Chapter 3

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Garroth POV:

Lady Aphmau left me to deal with the intruder. As far as I can tell, she isn't especially dangerous but she knows our information without any prior meetings. I need to find her fast. Running in the direction she went in, faint giggles and squeals were coming from Kawaii~chan's house.

Looking through the window, both her and Y/n were bouncing around hugging. Brendon was just sitting in his chair confused. "Kawaii~chan doesn't know who you are, but Kawaii~chan is happy she met you!"

Y/n only laughed again, then hugged Brendon before running out and into Emmalyn's house. "AHH!!" I rushed inside, only to see the same thing as last time. Y/n hugging the life out of Emmalyn, who had no idea what was going on.

Y/n looked over to me, and you could basically see the stars as her whole face lit up. She took a step forward, and I took one back. "Irene save me." I booked it out of there with Y/n hot on my tail. "Garroooooth!" This gave me an unorthodox idea.

She followed me all the way to the guard house. I lead her into a cell, turning around and opening my arms out. She jumped right on me, giggling like a little kid. Officially the oddest thing I've ever done. She looked up at me straight in the eye(somehow through my helm), smiling softly.

"You deserved a lot better." 'What?' I didn't know what to think after that. She couldn't see my face, but it felt as if she could tell how I looked. Y/n laughed again closing her eyes, and hugged me once more. I slipped out of it, and sat her down on the cell bed. Then slowly started walking backwards so she wouldn't realize where we were.

Y/n finally noticed when I closed and locked the door. "H-hey!" She came up to the door, trying to open it. "Awww, I haven't said hi to everyone yet! Bring Zoey down here!" Her smile came back full force. We both just stared at each other in silence, before I broke it. "Who in the name of Irene are you?"

"In the name of Jesus I am Y/n L/n. And I'm glad I finally get to meet you Garroth Ro'meave." Without another word, I walked out. "Bye Garroth! See you later!" She was waving her hands around. 'Lady Aphmau, please get back soon.'

Y/n POV:

    Garroth left a few hours ago, but he sent Zoey down like I asked. I hugged her through the bars, and we talked about books and Levin until she had to leave. It was now night, and I had to remember what episode this was, to know what was gonna happen. I realized Aphmau had to be back by now, and they were definitely going to be questioning me.

The sound of a door, snapped me out of my thoughts, to see what I was doing. Filing away at the cell bars. Wow, the inner jail bird in me must have kicked in. I quickly hid the file, and tried to act casual laying across the floor. Aphmau then walked in.

She looked like she was about to say something, but stopped and glanced up at the bars. "Uh....ok. W-were you trying to escape?" I nodded slowly with a guilty smile. "Yeaaah, so I didn't realize I was doing that until a minute ago. But I promise that I wasn't going to hurt anyone!" Aph cleared her throat. "But we did not know that."

I started doing jazz hands. "Well now you do!" She was clearly trying to hold in a laugh. "Ahem, well in any case would you mind telling us how you know who we all are?" I crossed my legs and scooted closer to her. "Sure! You'll probably think I'm crazy, but sure!"

Aphmau sat the same as me on the other side. "So, I guess I'm from another dimension? One where you guys are inside something called a Tv show; more or less. A Tv show is something that people from my dimension watch for entertainment, but we cannot interact with. Basically like a play for you guys, but on a 2d device called a screen. A screen is a type of technology a lot more advanced than lanterns." I stopped talking, waiting for her to react in any way. "I know I sound crazy but-"

"Prove it." Was all Aphmau said to me. I shrugged and took out my phone. Unplugging the headphones and turning it in her direction. The screen lit up, and she was completely in awe. "Whaaaaaaaat?!?!" We then spent the rest of the night talking about what a phone was, all the stuff I had in my book bag, and the clothes I was wearing.

By the time the conversation was over, almost everyone in the village was listening in at some point. Emmalyn had a front row seat with a notepad out in front of her. "What is your dimension even called?!" That was a hard question.

"Well, the planet I live on is called Earth, and the Earth lives in something called a solar system which has 9 planets (even though Pluto isn't considered one) and there are billions of solar systems in this big thing called the universe."

She nodded and quickly wrote it down. "Well are there the Devine Warriors there?" And that one is an even HARDER question. "Nope. But there are things called religions. There's Christianity, Satanism, Islam, none religious people, Hinduism, and a WHOLE lot more but that would take a few days to talk about."

The sun had started peaking out and daylight poured into the guard station. Aphmau gasped and quickly stood up. "Oh my Irene! We left you in here all night, and your not even a threat!" I then realized how hungry and tired I actually was. I could get some food in a minute but this was no time to be sleeping.

They opened the door, and I stepped out to stretch. Looking around, I immediately realized a few people weren't here. A few SPECIFIC people. A smirk inched its way onto my face. "Aphmau you should go check on Molly." She was confused but shrugged it off and walked out anyways.

I started counting down on my fingers from 30. "3...2...1..." "AAAAAHHHHHHH A BAABBBYYYYYYY!!!!" We heard her scream from all the way over here. I laughed and skipped out, ready to go and eat something.

1098 words.

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