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Oh lord,finally this exam is over. Is this college now. If I get through does that mean I have to board here.

"Stay where you are,we will give out a next paper. Not exam,but some question. we will need to tell you the result and some information. Please fill it out."

She gave us all a paper. My name, address, number, nationality etc. I fill it out and my row is now call to give up the paper. Every one pass their paper on and we left the room.

The place is way too crowded with children talking about their test. I'll admit it was hard,but I think I scrape through. I can't find sam or kian. I walk back to where they park the car. Atleast I make it out,but a million car is here.

Good thing kian is unruly,he park the car so stubborn to other people. I spot the car and saw kian and sam leaning against it.

I don't think they see me. Why does it look like they are arguing.

"I don't care,I kinda feel the same." Kian complain.

"Just like lilly,But you know I like her too," sam shout. Who's Lilly?

"It doesn't matter,I want her!" Kian roll his eyes.

"I will -"

"Hey guys," I jump in.

Sam roll his eyes,lean against the car and push his hands in his tight jeans.

"Hey I miss you," kian drag me and wrap one arm around me and the older push my chin up. He place a kiss on my lips.

What's he doing?

"Kian," it comes out as a whine when I push him away softy. I look at sam and his hands his now a fist at his side. He turn away and hop in the car,sitting at the back.

I got the front this time and I can feel someone staring at me. The car is yet again silent until we reach home.

I got out the car and sam follow walking with me. "Wait!" Kian grab me back and sam stare at him before walking away.


"Nothing,lets go."

Why is everyone acting like this? I don't get the big deal. Why did kian kiss me. I miss you oh my gosh kian miss me.

I walk in the house and only jc and lia is there. I completely forgot about them.

"Hi Ashley," jc smile.

"Hey Justin,"

"No I call him Justin alone." Lia fold her hands.

"Fine,jc." I sit.

"I'll be right back." Lia got up from his lap.

"So how was the exam?"

"Hard,but I manage."

"Think you'll pass?" Jc ask.

"Yea I guess." I look away. Who's Lilly. They call that name when they were arguing or something.

"Uhm who's Lilly?"


"No one." He got up.

"But I heard them cursing about 'lilly' today.

"Well I don't know?" He walk awAy. Don't have to be so cold on me. I head upstairs and walk in my room.

I call my mom.
*hey mom,i did the exam entrance test. I'm just waiting on the result.*

*oh really,good honey.*

*anywAys I miss you bye.*


She hangs up. My head is hurting and all I need is to relax right now. I wish the rooms had bathroom for them self.

I walk to the bathroom and set the water relaxing. My neck my back everywhere is hurting me. I rub on the areas and got out.

Rushing to my room. I think I need to sleep. I don't know why I'm so tired all of a sudden. I got dress in a big thin dress and wrap myself up.

My eyes closes and I drift off to wonderland.

"Mhmh," I heard in my ears. Fingers press against my skin on my waist. A wet tongue slide under my ears. Their body press on mine, and a playful bite on my ears. Can't kian give me break sometimes.

I push it off gently. "Stop," it came out as a moan. "Mhm," I could his hard. Damn boy! "Kian stop!" I moan. The movement stop. He actually listen.

I open my eyes and sam is hovered over me,with hurt eyes. "S...sam" I stuttered.

"Why did you have to say kian?" He bury his head in my shoulder. "Why not my name?"

He tighten his grip on my body. "Why don't you like me?"

"Sam you're hurting me." He release little of his grip.

"Why are we so different. I'm better than him." His hands travel down my belly and cover my vagina.

"No stop." I push away.

"Why can't I touch you too?" He whine.


"Because she doesn't like you." Kian voice is heard,standing behind Sam. Sam and I both look at the him.

"Why are you in here? Touching her?" Kian fist is fold.

"Cause I can.I have been there when her boyfriend hurt her,while you trouble her. You and I both know you're going to hurt her."

"It doesn't matter,and shut up and stop talking shit you don't know."

"Oh I know every thing."

"Just get out."

"You don't tell me what to do. " sam got in front him.

"You want to bet asshole." Kian look at him.

"Guys stop!" I shout."Both of you out! What's wrong with you?"

They look at me. "Kian started it." Sam shout.

"Don't ever say my name again!" Kian turn back to him.

"Kian! What you gon do?" Sam challenge him.

"Guys just stop. Go back to being friends and just pretend not to know me. None of you dare touch me again. Over some stupid thing you're about fight."

"This isn't stupid." Sam shout.

"Just get out! Both of you!" I shout.

"Flatty i-"


They both sigh and exist the room. What's wrong with them. Even if it's about me,I don't want to ruin their friendship. Where did I go wrong? Why can't I just enjoy my life,college then move on.

Now my head hurts,I think I have a fever also. I feel like I'm about to be sick.

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