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I wonder who that could be. I open the door to a new face "hi, I'm Connor. I'm the next person living in the house."

"Oh hi, I'm Ashley."

"So Ashley, we would like to know you a bit more, everyone will be
downstairs, I would like for you to meet me downstairs."

"Oh, but can I take a shower first?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, dinning isn't ready yet anyways."

"Okay" I Said and he walk away. I took up my towel, in search for the bathroom.

I walk around, finally finding it. I open the door without thinking and a shirtless Jc was in there, the room full with steam. "Oh." he said.

I look at his body before my cheek got red. I look away "I am so sorry, I didn't mean I have to...I uhm." I stuttered.

"Don't worry, you can join" he said.

"No!" I run out.

"Wait, I'm getting out so you can come shower."

"No I'm fine." I run back to my room. Sigh, this is going to be trouble. I sit on the balcony, checking if idiot boy 'Kian' is there on his side. Good thing he wasn't.

I wonder what mom could be doing. Or April. It feel so long and it just been a couple hours. I wait until everything cool down and go to check the bathroom. It was empty, the steam was clear. I put my hair in a messy bun. I fill the tub up and change quickly then hop in the bubble water. I slide down in the tub and cover my breast. The warm water handle my body with care. A few minutes of rubbing my body and relaxing, I was too busy to hear when the door open.

"Damn!" someone said. I jump up, sliding under the water more. I look over to the boy I think they call Sam. He had on the perfect shade of blush to his fat cheek.

"What are you doing?" I ask, making sure my naked wet body is covered.

"I'm tryna release tonight" he smirk.

"I uhm." I stuttered. He watch the tub so he could catch any of my body part slipping.He then burst into a laugh and walk towards me. I shake a little in the water after his hands reach out and grab my chin.

"Listen princess, you're in a house full of male. I think you don't need the soul fuck out of you anytime soon. I'll advice you to lock the door before getting naked in this house." He said smirking.

I nod my head fast to show I understand. "I'll leave, before anything goes wrong." He Laugh and closes the door. I jump from the tub wash off and run to my room hoping no one sees me in towel.

I lock the door and shut the balcony door. I look around for any boy sign before sitting on the bed and relax. Even though I was in my room. I put my clothes on fast. A long skirt that reaches my ankle. Tight at the top and stretchy. I put on a short blouse to cover myself.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. I walk downstairs to see Kian, Jc, Ricky and Sam. I walk past Ricky who greeted me well and sit on the couch between sam and Jc. Kian was on the other couch with his foot up on the glass table. "So granny," Kian Laugh, follow by sam and Jc holding back. I watch sam act as if he didn't just catch me naked.

"Come on guys." Ricky said.

"I'm just talking. So granny, how are you?"

"If you don't mind, my name is Ashley, not granny." I look away.

"I don't care. I call you what I want." Kian said.

"Well I don't like it."

He gasp and put his hands at his chin, "oh when did I ask?" I look away and stay quiet.

"Come on Kian, leave the girl alone," Jc said after laughing his ass off at Kian rude comments.

"Yeah, she's cute" Sam said, smirking at me.

"Yeah I guess," Kian said. "She's not all that."

"I don't know who you're referring to as not all that. Clearly you haven't check the mirror. You ain't cute either. "

"So? The girls love it"

"What girl? Your imagination shouldn't be that wild."

They laugh. "So you think my girl doesn't exist?"

"I don't think, I know. Plus you ain't that sexy, so don't come at me!"

"You too."

"For you information I look good."

"Oh you feel proud now? Clap yourself, You finally put a skirt on that shows the ass and curve you don't have."

"Excuse me!"

Everyone laugh at me. "Stop Kian, "Connor walk downstairs. "Stop troubling her for Damn sake." he said, checking our number.

"Where's Trevor?" He ask.

"In his room." Sam said.

"Trevor!" Connor shout.

"What!" He shout back.

"You're needed downstairs" he said. In a few minute, Trevor showed himself. He didn't say anything but sit.

"So, I'm Connor. I am architect and I enjoy doing it. I am 21 years old. I look forward in knowing you"

Everyone look at Ricky. "Well I guess I'm Ricky. I'm the oldest 22 and I make YouTube videos and I enjoy food."

We look at Jc next. "I'm Jc, and I'm 21 a day older than Connor. I enjoy dancing a bit. Not too good but oh well. Giving jokes and I'm working as a part time chef for a while."

"Oh I like cooking too." I said.


"Well my turn," sam said "I love make up. I don't know why and I like blush. I'm currently in college and I'm hoping to a doctor."

"Trevor," Trevor could hardly let Sam finish, before folding his legs and push his hand out. "I'm the youngest here and I'm in high school. I'm quiet and don't like to be annoyed. I love food also and I'm a bit popular in the music business." He flash his hands. The thought of him being gay flashes my mind.

"Oh cool, Trevor." I said, then we look at Kian.

"Oh did you hear about the new show t-"

"Kian!" Ricky said.

"But the show-" he said.

"Just introduce yourself." Ricky told him.

"Well I'm Kian. I love fashion and I have a growing YouTube account. I hate no booty bitches and whores that think they are-"

"Eh em!" Connor clear his throat.

Kian sigh "I don't like introducing myself and I don't like people in my room, There." he ends it.

"Well guess you know us, what about you?" sam ask.

So far I don't know anything about Kian.

"Well I'm Ashley, I'm really shy but will get mad if an ugly guy tries to be disrespectful. I don't like pink, love purple, can make a mean dish of Mac and cheese. I'm about to apply for college and -"

"Ah, we didn't ask about everything. "Kian jump in.

"And idiot fools everything that's bad. I hate when those people think they are in my class to talk to me. And they are always up everyone's ass with their blabbering."

"They won't be up yours, because you have no ass." Kian smirk and Jc change the mood.

"I forgot the food!" he run to the kitchen and Kian and I have death stare off.

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