Chapter 1: The Rise Of Pheonix Drop

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Y/n POV:

"Mother Asshole!"

     I threw my desk chair down the hallway, of the second floor and down the stairs. It tumbled to the floor all the while, giving off the sound of small fireworks. A sickening crack signaled that the chair hit and stopped at the bottom floor. I know my neighbors complaints would come rolling in again, but I don't exactly care at the moment.

     My nails dig into the palms of my hands as my eye twitches. You might be wondering why a 19 year old woman, living by herself is trying to get kicked out of her only source of shelter. And I'll tell you why, because of a fandom.

A beautiful, squealing, eye watering, heartbreaking, cringeworthy fucking fandom. Multiple to be in fact. And I'll just say that both of these fandoms just experienced the Titanic. The Titanic plus Sharknado. The Sharknado plus Godzilla. Then put all of that inside of a shredder.

     Yeah, that's what happened. "Bullshit!!" I pick up my favorite mug, and smash it on the floor.  Pieces go flying in all directions across the hardwood floor. I turned around, glaring at the house plant in the corner. It did nothing but sit there, which pissed me off even more.

     I began plucking all the leaves off, watching as they fall to the floor. The one of a kind, handmade, autographed, (F/b) poster made its way into my hand. I tore the very top of it, before something pulled me out of my trance. An inhuman screech left my mouth while I hugged the poster.

     "My baby!! I'm so sorry!!" With 50 pieces of tape, the poster was back on the wall as good as new with me at its 'feet'. My stonic expression returned as I got angry again. "Fucking Aaron!" I started punching the life out of a nearby pillow. "He thinks that he can die, and still stay in the story!"

     This continued for another 5 minutes, before the screeching came back. "Garroth my poor baby! You were here first! And Laurence come back, we can binge watch Mean Girls!" My life has now lost all meaning. I was ready to fall into my pit of depression, when a rock to my window stopped me.

     My eyebrows furrowed as annoyance seeped through my veins. I sighed heavily and opened the windows, glaring down at the bug. "What do you want you little shit?" My neighbor Charlie, the stupid 14 year old that moved in a few weeks ago.

     He's been interrupting on my dwells of self pity, ever since he got here. "Good morning to you too Y/n! I could hear you from out here and I was just trying to see if your period started earlier then expected." He had a stupid little smirk on his face. I simply rolled my eyes. "No it didn't, but if it did I would make sure to fill up a bucket and drop it on you in your sleep!"

     That made him gag and sprint back into his house. 'Fucking brat.' I don't even feel like doing anything anymore. I sighed again, and slid down onto the floor. The floor is my friend. The dusty, splinter filled, chipped wooden floor is my friend. It understands me. Now I just sound crazy.

I realized what I was doing wasn't the most hygienic, when I sneezed from some dust that was disturbed by my miny rampage. I sat up, looking through my wallet for any cash. Might as well get out the house and do something for a minute before having to work on the assignments I was already pushing back.

I slid on a cream colored sweater like shirt and ripped blue jeans, with a matching beanie, black combat boots, a few bracelets and a F/c scarf.  It was pretty cold outside, so this was a reasonable outfit. I then picked up my purse with all my precious items. If I lose this, then I lose life itself. Plus these's a SIG Sauer P226(with a permit), so it's kinda illegal if I lose it.

I place a timer on my arm, for only an hour outside before I was forced to be a decent student. I held my breath and turned the handle. The coast was clear of any signs of Charlie so I quickly locked the door, and grabbed my absolutely fabulous bike with a bloody unicorn that I got for my birthday when I was 11(it was too big for me then).

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