Chapter 50

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I fucking hate Aaron.

Aphmau POV:

I had noticed a boat in the reef near the boy's treehouse. "What is that--" before I know it, I was lying on the floor with a sword to my neck. The stranger from the eastern wolf village was the one behind the blade. I was about to say something, when Y/n came from behind us glaring death at him. "Bark bark bitch, it be nice if you'd back the fuck up." I never seen her look this mad before, and I started to get scared of him.

    Even if he did save me then, I trust Y/n a lot more than I trust him. He didn't move, only turn his head upward towards Y/n. "...And what is that supposed to be?" She shot it and it rang out in the clearing as the bullet missed his head. "A loud ass weapon that can blow your brains out. So I suggest you move before someone gets suspicious, Aaron." He was quick to knock the gun out of her hand and back her against a tree with his sword now to Y/n's neck.

   She didn't seem that surprised only more irritated.

Y/n POV:

    Like I said before, I didn't learn much about this guy. But I know enough to expect that he would come charging when I said his name. "How the Nether do you know me?!" Aaron talked with a low voice as to where Aphmau couldn't hear his words. "First, get your stank breath out my face. Second, get the fuck off me." He pressed the sword harder against my skin. It actually hurt more than most movies pretend.

"I won't hesitate to kill you. Answer the question." This is a guy who hides half his face, wears an open shirt and and attacks women in the forest. "And I won't hesitate to taze you. Move your ass." I had dropped my pole next to Aphmau before being attacked myself, and she used it to smack Aaron upside the head. I took out my taser and shocked the shit out of this bitch. He fell on the floor and we both had weapons pointed at him.

"I've always wanted to do that!" I had a large grin on my face before Aphmau questioned me. "Who is this Y/n?" I looked over at her before turning back to the ship sinker. I put my gun away while glaring at him. "You can ask. In the timeline he was supposed to tell you himself, so imma just go back to the village." I turned to walk away when Aph grabbed my arm. "Then why did you do anything in the first place?!"

I glared at his dumbass again. "Because I fucking hate him. He's not evil like Zane, nor an actually bad person. But I fucking hate him, he ruined Laurmau and Garmau." She let go of me and sighed at my childish antics. "You two must have bad blood with Zane then." When we looked back over, Aaron wasn't on the floor anymore. He had his sword again and was a few paces away. "Fine. You might be of use to me alive."

Cocky as usual. Like we couldn't have just killed him 30 seconds ago. "Do you have any idea of the power you hold in that amulet? It be best if you don't trust anyone. Even those you do know, I would be wary of them." That actually got to me. I don't remember, not in the slightest, of who ended up betraying Phoenix Drop. "I will only let you go if you vouch not to tell a soul of my whereabouts."

I crossed my arms and sat on the ground. "I ain't vouching for shit. Kill me." Aphmau hit my head after I spoke. "I'm not talking to you. Even though I do not trust you, you know of me and have not spoken on it. So that is enough. Lord of this village? If you speak, you not only put your village but the entire realm at risk." Aphmau vouched and Aaron was gone. It was clear that she was shooken up by it all.

Aphmau looked paler and slightly panicked. I paid no mind to it since I wasn't exactly any different. Sure I have a sarcastic persona and can't be taken lightly, but that was still a life or death situation. Aphmau got her sacred wood for the moving of the Lady Irene statue, and I just followed once more. I must have been walking much slower because by the time I looked back up, Aphmau was gone and Laurence was standing in front of me.

"...Y/n, are you alright? Are you..crying?! You look out of it what happened?!" I brushed him off as nothing. "I'm just not getting enough sleep is all." He then made a suggestion only Laurence(or Travis) would make. "I can carry you home if you're tired." I narrowed my gaze at the partly Shadow Knight. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm no longer tired now that I talked about it. Thank you."

"Hah, it's no problem. Darn, for a second I thought you were gonna confess your undying love for me. Maybe next time, but seriously... this look is very unlike you." I ran over my jacket sleeves. "I know, I never really was into leather but it's kinda growing on me." Laurence shook his head with a small smile. "No not that, just... I don't know, I think I'm just thinking to much into things. Nevermind. Anyways, thanks to yours and others help the gate has been completed. There is a patrol system being set up and started. Nicole decided to help guard and take Garroth's place while he is sick."

I was listening and nodding every once in a while. "Dante told me on how you have been getting lessons and pointers from all the other guards but haven't once asked me for help. What, you too embarrassed to ask your crush for help?" Laurence had a cheeky grin against his face after asking me. "You're not my crush, I'm still set on the table." He pouted before continuing. "Well at any case, it had been decided that you would be allowed to patrol alongside Nicole or any other guard. So congrats to you."

    I shook Laurence's hand as he put it out, but he pulled me forward into an unwelcome hug as I tried to push him back. "Hmm, your hair smells nice." Ew. The fact that most of the guys here are stronger than me is slightly annoyed. "Gross, get off. Get back to your patrol!" He just let go and started walking away like nothing happened. I gave his back a look and fixed my jacket before turning around and continuing to walk.

    I wanted to ask Zoey if she had anything that was super sparkly or anything that would have an extra kick too it for the still-in-progress fireworks cannon. I knocked on the door before going in the house. Aphmau was already there and was smiling with Levin who had a new outfit on. It was a stripped blue and white shirt with some cargo pants and a belt. Adorable. I ruffled his hair and walked past. "Nice get up Levin."

I looked at Aphmau and pointed down to the basement. She nodded and I started walking down. When I was halfway there, a loud explosion rang out. It shook the floor, causing me to trip and fall the rest of the way down. "Levin stay up here!" Aphmau had instructed him before coming down herself. We both looked around for any intruders before going into Zoey's room. She was crying and standing over Malachi.

"MALACHI! MALACHI WAKE UP!" The two were in a crater that had blown away some of the floor boards and the walls. He was laying face first on the ground, motionless. Aphmau rushed forward and started shaking him. Nothing still happened and he was brought up to his room on him bed. Lucinda was brought in to tell of Malachi's condition. "Not a poltergeist or a medium, so I can't say much about it....Zoey what in the world happened?"

Zoey was looking down with her hands held tightly together. She was still crying. "Malachi wanted to learn more about mixing potions so I allowed him to work on one of his own... One of the potions he was working on required a sapling for the ingredient and he used one of the Yggdrasil Sacred saplings by accident.." Lucinda's volume increased from her steady tone. "What?! You're never supposed to use one of those in anything!"

Zoey was crying even more. "I-it's all my fault! I don't deserve to care for him or any of the children anymore." Zoey exited the room as Aphmau tried to get her to stop. I followed after her while Aph and Lucinda stayed behind with Malachi. Zoey went down to the basement when Levin grabbed onto my hand. "..Y/n, why is Zoey crying?" He genuinely seemed worried about her. I smiled back at him and held his hand with mine.

"Lets go find out."

1540 words.

Impossible (Laurence x Reader x Garroth)Where stories live. Discover now