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"Asthma!" We all shouted.

"Yea asthma. It seems as if she was a bit sick with cold,but something like stress provoke it more and it affected her."

"So at that time,she was having a asthma attack?" I shout.

"Having an asthma attack doesn't mean everyone is always gasping for air. It may just happen."

"Stress?" Her mother turn to us. "I wonder how stress provoke it." She stare at us.

"You're the mother right?" Dr. Ask.

"Yes." She answered.

"She doesn't have an asthma pump?"

"Well when she was younger said it won't affect her."

"I bet those doctors family died." Dr. Miller said.

Savage thug life. We all laugh and Cynthia face turn sad.

"It's okay though,a lot of parents believe the same thing and don't get an asthma pump. You're lucky she's a strong one. She's awake and healthy. Do you have small light food like soup or porridge?"

"no,but we can buy." Jc said.

"Fine,she might be a little hungry so visit her. Let her walk around a bit,get some fresh air and feed her. Then we'll see if she's right to leave. We have asthma pump on sale across the road. You can also buy other medicine there." He explain.

"Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome. Well lets go!" He showed the way. He open the door and Cynthia and April,along with her boyfriend walk in first. Followed by me,Jc and Lia,Sam,Ricky Trevor then Kian.

Her face light up when she saw her mother. She reach out for her and Cynthia bury herself in her arms.

April stand by her side and she smile at her. "Sup Ashley," ryan deep voice echo in the room.

"I'm fine," her voice is fine and soft. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're your family for goodness sake." Her mother put her hands on her hips.

She laugh and look over to us. "Hey ash?" Lia and trevor hold her hand.

"Hey." She smile.


"Hey ash?" Trevor and lia hold my hands. If lia is here,well I guess little miss Andrea might be here. I search the room but only find sam and kian standing together.

They saw my stare and look away.

"Hey Connor and Ricky."

"Hey sis."


"Sam and kian?" I shout out.

Sam walk up to me. "Glad you're here still."

"Hey," kian look away and didn't move. Like this not the time for his stubborn mean ways.

"I'll go buy some stuff,walk her." Mom said.

"-I'll tag along,"
"-I'll go with you" Sam and Ricky both said.

They left with my mother. How did they even get my mother or April.

"Come on we're going to walk." Connor said,helping me up. His hands are so familiar. He catch me when I fall back.

I stand to my feet and nearly fall,but he never let me go. We walk outside the room until I can manage on my own. Trevor,jc and lia disappear. Lia is in jc's lap and trevor is playing game on my phone. So that's how.

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