Chapter 15

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Y/n POV:

I was making my way up to Aphmau's house the next morning. All the things I needed were in my book bag, along with urgency items strapped in my belt. Cookie was following Cadenza like normally and Laurence was playing with Levin again. I walked up to Garroth for a small conversation.

"Oi Blondie, is Kiki at the docks?" He nodded his head to me. "Yes she is, and-- uh, did you just call me...Blondie?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I was thinking of a nickname on the spot. Laurence over there is already taking the name Weirdo." And he just so happened to be listening in on our conversation. "You could have called me anything else, you know."

Time to be annoying. "Ok then. How about Fire Head? Since your hair used to be orange. Or what about Playboy? Where I come from, those are inappropriate magazines." He half heartedly glared at me without responding. I smiled from my victory. "Weirdo it is." Aphmau had come out of her house to chat for a moment, before checking on the rest of the villagers.

'Oh, I almost forgot.' When Garroth wasn't looking, I quickly took off his helmet and placed a blue flower crown on his head, placed a pink one on Cadenza's head, a Green one on Laurence's head, and a yellow one on Levin's head. Then putting a F/c one on my own. They all (not counting Levin) were confused on why I did that. "Just a parting gift from me. I gave one to everyone else already, just not you guys."

Cadenza and Levin started messing with theirs, while the two guys looked a little flustered. Before I could question it, Aphmau came back up calling me down to the docks. "And Garroth, don't worry about Aphmau, I'll be her guard while we're gone." I waved goodbye and followed after Aphmau. Kiki was still definitely in no shape to travel, so me and Aphmau set up the boat while Kiki rested.

We made it a little conceded by making the sail in the shape of an A, for Aphmau. It was funny none the less. When Aphmau went to go get Kiki, Brendon came up asking us to keep her safe. Aphmau told him we would and I just threw loose flowers at him. My eyes darted back up to Aphmau's house, were both Garroth and Laurence were looking over at us. I snorted and waved at them, basically telling them to leave Aphmau alone.

Once I waved, they both quickly backed away from view. I laughed and turned back around to Aphmau. "Looks like you got some fanboys Aph." I pointed towards her house, which she only laughed at and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

Aphmau POV:

"I don't think that they were for me," I mumbled quietly enough so that Y/n couldn't hear. I already know that Laurence has a crush on Y/n, and it seems that Garroth is growing one subconsciously. Either way, its way too cute. We were passing by Donna's old village, but instead of seeing any water people; it was a weird looking black fountain like thing coming out of the ground.

    Everything had changed. Even the entrance of Brightport, which now held a statue of something I don't know. Plus it was now swarming with O'kasis soldiers. It was alarming. Azura had informed me of what happened, ending in her asking me to check on lord Burt if I pass through Pikoro. I told her that I would, introducing Azura to Y/n and then continued on our way.

    Apparently since we are visitors we are still considered citizens, so now we have to go to my home-away-from-home to not get into any unwanted trouble. Even with the slight downside, they had remodeled my house entirely. I now had a watch tower and everything. One bad thing being that it only had one bed, but Y/n was going to choose sleeping on a couch anyways.

    For the rest of the day, they wouldn't let us outside.  Y/n seemed to have gotten bored and was getting really agitated. Even with all that, Y/n made some soup for Kiki with extra for me. "Thank you Y/n." She only nodded without saying anything back, and then fell asleep on the couch.

     I got tired after a while also, and slapped on the bed while another one I made was used for Kiki. The next morning, everything got ten times worse. Guards were stationed all around the house, and every time I opened the door they started yelling at me to go back in. Kiki began getting restless. She was yelling over nothing, and was mad at herself for not knowing why.

    One of the guards then walked in and threatened to throw Kiki in jail for her noise. "Do you even know who I am? I am the lord of Phoenix drop!" The guard laughed, saying how this made his job a whole lot easier. I demanded answers from him, not expecting the response. He began saying how Zane wished for my hand in MARRIAGE since my god sister and her blind fiancé were killed by a werewolf.

    "NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE! HE'S LYING!" The guard was as calm as ever. "On the contrary, I was there." My eyes widened, that being one of the guards that accompanied Zane in Phoenix drop. "Oh really?!" Y/n voice made us both turn to the stairs. There stood Y/n with all of her supplies again, and a super wide smile on her face. "Oh yeah, I remember you! Did you come back to play with my little toy again?"

    She pulled out her taser once more, turning it on. He flinched super hard and took a step back. That was, until two more guards came inside. "Now lord Aphmau. Would you be coming with us now, or rot in here with these peasants?" They tried coming closer, when Y/n swung the taser at the first guy. "Lady Aphmau would never go with scum by the likes of you. Since I highly doubt the fact that I DIED. Now don't come any closer, or I may just call the demise of all of you....self defense."

     They then left out, but not before telling us that they put bedrock under the floor boards. Y/n had been trying to hack away at it for the past ten minutes, and Kiki just gave me the pendent that she says Zane gave to her when he was leaving. Finally, Y/n let out a yell of frustration and threw a chair at a window, cracking it. A few of the guards looked inside at her, Y/n's only response being to flip them off.

    There was no other way out of here, and I was about to go with them. When someone from below us, started mining their way up and out of the floorboards.  A girl with magenta colored hair and some goggles came up out of no where. "Who the heck put all this darn bedrockium here?! I swear if it wasn't for my iron fists I wo--- WOAH! --who are you?!" I raised my sword up, defensively. "This is MY house!"

    She started apologizing, saying how it was empty for so long and that she didn't expect anyone to be here. That ended up in the question of who I am again. "I'm Aphmau, Lord of Phoenix drop." The girl looked a little scared as she asked me about if I was apart of the O'kasis alliance or not. "No. Never in this lifetime or the next." She breathed out a sigh of relief, but that was short lived when Y/n pounced on her.

    "Nicole!" The girl was consumed in a confusing hug. "Wha- do I know you?!" Y/n just said nope and let go of her. Now even more confused than before, she asked why all the guards were out there. I explained to her our situation, since Y/n knew and liked her; meaning she wasn't bad. The girl ended up saying she could help us, not only escape but also help Kiki in any way. There wasn't any other option so me and Y/n followed after her with Kiki in the golden lasso.

1376 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora