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"What is wrong with you Kian?"

He laugh and hold his belly. "Stop laughing stupid. You're going to make them kick us out."

"I'm sorry. They won't. I just thought-"

"Well does this look like a good idea."

"It was very good one." He laugh.

"Kian," I put my hand on my waist, "how can you put dirty garbage in the dishwasher and think it's going to get clean?"

"I thought it would."

"That's it. You miss too many class and I'm not about to deal with your stupidity." I roll my eyes.

"What was that?" Andrew walk out. He's shirtless and trust me,he's sexy. His hair is messy and he's just scratching his eyes.

"Ask kian."

"What he do?"

"Try to turn on the dishwasher." Andrew turn it on and it sound like mixing cement or crushing a car.

Andrè run in the kitchen,scared. His hair is messy and he's attach to his father's leg,shaking.

"Daddy! Daddy!" He cries and Andrew pick him up.

"Kian,what did you do?"

"I just make garbage clean."

"You can't just make garbage clean. Especially in our dishwasher."

"Andrew what did you do this time?" Amani in the kitchen.

"Why do you assume I did something."

"Come on you're Andrew." She sit on Stool and shake the coffee maker.

"For your information,it was not me. Kian put garbage in the dishwasher and thought it would be clean."

"Kian!" Amani shout. "You hang around Andrew too much." And we laugh,even his son.

Amani pour coffee in a cup and sip it.

"Daddy hungie." Andrè rub his tummy.

"What do you want?"


"Oh go tell your mother." Andrew scratch his head and put andrè down.

He runs off with his little feet and turn the corner screaming mommy and clapping.

"Where's swhob-"


"Your girlfriend. I was trying to mix slut, whore ,b-"

"As much as I can't take her she's not a slut or whore. She's just a bit crazy."

"Yeah, whorishly crazy."

"Chill man."

"Who loves her?" Kian tease.

"Well who love Ashley?"

"Me,duh! She's my girlfriend. At Least I'm getting it,what are you getting? Lotion."

"I don't masturbate, I get girls after girls."

"True that," Amani said. "He's a man whore."

"Daddy! Daddy!" Andrè walk back in the kitchen.

"You know I don't have any money right now,so why send him to me?" Stacy walk out in a very short shorts and Andrew marina.

"I don't care."

"You're just trying to make me look stupid."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Don't worry. I will be rich and take my son far away from you."

"Well honey,sucking dick is not a good starter package." Kian laugh and Andrew stare at her.

Stacy roll her eyes and walk off.
"Not cool," I hit his shoulder. "And you better find and pay for the dishwasher today or don't even think about of touching or talking to me." I throw the kitchen towel and walk off.


"Oh my name us Susan now!" I slam our room door. He can't just treat female like that. What would he do to me. I don't care if I'm over reacting or if we just came out of a argument.

She was obviously hurt and I don't want to imagine the boy I love Just break up with me because our name don't match.

How dare Kian. "Ashley? Calm down.it was a joke."

"Everything is joke to you."

"Just stop it." He walks over to be and I take my boxing position.

"I don't know what your noodle arms are going to do."

"I'm going to fight you." I smile.

"Lets go!" He take his fighting position. I swing after his head, but he bend down and grab me by the waist, lifting and place me on how shoulder.

I laugh out.

"Who are you going to fight?" He slap my bottom.


"Say you're sorry."

"No!" He slap me again.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I shout and he laugh, throwing me on the bed. He rest between my legs.

"Why can't I stay mad at you?"

"Because you love me." He smiles.


He rest his head on my belly and I run a hand through his hair. He holds my waist, and closed his eyes.



"You remember Jacob right?"

"Yeah. I already told you. I knew him."

"No. Do you remember when we were at the house, and you two fought."

"I think so." He rest his chin on my belly and look up.



"It's something, just tell me." I continue to rub his hair.

"He was saying some stuff."



"Kian!" I shout. "Tell me."

"Okay. " he got up and lie next to me. "Remember I told you I knew him and the susan thing."

"Yes." I turn to him and look at him.

"Not that I didn't like you a lot when you first started dating Jacob, but I knew Jacob knew I like you. Like I said, he knows me  it just made me mad to see him."


"Because the minute I came downstairs, he started to say stuff like, he can't wait to have sex with you and leave you to get back at me. Since I beat him and showed him that it is not going to happen, he went for someone else. Then when I see you with him, it Just hurt me."

"So you like my flat ass all along?"

"Of course I do."

"I know." I flash my hair and he laugh.

"I love you so much." He hugs me and I blush.

"I love you too kian."

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