Chapter 2 - Changes

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The next morning I wake up and see myself in a plane, a pretty big one. I look for Nick but he just happens to be right at the front; earphones in and eyes fixated on whatever he was watching on the screen in front of him. I was going to get out of my chair but as I leant over a bit more I see six men in black sitting in all the chairs, their back toward me so I couldn’t tell if I’ve met them or not.

Looking at them I just all of a sudden didn’t want to get out of my seat, at all.

About half an hour later I felt the need to go to the toilet. I lean over to look for the toilet and I see the men in black again, so I wait for a little longer hoping that the plane would land at any moment.

That’s it! I tell myself after a long time, I really need to go. I get up fast and before I take two steps, without looking up, Daniel walks into me and ends up pouring the coke in his hands all over me.

I fall on the floor and look at my top and jeans all soaking wet. When I look back up he lends me a hand and gives me a little smirk, I roll my eyes and refuse his help, get up myself and walk to the bathroom.

Wanting to take a shower I walk to Nick without caring about the men in black anymore, ‘Where’re my clothes?’ I ask waking him from his little nap without even caring.

He opens his eyes and rubs the sleep out of his face, ‘they’re… they’re in the over-head luggage compartment on top of your seat.’ He looks at me properly and could see I was soaked with coke and boiling with anger as well as embarrassment. ‘Make sure you knock first,’ he says. I roll my eyes and walk off toward my seat. I look inside the luggage compartment thing and there was my favourite bag full of my clothes, I bring my hands up to take it out but as I pull, everything ends up falling on me.

Ah jeez! Can it get any worse?

I sit down to pick up all my clothes and then shoved it all in my bag carelessly; I get on to my knees to zip up my bag before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I open the door forgetting to knock and walked into one of the men in black doing their “business”.

‘Ew, ew, ew! I am so sorry!’

Shutting my eyes tight and closing the door straight away I feel my cheeks going red and hot of embarrassment. I lean on the door for a second, took a breath, opened my eyes and bolted to my seat.

It just did.

The plane ride was pretty long well the longest I’ve been in anyways; it went for about 6 and a half hours and I never got out of my seat since the accident.

I had a little nap and woke up with no one but me in the plane. I look outside and see one of the men in black waiting outside in a black Pajero with his window down and half his arm hanging out. I get up and get my bag. As soon as he sees me from inside he gets out of the car and opens the door for me even though I was ages away.

As I get closer and closer I see Nick in the car so I jump in next to him on his right then Daniel came out of nowhere and sat on my right, the man in black that opened the door for me shut the door and slammed it pretty hard which made me flinch and instead of getting in the car he walks back to the plane giving a nod to the man in the driver’s seat.

I knew the guy in the driver’s seat, he was one of the first man in black I met, the who threw me and Nick into a car when I was little, even though I’ve known him for a long time I don’t even know his name let alone talk or go anywhere near him.

The man in the driver’s seat turns the engine on, and before he drove off he says in a deep, warning voice showing full authority, ‘Nobody talk,’ and it was clear that I’d hate him.

Secrets, Deals and LiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ