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Jail,I can't believe. I hang up the phone and rush to the boys,before they scatter in differently direction.

"Guys!" I call out. Connor and trevor are the first persons I see.

"Sam is in jail."


"He just called. He said he needs someone to bail him out."

"What could he have done? He's suppose to be in a Damn college but instead,jail." Connor shout,waving his hands in the air.

"Kian!" He shouted.

"What!" He answered,looking down at us from upstairs.

"We need your car,ricky is gone and sam is in jail."

"Sam?is where?" He disappear. We could hear his foot step running down the stairs and a bunch of keys slapping each other,creating a click, along with his loud stomping.

Jc and lia just showed up.

"Lets go!" He walk pass out.

"Ashley,Trevor,jc and lia,please stay." Connor said. "We'll call ricky on the way."

"No I want to go!" I shout. Kian turn around immediately with his fist.


"I want to go and I am going!"

"You're not and that's final. Lets go guys." He walk away and I walk behind him.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Ashley!" He stop and I walk straight in his back. "Why are you so stubborn?"

"I am not. I just want to go." My voice lower a bit. Why am I even having this conversation with him.

Connor and jc pass me. Kian step closer to me and look down. "Why do you want to see him?"

"Because he's my friend too."

"Ashley." He said softly,much like a whine.

"Stop acting like a prick and lets just go." My voice raise again.

He look me up and down," fine"

I walk behind him and hop in the car.I was in the back with jc. Kian drives mad as always.

We just pull in the station and they got out. It's night and I should be in bed,but no,sam decided he needs to get thrown in jail.

From morning he wasn't there,I wonder What he could have done. We enter and it immediately hit me. Piss,sweat and dirt hits me.

"Oh I miss this scent." Kian smile.

"Kian shut up." He received an elbow in his stomach from jc. What's that suppose mean,he came here before.

"Hey you,fag,unlock this so I can get out of here!" I heard Sam. He went off on the poor little officer with a donut in his hand,a coffee and a news paper. His big boots are on top of the counter just ignoring sam.

We walk out a bit more and sam eyes fly open. "Sam?" Jc said.

"How may I help you?" The officer is on his guard.

"We are here to bail this knuckle head out." Connor explain.

"With the fee of a 50,000?"

"Wow,what could he have done to pay that shit."

"Let me say,fight a business man,nearly kill him,disrespect an officer and pass on private property."

We turn to sam that started whistling and kicking his boots.

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