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I woke up and I feel lazy from all the alcohol and dares from yesterday. Good thing it's the weekend.

My door opens and Kian walk in,dropping himself on my bed beside me. "Morning baby." He smile.


"Are you tired?"


"Well I won't be home today."

"Why?" I ask.

"I have to go do a YouTube video with another youtuber." I almost forgot he's a bit famous on YouTube. He shares a YouTube account with jc too.

"Why can't they come here?"

"Cause everything we need is at his house."


"So," he kiss me. "I'm going to be leaving now."




"No,I'll be back later."

"Fine!" I pout and he kiss me again and left. This day is going to be boring.

I brush my teeth and head downstairs. Ricky is reading a book and Connor is watching tv.

It felt like years I haven't seen these people. "Hey guys."


"You know Kian left isn't here."

"Yeah I know,he told me."

"He went to get pills for killing a baby."

"No. A video. Perv!"

"I know he's banging it hard." Connor tease.

"Shut up!"I roll my eyes.

"How's school?" Ricky ask.

"It's okay,I just have alot of assignment to do."

"Want help."

"I don't know yet." I answered honest."Where's everyone?" I ask and trevor walk in.

"T!" I shout and he turn to me.

"Ash." He hugs me. "Wassup."

"I'm good,you?"

"I'm alright,except getting a producer for my new single."

"You mean as in a song?"

"I mean as in a song girl!" He shout with excitement.  I miss out alot. I leave early and come home late.

"Ashley is that you?" I heard a familiar voice. Lia showed her self. She's still living here.

"Yup." She hugs me. "Girl you've gotten cute. Omg look at your nails. How dare you get your nails done without me?" I laugh.

"I'm sorry."

"Well they are cute. So how you been?

"You know college and stuff." I answer.

"Well at least. Guess what?"


"I'M GOING TO BE IN A MOVIE WITH CAMERON DALLAS AND NASH." Everyone said with her and she roll her eyes."oh shut up."

"We can't." Trevor said.

"You tell us a million times." Connor sigh.

"Well jealous much." She flash her hair.

"Nope,my YouTube is growing,"
Ricky announce.

"so does mine."Connor but in.

"Everyone is having a YouTube now?" I ask.


"What about O2l?"

"It's okay,but I just don't know." Trevor said.

Mhmh,groups never last.

" Well I will be in my room,doing homework."I told them.

"Kian have homework too right?" Trevor ask.


"But it's Kian. homework and Kian taste bitter on my tongue." They make fun of him.

"Y'all better leave him alone." I fold my hands.


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I know this is extremely short but sorry I'm having author block.

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