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I stood there trying to come to terms with what just happen. Plus he just left as if he didn't have explaining to do.

I shake my head to clear my mind and questions flowing through it. I grab my towel and head to the bathroom,no one was there. I lock the bathroom and take a shower. I realize they add a new body wash to the bathroom.

I wash off before stepping out and wrapping the towel around my body.

I head to my room,rushing as normal so nobody could see me in towel. I keep thinking about the kiss kian gave me,he was planning to French kiss but I stop him. I realize I was smiling and shake my head.

I put my light make up on,and put on my clothes.

Jacob just text me that he will pick me up in the next 10 minutes.

I reply with a smiling emoji,and got dress,after around 8 mintues I pick my phone and purse. I look at the door and sigh before opening it.

I walk downstairs and there kian,jc and Trevor. I walk up to them.

"Damn girl!" Jc said.

"Omg you look fab!" Trevor added.

"Thanks guys."

"Yeah right,she doesn't," kian roll his eyes "she's just showing more of the ass she doesn't have."

"Kian stop it," Trevor said with attitude. Like seriously you kiss me then act like a piece of shit.

"Excuse me!" I stare at him and he knows I'm asking wassup with his attitude.

"Wear a uhm, table cloth,you'll look better." Kian look down to his phone.

"You think I'm going to make you k-"

"Beep beep!" A car horn outside,stoping me.

I glance at him and walk away.

"Haha!" Kian walk to the door with me. "Go try to walk sexy." He said and I walk off shaking my head. "Don't fall now." He shout out and Jacob step out his car and walk around to the passenger seat to open the door.

"Hahaha!" I heard Kian laugh,but I stay confident.

I step in and thank him. He closes the door and walk around to the driver seat then hop in.

"Ready?" He ask.


I look kian staring at me and Jacob drive off. "What's his problem?" Jacob ask.

"I don't know,he has mental issues."

Jacob laugh "I can see that."

Honestly I do believe kian suffer from an illness to his head. "So what are going to do today?"

"Maybe have picnic. I carry some food and a blanket."

"Aww," that's so sweet. I've never been a picnic before.

"Hope you like fry chicken." He said smiling a bit.

I can't help but stare at him. Am I in a car by myself,is this too good to me true. How can this boy even look at me. It's like he's a bad boy but so sweet.

He has tattoo but not as much as kian arms. We arrive at a park call 'downtown park' or so the people call it.

I step out the car when he stop and he did the same. I grab the blanket while Jacob get the basket.

He looks at me before picking a good shady spot to sit at. I spread the blanket out and I sit and so did he.

"So uhm,I have fry chicken,bread,sandwich, anything you'll like."

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