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Yesterday was hell and today. You know how much homework and assignment I have.

School is over and I just want to put my feet in some ice water at home and kissing on my-ew.

I turn to see my suppose to cool handsome boyfriend,drooling in his chair.

Should I leave him here. I can't I won't have a drive. Everyone exit the room and I wake Kian.

"It was sam!" He shout and I stare at him.


He grab his chest and look around with his red eyes shock,"it was just a dream."

"If you say so."

"Class is over?" He ask,scratching his eyes.

"Yes," I kiss him. "And we have work to do."

"Fine,but I'm hanging with Kelly today."

"Why? Kelly?"

"Calm down,we're meeting at their dorm again."

"Oh really." I roll my eyes.

"Stop with the attitude okay,come one." I grab my books and he lead the way.

We walk outside and sam leans on the wall with Rosa in front him,laughing.

"There you are." He said.

"Oh hey." She said.

"Hi." I fake smile at this girl. Why?she irritates me for some reason.

"Let's go." She said and I pout and fold my arms. They walk off and stare when kian stand in front me.

"Stop staring." He kiss me.
"Now come on." He hold my hands for a while.

We walk and walk until we see house. The house isn't big but it's okay. It's really pretty though and art cover the house.

I saw Andrew and tardo at the front.

"Y prreeeeee!" Tardo run towards us.

"Hi." I smile.

"Mi deh yah." I raise my eyebrow.

"He means he's okay." Andrew greet us.

I turn to kian. "Dorm?"

"Ish." He smile.

"Come on." Andrew said.

We walk in and everything is here. Different culture things and flag. I thought I just spot bob Marley with a cigar.

Inside is something else. Better I'll say. A step part to the top and laugher from a different room.

"Amani! Kelly!" Andrew shout.
We sit in their comfy couch. It smell so good.

A few minutes and Kelly and amani is here. Amani struggle to push the hair behind her ears,holding nail polish and tissue.

Kelly walk careful,blowing her nails.

"Hey girl." She smile.


They sit. Rosa and sam left just a while ago and Kelly and Amani is colouring their nails.

"Wanna join?" They ask.


"Sure she will." Kian jump in.

"Whatever." They move closer to me and grab my hand. They rub my nails with nail polish remover.

"I'm not into this." I tell the truth.

"Well you like it now." She pull out pink nail polish and gently rub it over my nail.

"Cute huh." Amani smile. Blowing my finger and wiping the parts that flow over.

"We're gonna fix you up." She said.

"No I'm fine." I shout whshe grab my hair.

"Kian isn't this nice?" Kelly ask.

"Uhm yeah." He smile.

The place got silent until Amani reach my next hand.

"Damn it, zue-yong,I don't care about that stupid cartoon with fluffy or horo." That strong British accent got near.

"Excuse me,it's luffy and Zoro. Plus,anime isn't cartoon you ass."
That must be zue-yong. They entered the room in such a loud and big argument.

"I don't care. Anime is cartoon,what's the difference?"

"They aren't-" I jump in but kian covers my mouth.

"Never get between their arguments."

"Listen cin sha so, I don't care about anime." Joseph mock yong.

Zue-yong breathe and flip him off. "F**k you!" He storm out of the room and everyone laugh.

"Pay attention!" Kelly slap me. I look at my nails which are pretty how. Ew.

Here ain't that bad. Other from these idiots drink and smoke alot,especially Andrew and Joseph,they are fun.

We played alot of games for some college kids and I was dare to kiss tardo. Kian nearly blow his skin off.

What's really bothering me,is that sam and miss Rosa is over there,acting all cute. Are they dating?

The time gets dark and we're suppose to reach home. "Bye guys,thanks for nails." I fake smile.

"You are welcome honey." Kelly hug me.

"Bye," amani flash her hair. "Come again tomorrow."

"Bye guys." Andrew said.

"Later." Joseph glare at zue-yong.

We said bye and walk to kian's car. Sam leans on it holding Rosa's hand. He saw us and pull away. "Bye Rosa." He said and she smile and walk away.

"Night guys." She wave to us.

We got in the car and he sigh then smile. "Are you two dating?" I ask sam.

"It's not important to you."

"Oh." I keep quite as Kian drive.

I fall asleep in his car.

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I know this is a bit shorter than the usual chapters but pfft. Thanks for reading.

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