Chapter 13 - Apologies

Start from the beginning

By the sound of Nick’s name it brought tears to my eyes. I know what he did to Jack but not talking to him for almost five months is killing me, I haven’t even seen his face yet. As hard as it is to say; I miss him.

But the worst thing is Nick hasn’t even said sorry to me.  He hasn't even tried to talk to me. Nothing.

I sniffled and tried to choke back my sob so Daniel wouldn’t notice, but he does. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought him up,’ he says quickly hugging me tighter.

I sigh and let him go before walking off to the bathroom, he lets me and I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs.

I lay in the bath peacefully with my eyes closed, nothing on my mind. The warm water made me feel so free and safe as if nothing in the world could touch me. I feel the bubbles reach my chin and stopped sliding down and for some reason out of nowhere I started to hum, I don’t know what song I was humming but it sounded nice and peaceful and it made me feel somewhat happy and relaxed. I think I’ve heard the song before because somewhere inside me memories came back and before I knew it I was reliving a moment 9 years ago.

‘Where are you mummy? … Dad?’ I cried running around the backyard before trying to climb the big fence which taunt me.

Once again they had left me behind in this big lonely house. Why did they have to leave me? Why couldn’t I have come? I hated so much being alone.

My foot slips and I fall backwards scraping my knee on something on the way down. I landed on my backside and watched as the blood seeped out, I was scared and alone and I didn’t know what to do so I cried and cried for a long time.

It soon started to get dark but I still sat there sobbing and holding onto my leg, I was cold and shivering but I was too scared and tired to try and get up and walk back inside so I just sat there with tears in my eyes and a throbbing, dried up knee.

‘Remiah? Baby where are you? Mummy and daddy’s home now.’ I heard my mother call as she walked around the house. I open my mouth to answer her but nothing came out, my throat dried up from all the crying. ‘Baby, come out we’re home… Nick, where is she? What if she ran away. Oh, god, please tell me she didn’t run away. Remiah! Baby where are you?’ She soon started to panic and I could hear her footsteps running around the house, opening and shutting doors.

‘Babe, calm down, I’ll go check if she’s outside. Maybe she fell asleep playing or something,’ Dad suggests opening the back door and walking out, mum stayed inside looking in the rooms as Dad walked around the dark backyard.

‘Remy, baby, where are you?’ He calls getting closer to where I was, tears crowded my eyes and I started to cry again. He hears me and runs around the corner collapsing onto his knees next to me and embracing me in a tight hug. ‘It’s alright baby, it’s okay we’re here now… Chelsea! Babe, come, I found her!’ Dad picks me up so soft and gently I barely even noticed as I clung onto his t-shirt crying.

‘Oh, hun’ what happened?’ Dad asks as he lays me on the couch. My mum crouches beside me and holds my hand before kissing me softly on the forehead. They both assess the damage and Dad leaves to get a wet cloth for my knee. ‘Baby, what happened to your knee? Do you hurt anywhere else?’ Mum asks her brow furrowed as she rubs my other knee softly.

A frown stayed on my face because I was still upset that they had left me without saying anything but yet I was so happy to see their faces again. ‘I… I fell off the fence, because I wanted t-to find you and daddy.’ Tears crowded my eyes again and I started to sniffle.

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