Chapter 53

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Laurence POV:

     I waited in the basement of Lord Aphmau's house with Y/n. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't be here right now. But the fact that she knows the train of events it's mandatory that Y/n is involved. "...Why didn't you tell anyone about what would happen with Nicole?" I broke the silence with a question. "...Around this time, everything is overlapping and any wrong change in the timeline could cause a butterfly effect of disaster.... I didn't want to risk it."

    Logically, that was a respectable answer but my emotions are starting to get the best of me and I wanted something better than that. Aphmau came down the stairs and started the private meeting. "This conversation we are about to have stays strictly between us three Lord Aphmau... I'm sure you know how big the armies of Scaleswind are and with Zane involved... we have to assume he will take Scaleswind's side as well... Given his reputation."

    Aphmau was most definitely upset, being positive that Zane was involved in the disappearance. I instructed her not to point fingers or say anything about it in front of Scaleswind's Lord since there is no actual evidence. An outburst like that could be just enough to have them attack sooner. I'm still confused on how Zane even knew Nicole was here. It couldn't have been from Katelyn because has not left here boat in weeks.

    Since we do not know who was one to betray, we can only trust ourselves for the time being. Logically it had to be someone other than Katelyn and I explained what I was thinking. Aphmau was fidgeting with her hands when Y/n sighed out loud. "Just tell him Aphmau." Aphmau told me how she and Y/n was attacked in the woods by a man dressed in a purple jacket. "You mean the day I saw you coming back from the tree hou--  APHMAU! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THIS?! DID HE TOUCH YOU?! WHAT DID HE DO?! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM I WILL MAKE HIM PAY!"

    Aphmau told me to calm down, and finished explaining that he didn't actually try to hurt them. But gave a warning about trusting people with the amulet. I was still pretty ticked off that he touched them in the first place. I looked over to Y/n when Aphmau was done with the story. "...I don't like it when other men put their hands on you.. If he wanted to warn you then he had a funny way of showing it" I then noticed a bruised line on Y/n's neck, which only added more fuel to the fire.

     "I demand you take me to him. This man might be the one who just put all on Phoenix Drop in danger." They complied having Aphmau lead the way and Y/n following behind me. We walked into the woods and past were Y/n's house was. Aphmau would look around every now and then but still walked forward. I noticed something in front of her and began to run forward with my sword drawn.

    I was pushed back by someone who was hiding behind a tree. I glared at them staying still, continuing to hold my weapon. They didn't show an emotion in their face as their sword was still to my neck. "I am not your enemy." It sure didn't look like it. "You held a sword to her throat." Aphmau was in the background with her own sword out while Y/n only had her arms crossed looking uninterested.

     "Right now everyone is a threat. I'm sure you've come to that conclusion Laurence." Who does this guy think he is? "How do you know my name...?" He's been watching us without anyone realizing. "I want to help you, Lady Y/n and Lady Aphmau, but first... I'm gonna need you to shed your guard and trust me."

    "This coming from the man with a blade to my face." Y/n seemed to have gotten irritated. "You're being a hypocrite, Laurence. You clearly still have yours in your hand and it's obvious what you plan on doing when he lets you go." I growled under my breath, staying where I was. "I know a huge part in what's going on here... Before I can even begin to explain I need to know that you all trust me..." I dropped my weapon on the ground next to me.

    "That's a start. We need to go to a more secluded area where we can talk, it's not safe to speak of the matter here. Follow me." The guy in purple lead the way over a miny canyon, where a fire pit was set under it.  The guy turned to the girls. "I thought I told you to tell no one I was here." Aphmau responded back to him. That was before Zane and the Lord of Scaleswind appeared at our door."

    He let it go simply because it was for that reason. The guy showed us that he had a weird looking communication amulet. It was connected to the entirety of the Jury of Nine, Zane and spies working for him. He had been monitoring them for months. He told us that Phoenix Drop was at the center of many conversations. Aphmau questioned if Zane had been planning this that whole time.

     It turned out to be unlikely and that Zane only wanted to stop Phoenix Drop from rising. "But we aren't even a threat!" I was at the same confusion as Aphmau. Our numbers are low along with the amour of guards we have. "You were not one.... But slowly your village has become one. Do you know how many magics users are in Phoenix Drop? Not to mention a witch who is skilled in her field, an elf from the sacred forest of Yggdrasil and a werewolf.... not to mention Laurence-- who is a Shadow Knight. You are outnumbered, but your village has people who can overpower an army."

    Aphmau suggested gathering everyone and giving Zane the amulet so that he would leave us alone. That was rejected immediately. "No. Do not dare give Zane that amulet... like I said before, Zane is an Opportunist. Why would he allow Phoenix Drop to stand if he has the Lord of Scaleswind ready to attack you? The thought of obtaining the amulet and destroying your village is too good for him to pass up."

We then got into the conversation about a spy in the village. Over the communicator they went by the name Velius but the one they are using here was unknown. "That amulet is not the only one, and they are no trinkets. Each of them have a curse placed one they by Enki to prevent any one person from ever rejoining them." I asked why Zane would want them then.

"I don't know and I do not want to find out. Now... it's best you get back to your home. If your gone for too long I'm afraid whomever is watching you will get suspicious. Please take your leave. I will be watching." We all took our leave towards Aphmau's house. She was pacing back and forth before saying anything. "Lord Aphmau....Where do we hide the amulet..?" I was worried beyond belief but didn't want to show it.

"I...I don't know, but Laurence you should stay with me until we can hide it. But what I do know is that we need to inform the people tomorrow. Have everyone gathered in the plaza and look for Nicole." I agreed with her since we are in fact vulnerable when alone. "But what about Y/n?" I turned around to face her. "There isn't enough space for me to stay as well. Besides, my house is closer to Aa-- the masked guy... I'll be fine." I was still skeptical about it all, and I did not trust him.

But I trust their judgement. "Fine then, but I will walk you back." Y/n complied and we walked down the path. As soon as we made it to the bottom though, Y/n's ankle wobbled and she fell to the floor with a swear. "Y/n, are you alright??" She grabbed onto my forearm and tried to stand back up. "Shit, I think I twisted my ankle. It hurts but I'll stand on it." I shook my head and lifted her back and legs off the ground.

"No, walking on it will just make it worse." She blinked and then looked at me, but didn't say anything as I carried her.

No one POV:

Garroth stood on the balcony of the guard station with Lillian watching as his soul cracked even more. He looked on as his love was swooped into another's arms and carried away. Garroth sank his head down and turned away from the scene. Lillian whispered something too him before he retreated back to his room away from it all.

1507 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now