My boy, Liam, oh I already know I'm going to struggle with him because I can already tell he's going to be like Killian. My little princess, my Rhea, oh she is the light in all of our worlds. I know she will be a hassle but I can't wait to see what she does in her life.

That's when I see the clock and gasped. I promised Lacy I would go see her so I had to get a move on that. I look at Killian and he nods. "Ok mom and dad, please take care of Leía and Liam while we go visit Lacy, and at around 3pm we will meet at the cemetery." They nod. "What about me?" Rhea asks as she stands up on her chair.

"You will be coming with us." She smiles and claps as she jumps into Killian's arms. "We are going to go see Auntie Lacy." She smiles. "And Ben?" Killian sighs. "Really you just want to go so you can see Ben?" Rhea smiles and nods. He gives an annoyed look and I laugh. "So now we are starting to see jealous daddy," Brennan says and I nod. "Now you will know how it feels when your sisters started to date," Brennan says and Killian scoffs then walks away. I laugh.

"Killian, I think you forgot about someone?" I scream out. He walks back with Rhea in his hands. I smile and he nods. "Right." Rhea laughs and jumps out of his arms. "Uh oh daddy is in trouble with mommy because he forgot her." I laugh. "That's right." She smiles and laughs. "Mother.." She nods. "Don't worry Ill change Rhea as you two get ready." I smile. Killian picks me up and takes me back to the room to change. Minutes pass by and we are on our way to the hospital.

Lacy was moved to a regular hospital room which was great to hear because that means she is doing better. I wanted to try to walk with a cane but failed miserably so I was bound to a wheel chair. Rhea sat on my lap as Killian wheeled us to Lacy's room. We walk in and Rhea jumps out of my lap and runs to Ben. Ben and her hug. I smile, I look up at Killian he slightly scoffs. I laugh.

"Rhea say hi to Auntie Lacy," I say in a scolding manner. Lacy laughs. "No its ok Ben's been missing her so its ok." "How are you doing Lacy?" Killian asks and Lacy nods. "Happy to be alive." I get up with my good leg and I hug her. I start to cry and soon enough Lacy starts to cry as well. I slightly look up, and give Killian a look. He nods and takes Rhea and Ben away. He walks out and closes the door.

"Oh God Lacy I thought I lost you, please forgive me for everything." She shakes her head. "No don't apologize Emma." I back away and sit down. I grab her hand and held it tight. "Lacy I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you." She sighs. "Don't think like that." "I love Killian and my kids but you were my family first, you and my aunt and well she's been living out her days in Maine but aside from her you were there before anyone Lacy." She continued to cry.

She then kisses my hand. "I love you Emma." I smile. "I love you too." She smiles. "Ok no more tears, we are both alive and we will both get better, you know the institute can't run without us." I laugh and nod. "No Lacy it cannot." She smiles. "Is Leia ok?" I nod. "Yeah she is ok." She smiles. "And you?" I sigh. "These wounds should be getting better in a week or so." She nods. "And you?" She sighs.

"Well ill be here for another 3 days for observation but I should be good." I smile. "Good." "My in laws are here." She gasps. "How'd that..." I start to cry. "Leia had died." She gasps. "And she saw Aaron." "What?" I nod. "Yes but when she woke up she started talking about him." She gasps.

"And yesterday they had done a surprise picnic so Leía brought up Aaron so I had to tell them and thats when in laws came to visit me and I had to tell them about Aaron as well." She sighs. "You knew you were going to have to tell them sooner or later." I nod. "Later today we are going to go visit Aaron." She smiles. "I'm sure he will like that." I smile and nod.

That's when we hear a knock. Killian, Bonnie, Rhea and Ben walk in. "Hey Bonnie," I say and she comes and hugs me. "Why aren't you at the institute?" I say in a scolding manner. Lacy laughs. "Emma, she's taking care of ben while my love comes back from work." I sigh. "Ok then." Killian shakes his head. "Oh God Emma." I smile.

Minutes pass by and its time to go to the cemetery. Rhea wasn't too thrilled to leave Ben but once we told her that we are going to see her twin brother she got a bit excited but stayed confused. We arrived to the cemetery and we see the twins and my in laws in the car.

Killian gets off and gets Rhea, the kids and in laws then escorts them to Aaron's resting place. He then comes and gets me. He lays me down on the grass then brings me the box, five little bears and two blue roses. I gasp. "My love you remembered?" He nods. "Of course how could I forget?" I smile.

I look at the kids and my in laws and I couldn't help but start to cry. Killian hugs me and kisses my forehead. "You see a couple of days ago Emma brought me for the first time here to Aaron's resting place and told me everything that she went through, but to make things short she wants to apologize to everyone for not saying anything."

I nod. "I am truly sorry," I say and Rhea comes and hugs me. "We love you mommy," she says and I smile. Then Killian hands everyone a little bear then hands me a blue rose. "So here lies our son, mom dad your other grandson, and kids your brother," Killian says as he hugs me tight. They all nod.

"So whenever you want to talk to him you can come here or simply look up into the sky because he is looking down at us." They all look up to the sky and smile. They all start to put the bears on Aaron's plaque then we put the roses. I leaned against Killian and smiled.

"This is what I wanted Killian for all of us to be together, together as a family." He smiles. "Yes my love and we shall continue to be together." I smile and look up at him. "You promise?" He nods. "Together forever."

And they lived happily ever after.

The End.

Jk... its not the end... or should it be? I had decided it wasn't but now I think it might just be the end..
Hmmm decisions, decisions🤔

Anyways I hope you all loved the chapter💕💕 I love you all so much! I just want to take the time again to thank each and everyone one of you for all your support. After hearing the horrible news about what happened in Manchester, it made me realize how much I love you all.

It was horrible what happened to our fellow oncer "Georgina"💔 when we lose one of our own we all hurt. And it warms my heart to know that we have all come together and brought comfort to others. Along with the cast of OUAT and the fans. I am so happy to be a part of this amazing fandom, yes even though we do fight we must remember that love and family triumphs all and we don't know how long we are on this earth so we must treasure every second of it.

I love you all so much, you guys are amazing, and if anyone needs someone to talk to just hit me up. Either here on Instagram or Twitter! Love you guys❤️💕

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