Adapting To a New Life

Start from the beginning

I laugh. "Jesse we can't go out just like that, don't you remember that I have three kids, I can't..." Thats when he laughs.

"I called Lacy, and she said she will take care of the kids, it will only be a couple of hours Emma." I sigh.

"Jesse, it's a school night."

He sighs. "I know it's just, I've been so busy here at the hospital and since tonight I'm not on call I wanted to spend time with you."

"Ok then, I'll be ready at 7."

"Sweet, see you tonight beautiful." I hung up and just stood there a bit confused. I shook of the feeling and continued on with preparing dinner.

Time passes by and I started to get ready. That's when I hear the doorbell ring. "I got it," Liam screams. "It's Aunty Lacy and Ben," he screams. "Thank you!" I screamed. That's when I see Rhea run down the hallway. She adores Ben, they are honestly the best of friends. As I'm doing my make up Lacy walks into the room.

"Hey there, my look at you all dolled up." I scoff. "Shut it Lacy." She laughs. "You seem awfully chipper Lacy, are you ok?" She smiles. "I sure am." I squint my eyes and give her a weird look. "Oh shut up and hurry up, it's nearly 7." I nod. That's when I go and put my heels on. I grabbed my purse and then I gasp. "My ring." I said and walked back to my vanity.

Lacy grabs my hand. "Why are you still wearing that, you're not married anymore." I give Lacy a weird look. "Lacy, I can not not wear this ring, I have to." She nods. "Just for tonight don't wear it, it's not like you're committing a crime or a sin by not wearing it." I stare at it and sighed. I placed it down in my ring box and nodded. "Very well." She smiles and that's when the door bell rings.

Lacy smiles. "Oh he's here." I smiled. We walked out of the room and I go and open the door. That's when Jesse walks in with a bouquet of roses in his hand. "My you look stunning Emma." He says making me blush. He hands me the flowers and I smile. "And you look very handsome." He smiles.

"Doctor Jesse," Leía and Liam scream as they go and hug him. Rhea and Ben sit there on the couch and ignore Jesse. "Rhea come and say hi to Jesse." She ignores me. "Rhea Marie Jones!" She scoffs and throws her toys to the ground and gets up. "You too Ben," I say and he shakes his head. Lacy gives him a death glare then he gets up and stands next to Rhea.

Rhea and Ben both look down. "Hi," they both say and Jesse laughs. "It's ok let them be," he says and I shake my head. "No they have to be respectful and say hi to people." Rhea rolls her eyes. I give her a death glare and she looks down.

"Ok, ok, I got them Emma, you two go have fun, I'll take care of the kids." I nod. I go and say goodbye to the kids and walked out with Jesse. We get into the car and drove away. "So where are we going?" He smiles. "Dinner." I laugh. "I know that but like we are all dressed up, where are we going?" He laughs.

"You're used to all this so why is this weird to you?" I sigh. "I know I am used to it, I just..." He grabs my hand. "Trust me you're going to love it." I nod. After 25 minutes we arrived to one of the most luxurious seaside hotels here in the state. He went and opened the door for me and helped me out.

We walked in and were escorted to the top floor and it so happens that the top floor of this hotel has a restaurant on the roof. We get there and my was it beautiful and the view was to die for. "Jesse," I say with a big smile. He smiles. "I knew you would like it." I nod. We walk to our table and we sit down. "Umm where's everyone at?"

He smiles. "I reserved the whole restaurant for us two." I gasp. "How?" He smiles. "Let's just say the owner of this hotel is a friend of mine and he owes me a couple of favors," he says and winks at me. I couldn't help but blush. That's when the waiter comes and serves us a glass of wine.

I looked over the menu and we ordered our food. We continued to talk and we were having a good time. Our food came and we started to eat. I was honestly enjoying myself. After we finished eating we went outside to the balcony. I just gazed down at the dark beach and of the city lights.

"You like the view?" I nod. "It's so Beautiful Jesse." "Well you deserve a break from the kids." I smiled. "Yeah once in a while but I adore them." He smiles. "As do I." I smile. "That's why I want to be a part of your family officially." I give him a weird look. "What do you mean?"

That's when I see that he gets down on one knee. I gasp. "Emma, will you marry me?" I stood there in shock, I didn't know what to respond. "Oh my gosh Jesse." He smiles. "So what do you say?" I smile. "Jesse, I know we have been together but.." He nods. "You're still in love with Killian?" I sigh. "Well yeah but I mean..." He gets up.

"Emma Im not going to pressure you but just think about it, Killian isn't coming back. And I'm here to be with you." I smile. "I'm just scared." He nods. "I understand." I cover my face. "I'm so sorry I ruined this night for you, I'm sorry, I told you I was difficult." He laughs. "I knew it was a long shot to ask you but I'm not leaving you, I love you Emma but just think about it." I nod.

We stood there gazing the city then we went back inside to grab our things. We walked down and got into the car. He drove me back home and walked me up to the door. "Well I Hope enjoyed dinner." He says with a smile. I sigh. "I ruined our dinner." "Hey don't say that." I sigh as I looked down.

He lifts my chin with his finger and caresses my cheek. He leans in and gives me a kiss. "I love you Emma and I will never leave you." I nod. "Well thanks again, I loved everything." He smiles and nods. "See you in two days." I nod. "Good night Jesse." He nods.

I walk in and close the door. That's when Lacy screams. "How'd it go? Did you say yes?" I gave her a baffled look. "You knew?" She nods. "Yes." I chuckled. "No wonder you were acting all weird before I left." She smiles. "Well let me see the ring?" I show her my hand and she gasps. "You turned him down?" I sigh. "I didn't say yes or no." She gasps. "Emma...." I nod as I sit down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, I just can't I mean I love him but Killian..." She nods. "Girl, Killian is gone and you need someone by your side and this guy has proven once and once again that he loves you and the kids, you deserve to be happy again." I nod. "I know but..." She sighs as she picks up Ben. "Think about it girl." I nod. "I will and thanks again for taking care of the kids." She nods. "Of course." I walk Lacy to the door and she walks out.

I close the door and walked over to check on the kids. I walked into Leia's and Liam's room and they were both sound asleep. I go and kiss their foreheads. That's when I go to Rhea's room and she isn't there. I checked the bathroom and she wasn't there either. I start to panic a little bit. I walked to my room and I see her sleeping on my bed. I smiled at the sight of that.

I went to my vanity and started to take off my jewelry. That's when I see my wedding ring. I put it back on and sighed. I just can't let go of Killian just yet. I know he's not coming back but I just need to be sure that I'm making the right decision. I go to my closet to change into my night wear and then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I then walked back to my room and got into bed.

As soon as I laid down Rhea felt me and she reached out for me and hugged me. I smiled. I don't know if I'm ready to take this step with Jesse just yet. My family loves him but there's a little one who doesn't and until she loves him I can't accept him but then again she's too little to understand these things. Well whatever the case may be, I have to be sure of what I'm going to do because Im not ready to give up being a Jones.

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