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"Hey baby," Andrea said,looking at kian." Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not hungry." he mumbled,picking at his food.

"I'll take that then," Connor said and she push his hands away from his plate.

"But you have to eat."

"Okay," kian said,still picking at his peas.

"You want something else then?"

Kian ignore her. Sam was the first to finish. The food sober him up a little before he started dancing. Everyone else was in a conversation making it hard to hear what anyone is saying.

"Please eat," she said,digging into her food.

I watch as kian force to shove the food in his frown lips. He took only a small piece,chewing it slowly.

"The foods good right?" Jacob ask me.


"I'm glad you invite me," he smiles.

I smile a little, "I'm glad I did."

He reaches under the table,resting his hands on my tight,giving it a little squeeze,before planting a little kiss on my cheek.

In a second,our attention was turn to kian,who just spit juice. Or maybe it was a choke?

"Are you okay kian?" Andrea ask.

"Yeah,I'm fine."


"Yeah." he wipes his mouth a little,before going to frowning.

"So ash," Andrea look over at me.

"How long you and Jason are together ?"

"Jacob,not Jason." I correct her."Just some weeks,"

"So,have you done anything?"

I choke a little,"I don't understand what you mean."

"I mean you know,take the v card,licking the cucumber,eating the mash,exchange parts."

"I uhm...."

She roll her eyes. "Did he f**k you yet?"

I nearly lose my life from her words. I'm glad everyone is too busy with their own conversation,because this is embarrassing.

"No,ofc no!" I shake my head.

"But you..."

"Drea,stop it!" Kian look at her.

"I'm just trying to know.."

"Its their relationship,not yours." He got serious and she close her mouth.

Jacob look at me,but continuing eating.

Dinner just finish,and everyone is ready to get back on their feet. The balcony door just open and people spread out. I was on the outside.

Andrea drag kian along to take picture. He didn't smile in any pictures.

Jacob and I snap a few,while Ricky and drunk Sam,ruin our photo in the back.

"You spill your drinks on my shoes slut," a girl near us said.

"That's because you won't move your ugly ass bitch,"

"Look whore,I will kill you,if you don't get me a towel and apologize."

"And what will happen if I don't?"

The girl in all pink,reach behind her for a glass of water. She turn around and throw it at the girl but misses. I saw the liquid searching for me and I close my eyes.

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