Chapter 19

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Aphmau POV:

Once we woke up, Dante handed me and Y/n another pair of clothes to change into. Since the Eastern tribe was in colder climates, our current clothes were inappropriate for the destination. He turned around, but we still went behind the tent to change. Y/n's outfit was the same as mine but in a different color, and my hair was back to the way it was. Y/n kept the braids in her hair, since they would take to long to take out.

 Y/n kept the braids in her hair, since they would take to long to take out

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We emerged beck from behind the tent. Leaving the camp up to fool any of the Eastern werewolves, and heading on east again. The whole area changed from the valleys, to straight snow. A large castle was close by, and the Eastern wolves were waiting for us on top of a frozen lake.

As soon as our horses touched the ice, they charged at us. "Quick! Into the castle NOW!" Dante yelled out. We raced inside, with the wolves right on out tails. The door was slammed in their faces as we were out of breath. I looked around, realizing how empty this place was. Dust and spiderwebs clouded every corner.

Dante asked that we stayed here and him look around, this being the first time he protected a lord and wants to do it right. We let him go, but I soon regretted doing that. Dante had been gone for 30 minutes and we couldn't hear anything. I was getting worried. "That's it, I'm looking for him." Y/n followed behind me, to make sure I wouldn't get hurt.

   It was super creepy in here, as some areas were blocked off and weird noises kept coming from behind me. Y/n wasn't as fazed but was still on edge. We found multiple different notes to the owner of this castle, from the same person. Apparently, the owner was asked to help someone's son with controlling his magic. The owner stopped responding to their letters, and then did something terrible.

    I just want to leave already. We found Dante in the middle of a room on the floor. A red aura was around him as he mumbled out a name, ".........Gene......" Y/n yelled out my name and I turned around. A floating black spirit thing was behind me, with the same red aura. "~heh~heh~heh! wHaT Is YoUr GrEaTeSt FeAr I wOnDeR? LeT's TaKe A lOoK iNsIdE yOuR MiNds AnD sEe!"

    Images of both the village and the Irene statue on fire. I held my head in slight pain. "Wh-why would you show me that?! That was horrible!" The thing only laughed at me. "LoSiNg ThOsE yOu LoVe? GoSh YoU'rE sO pReDiCtAbLe. At LeAst ThEy ArE a LiTtLe MoRe InTeReStInG. WaNt To SeE ThEiR gReAtEsT fEaRs?" Before I could even say no, more images where shown in front of me.

    First, that of the Nether. Someone in the Nether. I don't know who though. They were looking up with anger on their face. The next one being nothing but black. But this time, I felt completely cold, hollow and like I were falling. As soon as I could see and feel again, I turned over to Y/n. She was staring at the space in front of her, hugging herself. I was in shock from the tears falling out of her eyes. I couldn't even understand what she was afraid of, but it felt terrible. Y/n fell down to her knees, silently crying.

    She looked to have lost all connection with the outside world. I turned back towards the creature. "~heh~heh ThEy ArE fUn OnEs To MeSs WiTh. So MuCh SuRpReSsEd PaIn." I couldn't find the words to speak. "Oh WaIt! TwO nEw ToYs To PlAy WiTh JuSt EnTeReD tHe LoBbY! OoH! tHeY kNoW yOu ToO y/N aNd ApHmAu! SuCh StRoNg EmOtIoNs FoR tWo PeOpLe, BuT oNe Is PrOvInG tO bE sTrOnGeR. lEt Me ShOw YoU hOw QuIcKlY i CaN mAkE tHeM aNgRy. EnJoY tHe ShOw!"

    I blinked, and now all three of us were in this glass container above the lobby area. Dante was knocked out cold, and Y/n was on the floor, shaking. Laurence and Garroth had somehow got here and were below us. "H-hey! Guys up here!" I tried breaking the glass, but to no avail. They couldn't hear me at all, yet I could hear them. They were searching for me and Y/n.

    .......Another Y/n and another Dante came down to the middle stairway in from of both guys, hand in hand. The real Y/n had her eyes closed tight as a scene played out. "Lady Y/n! There you are, have you seen....lord...." Garroth trailed off with his sentence. Laurence took a step forward. "HEY BUD! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!"

    I started calling Y/n's name to try and get her back up. She didn't even seem to hear me. Garroth was acting very calm and level. "No Laurence I don't think she's........wait.......they're holding hands............" Laurence got closer. "YOU BETTER LET HER GO BEFORE I REALLY GET ANGRY!" It was so terrible to watch this happen and I could do nothing about it.

     The two fakes started leaning closer to each other's faces. "DONT YOU DARE! SO HELP ME IF YOU MOVE ANY CLOSER I'LL-" I started shaking Y/n and I yelled her name out. Her eyes shot open, and she was no longer shaking. I heard the sound of a sword, and that creature's voice again.  "OwWwIe! HoW CoUlD yOu HiT mE wItH yOuR sWoRd, wAahhhhh!"

    "AHWAAA!" The cage like thing disappeared, and we all fell to the ground. I landed on my feet, almost breaking my ankle. Y/n had landed on her back, but had rolled after hitting the ground. And Dante landed on his side, still unconscious. I helped Y/n off the ground, going towards the guys who were now up the stairs.

"Huh? They turned into this ghost... kid... thing? Wait, Y/N AND LORD APHMAU?! YOU'RE SAFE! MY GOODNESS WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

     "LORD APHMAU! WHAT IS THIS GHOST.... CHILD? WHERE WERE YOU? DID Y/N KISS THAT....MAN? I don't know what's going on...."

    I walked past the two of them to the ghost child that they kept saying. The creature was a kid all along? He started crying from Laurence hitting him. I didn't know what to do, when Y/n walked in front of me and picked him up.

     "Shh... it's ok Malachi." He had calmed down to little sniffles. "H-how do you know my n-name?" Y/n placed her forehead against his and giggled softly. "I know a lot of things." Malachi gave a small giggle also. "But, you aren't mad at me?" Y/n shook her head. "No, I'm not mad at you. But I'm gonna need you to explain a few things to them."

1139 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now