up from below the deck and was talking to the chickens before looking at us and making faces.

   I was done with him by now and just waited until their boat passed by. We lightly chattered about him as his boat went by until being interrupted by Katelyn who cleared her through. Laurence immediately started yelling. "KATELYN! I WANT YOU SND YOUR SHIP OUT OF PHOENIX DROP NOW!" She kept the same calm tone as she did the night before. "I wish to speak to you all in private. Please do not draw your weapons."

    Dante asked what would be stopping us from doing so. "If you strike me down now you will not win this war." I hesitated before saying anything but Laurence beat me to it again. "Is that a threat?!" He clearly just wanted her gone as soon as possible. Her voice finally changed to a more desperate one. "Please, I beg of you. I will not bring any of my guards. Just myself so please... hear me out. I am unarmed, see?"

    She held out both her hands in front of her. I didn't want to trust her, she is from O'khasis and I saw her last night talking to Lillian. Y/n spoke out, "She is in out territory. So we can detain her if we must, but I promise she won't be a threat unless we make ourselves one." Laurence growled under his breath. "....If she lays a finger on anyone I won't hesitate to slice her in half. Fine. I trust you but first, I'm going to head to the house before hand to have Zoey take the children to a safe place in the village. I will not risk their safety. "Dante, Garroth escort Katelyn, Y/n & Aphmau safety."

    Garroth didn't respond while Dante replied with, "On it Laurence!"

1604 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now