That's when people from Fashion monthly came and took a picture of us and of my dress and of the place. As I'm talking to Killian I over hear a voice I hadn't heard in years. "Congrats on your beautiful wedding sweetie." I looked away from Killian's gaze and it was my mother and father. I grabbed on to Killian's hand and gasp.

I couldn't help but cry. Killian gave me a concerned look. "Love are you ok?" I stayed quiet. "Who are they love?" I sigh. "They are my parents who I thought were dead or missing." He gasps. "What?" He gets up and my dad puts his arm up and Killian sits back down. "What are you two doing here?" I say in a mad tone. "We wanted to see our daughter on her very special day." I scoffed. "Oh now you guys care about me huh?" They sigh.

"No you guys left me with my aunt and didn't even care to tell me where you lived or where you were at, you guys never approved my dream to become a fashion designer." They sigh. "Remember you guys said that I was going to embarrass the both of you because I was going to enter this awful industry. That I was going to get pregnant and live on the streets." I over hear Killian gasp.

"It was all because I didn't want to be a doctor so what happens, one night you guys go out but you never came back and for my graduation you just send me a bracelet instead of being there in person to witness me walking that stage." Killian grabs my hand and sighs.

"My love why didn't you tell me about this." I caressed his hand and sighed. "I'm sorry I was going to but later on, I just never thought I was going to see them again." He hugged me and smiled. I leaned back and gave my parents the most awful look ever. "So now that I'm successful, married to an amazing man and I'm not pregnant and living in the streets, you come and see me huh?" They stay quiet. Lacy comes and interrupts our conversation. "Emma how about we go to the bathroom to freshen you up before you go and thank your guests." I nod and Killian smiles at me. "Go love." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

I walk with Lacy back to the hotel to the hotel. As soon as I walked in I burst into tears. "Lacy what are they doing here, why did they come?" Lacy sighs. "Well the wedding was announced in the magazine and the FA institutes website maybe that's how they might have found out." I scoff. "Great I already started my marriage out with a lie, this is just perfect." I say and continued to cry.

"You listen to me Emma Jones." I couldn't help but smile when I heard my name. "You have come a long way to let those two ruin your wedding, sorry if I sound rude towards your parents but no, you guys enjoy this and forget about them, ignore them. Have fun." I smiled. "And that's why you're my best friend." She hugged me and she retouched my make up. "There, my best friend doesn't look like she cried at all." I smile and we went outside.

Killian is talking to his groomsmen and I see my parents standing by the tree, I ignore the fact that they are there and I go and have fun. I grabbed Killian and we went around the tables and thanked everyone for coming. We took pictures with them and just enjoyed that time. After we finished, it was time for the toast. My in-laws, my aunt, Lacy, and Robin, Killian's Best Man we're going to share some words with us.

My mother in law starts. "What can I say, a lot actually." And everyone laughs. "I didn't expect for my little boy, my youngest son to get married first but there goes to show you that life doesn't go as planned. I wanted him in all honesty to marry a quiet Hawaiian native girl but he found someone we least expected but she is better than I imagined, so raise your glasses as we do a toast for our newlyweds. Congrats Emma and Killian, I love you both." She says and sits down.

Then Brennan gets up and raises his glass. "Killian I raised you up well, I'm so proud of you. I love you both and I'm so happy Emma will be a part of our family. Oh and I hope I get some grandkids soon because I am lonely here in our island." I blushed and Killian chuckled. "Oh dad you will never change." We all raise our glasses and drink.

My aunt gets up and raises her glass. "Well I have a little story to tell about these two." I closed my eyes. "Oh no, I think I know which one she's going to tell." I say to Killian and he laughs. "I apologize for this but I was trying to get Emma to go out on dates with some young men but she would refuse, yes I know I'm weird but shush." She says and everyone laughs.

"Well I called her and Killian answered the phone and I got happy at first because I thought that she was on a date with him but he had said he was her intern and I told him to tell her that I was mad because she blew off the date and well they went and told me about what happened on the other end with them two." And everyone gasped. Well she continued and finished the story. "And look at them now." I smile and laugh. She again raises her glass. "To Emma and Killian." And we all take another drink.

Then it was Robin's turn. "What can I say about my man Killian here, I mean I'm not going to lie but way back when we were 27 ahh." He says and everyone laughs. "Naa, when we were in our early twenties we did so much stuff and not going to lie we were both the biggest flirts on this island man but I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that." He says and everyone laughed. I nudged Killian and he laughed.

"I remember one time we had just finished doing a test at our community college and we were flirting like crazy with some girls and yeah sorry Emma." He says and I chuckle. "Oh I know what a big flirt he is." He nods and laughs.

"Well I had asked him if he was interested in any of the girls here and he said, no, that he knew she wasn't here. And I look at him like bro, we have a lot of pretty women here and he said, no when I find her I will know by simply looking into her eyes. Man when he said some manful tears came out and I was like bro it can't be that easy and he said watch that's how I will find my wife and that's what ended up happening with Emma and Killian."

I couldn't help but smile when I heard that. That only made me fall more in love with my Killian. "Congrats Emma you are taking a very good man with you please take care of my bro." I nod and raised my glass. We all raised our glasses and took a sip. I looked at my parents and they were just quiet and they decided to leave. It hurt me that they actually left but I just couldn't deal with that today. I was too happy to let them ruin this day and plus I had forgiven them a long time and I just, I couldn't. Finally, it was Lacy's turn.

"Saved the best for last." She says and everyone laughed. "Oh my gosh this has been such a journey with these two I mean whoa." She laughs and everyone joined her. "I remember clearly the day we found out that Killian and Joy were going to be our interns, Emma and I were baffled but excited. Anyways fast forwarding to the end of that day I remember asking Emma what she thought of Killian and her response was priceless." Everyone cheered and laughed.

"Well she said quote on quote, he defies my authority, he talks back to me and he doesn't understand the concept of personal space." Everyone laughed. "Then I went and asked her if Killian was handsome and she responded yes but just because he is good looking doesn't mean he can treat her like that and plus she assigned him to do all of her errands and gave him her work phone and agenda, that supposably that would teach him to respect and obey her." Everyone laughed.

"I then responded poor man and she said he needs to learn and I lean next to her and I said that I didn't think she was mad at him for defying her but she's mad or upset because he is a good looking man and she might be interested in him." I look over at Killian and he's just laughing. "She quote on quote responds, Lacy, he's my intern and we've just met. I winked at her and said you never know and she just responded with whatever and look at them now." Everyone claps and shouts.

"So Killian take care of my best friend, I've been with her since we were 13, she is a part of me and it hurts that I won't be with her 24/7 but at least I know that she is with someone that cherishes her and loves her more than me." Killian nods his head. Lacy raises her glass and we all raised them and took our last sip. The reception continued, the cake, the endless pictures and finally it was our time to go on our own, just Killian and I.

We get into a car and we wave goodbye and make our way to another spot that apparently Killian had prepared for us. Even though it was late I was excited. We drove 10 minutes outwards from the reception place and there was a nice secluded beach. There was a little house. We walk out of the car and I look at Killian and smile. "You always said you wanted to spend a night at the beach so why not spend it with me."

I smiled and kissed him. I then walked over towards the the shore where the waves would come in. I took off my wedges and placed my feet in the water and Killian comes and joins me. "Thank you for this, for everything but I don't deserve..." and he kisses me. I kiss him and I just get lost in the embrace of the kiss. We stood there kissing as the moonlight shined down on us and with that we sealed our amazing wedding day.

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