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"Come on guys," Connor said.

Kian made an ugly face and I couldn't hold back the laugh.

"What you laughing at?" He said.

"Your ugliness!"

Everyone laugh, "I am not about to put up with this bitch." kian walk away.

"Kiansam shout and it came out as I whine.

"Stop calling my name!" He walk upstairs and all we could hear is when the door slam.

Everyone looked at me. "You need to apologize."

"What?me? Apologize? To him? Why?"

"Because you hurt his feelings" sam said.

"He doesn't have feelings." I said.

"Well this is one bunch of happiness." Connor got up,helping jc with the cooking.

I Sigh and ignore their orders. Walking to the table, then Trevor started singing.

He has an amazing voice with attitude. I sit down for my prayer before my phone ring.

I look down at it to see mom, everyone was staring at me,so I ignore.

"Thank lord for this loving meal jc provide us with..blah blah"

That's all I could hear. My belly was having a war,when I inhale the food.

"Amen!" Ricky finish praying.

"Let us eat!"

I reach out for the chicken but my hands was beaten up by other hands,in no second.

I tried again,but I couldn't get any space to grab any food. I watch them hurry and grab up everything from the table.

Everything was gone in no time. My plate was empty and they just eat.

"Can...I.. I"

"No!" They shout at me. When they were done with their food,Connor turn to me.

"Enjoy dinner,"

"I would if I get any"

He Laugh "you have to be quick enough to eat in this house."

I walk upstairs to my diary,for living with the boys.

I wrote down 'you have to be quick enough to get any food in this house' right under my list of things I observe and learn so far.

* stay awAy from kian,he's a jerk and don't care about your feelings at all.

* always lock the door before you get naked in this house.

*always be quick you want to get food in this house.

I have only learn a few things so far. My thought disappear from my belly telling me,it's not the time to think.

I don't know around much and walk back downstairs to ask. Kian was there,but I ask.

"Where can I find the closes place to get some food?"

"Oh you can go with kian then " jc said. "He was just telling us about going to the grocery store"

Kian look at me,then back at him. "No" he said.

"Guys stop it" Connor said.

Kian roll his eyes, "get in the damn car." he pull his keys out .

"Excuse me!"

"Get...your...flat....asssssss.....In...the...car" he stress on every word.

I walk out the house And look at the kian then the car. He sit in the driver seat then look at me.

"Are you going to come in or not?" He ask,clearly annoyed.

"Fine." I sit in the passenger seat while he roll up my Window.

"What the heck?" I said.

"First,please listen to me once we reach the store.second,stay a few feet back,don't let anyone know that I know you. Third,I wouldn't mind if..."

"Wow wow wow wow" I stop him. "Don't tell me what to do. Second,I don't know you either so don't act like. Do you think I want people to know that I know bone head like you" I shout as he stop in front the store 'everything for you'

"Damn girls are so difficult!" He whine,stepping out of the car.

He walk in and quickly walk away in the store. I didn't bother to follow him,but stroll around. I look at some chips and took extra. I take bun and cheese and some other stuff.

Ohh I saw my favourite,lays. I couldn't go without it. I grab for it when a much bigger hand held on it too.

"Oh I'm sorry." I look up to a tall guy. "You can have it." He said.

"Really?" It came out as a squeak.

"Yeah." He Laugh "Jason by the way."

"Ashley." I shake his hands.

"Well see you around Ashley." He said smiling.

I head to the cashier as soon as he walk awAy and spot kian who roll his eyes. I didn't say anything to him. He cash his things and walk out.

I stared cashing mine and bag them. When I leave,kian just close his trunk.

"Could you please open it?"

"Who tell you I was going to allow you back into my car?" he said.

"What the...." he drove off.

"Kian!" I shout with two big bags in my hands. Damn that boy.

I walk down the street,good thing I didn't see him make any turns on the way here.

I spend the next couple hours walking back on straight road I don't even know if I was going the right way.

I spot the large door and sigh. I burst through the door to see Connor in his hands,was a phone.

"Never mind she's home,thank you" he hang up the phone.

"Ashley!" he hugs me. "Are you okay? Are you stupid or something?"


"Guys she's home" he shouted. Jc,Trevor and everyone rush downstairs.

"You idiot" they said.

I look at kian and he looked worried. Hold on what is happening. He walk up to me.

"Ashley,why would you run off by yourself?" He smirk a little.

"Run off,I didn't run off,you drove-"

"I mean something could have happen to you!"

"You..." I stare at him.

"I know you guys have your differences but not going into to car and refuse to get drive home from kian,is just plain childish"jc complain.

What did he tell them.

"Well atleast you're here. So everything is okay"

They continue to walk away,one by one. How dare he tell them a lie. He stand in front me,just staring. I couldn't find the words when he smirk his ass off.

I walk to my room and throw the two bags down. I am so mad at him. He wants to play game,bring it on idiot.

I eat some snack and brush my teeth while thinking about ways to sabotage him.

I lay in bed, and fall asleep.


I heard noises out side when I wake up, what can these idiots possible be doing now.

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