Chapter 45

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Laurence POV:

Aphmau and I were coming back from Mateli, and I was in the most happiest of moods. I know this shouldn't be the case since a Shadow Knight tried to use Cadenza to open the Nether portal, but Hayden isn't dead and Cadenza is alright! She's more than alright and Cadenza chose to stay in Mateli for a little while longer so she could be with her dad(who just so happen to now be Lord).

As I said before, I was highly energetic and positive at the moment. Aphmau did notice but hadn't said anything about it yet. As soon as we reached Phoenix Drop, Brian and Grey Wind were waiting for us. We were to be informed of Lucinda who finally found a counter for Alexis's sleeping curse. Alexis had long since returned to her infant size, and had been growing like a normal child but she hadn't woken up from when Zane placed that amulet on her.

We made it over just as Lucinda was almost set up with Alexis. Dale, Molly and Garroth were crowded around, but back far enough for Lucinda to have space to work with. Both me and Garroth acknowledged each other with a nod and smile(as I noticed his absence of a helmet). "Ready? Here we go!" Lucinda raised her arms into the air as purple smoke and particles swarmed her. With a flash of light, Lucinda was on the ground exhaustion and Alexis was upright in the bed.

Her parents were cheering and hollering, thanking the witch and holding their child. "Play?!" It was so innocent and joyous for that to be the first thing Alexis wanted to do. "Of course Alexis! Anything for you!"


The sun was setting over everyone once more, the same group as before ware up at Aphmau's house and playground. All the kids were talking and playing with Alexis as the her parents watched with happy faces. I had been looking for one person in particular who had been leaning against a tree farther back in the play space. I didn't walk straight towards her, instead went the scenic route and went on the other side of the tree. "Hey there stranger~." She flinched before looking over to me. "See, only a weirdo would sneak up on people when there is children nearby."

I shrugged and copied her movement. Leaning in the make-shift pillar. "Then I guess I'm a weirdo." My frame was blocking her view of the playground. "You always have been it wasn't a choice, now scoot. I can't see the kiddos." Y/n put her hand on my arm suggesting that I get out the way without actually making me, as she leaned her head to the side. I smirked staying were I was. "Well if you like em so much, maybe you want one~?"

I was punched in that same arm with much force, as Y/n now carried red ears. "Not happening you walking cheetopuff. I thought Weirdos stopped being Casanovas a while ago." She had her eyes narrowed at me as I rubbed the arm she hit(it stung for a minute). "I'm not a Casanova, you're the only one I'm flirting with." She crossed her arms in front of herself, defensively. "I'm the one you should stop trying to flirt with. It's not working."

I laughed and lightly tapped her ear. "You sure about that?" My hand was swatted away before Y/n covered both her ears. "Yes I'm sure, Weirdo." I shrugged once more and backed away from the tree. "You never know. I'll be retiring for the night, don't stay up too late." She looked over to where the sun was. "How late is too late if I have insomnia, dad?" Y/n held a joking tone in her voice, clearly from my unneeded instructions.

I stood with a hand on my side and an accusing finger pointed at her. "Only one more hour young lady, no sooner no later." My voice was purposely made deeper for a better effect. She snorted with a smile on her face and that was enough for me. Y/n waved me bye and I made my way down from the house. 'Am I actually getting to her yet or is she being modest?'

Y/n POV:

God damn it Laurence is getting to me. No I don't love him, fuck love. People use that word way too loosely nowadays. I don't really think I like him either though. He's just a lot of talk right now and of course me being the female stereotype that I've come to be, am starting to think into words to seriously. Laurence himself, he's a sweet guy who isn't bad looking(face wise). But I still don't know him, and I'm not breaking open that box of drama anytime soon.

Snap! I blinked for a second listening again. Nothing but the sound of the kids again. But I definitely heard that shit, and it came from behind me. I turned around looking down the hill on the side without the pathway(and towards my home). I glared down as I couldn't see anything in the trees. "Fucking Aaron." I mumbled under my breath as I turned back around and started walking towards the path down.

"You're leaving Lady Y/n?" Garroth asked as I passed him. "Yeah. Don't feel like being up all night again, Blondie." It's mostly true so I'm not technically lying. He nodded at me with a smile. "I would ask to walk you to your living quarters. But by now I know that you would decline." I wiped a fake tear and placed a hand against my heart. "Oh, you know me so well." He breathed out a laugh before opening his eyes. "Have a good night Lady Y/n."

    "I'll have a great one!" I waved to everyone before finally leaving down the path. My smile went away as I drew closer to the woods. I still have my gun and taser, so I'm not defenseless. But I didn't care to learn much about this ship wrecker, so I don't know much what he is capable of. "Hey asshole!" I called out, of course getting no response. "It's not polite to stalk people through the woods motherfucker!"

    I was still walking to my house, glaring off in all directions. "Just like you like your privacy with your damn mask, I like mine with my conversations!" The wind was whistling through the leaves, but still no human or animal sound was heard. I hopped on the platform once I got to my house, quickly cranking it up. The other ladders had already been taken down, and there was no way for the platform to go back down from the outside.

    I took one more glance at the trees before flipping them all off like a 12 year old and going inside.

1155 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ