Chapter 15 - Free And Caught

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‘Hey, Billy can we go now it’s almost like 5 am, and I'm really tired,’ I ask through all the screaming, singing and deafening music.

‘Uhh, hang on 5 more minutes?’ he looks at me and could see I really was tired. ‘Okay, just wait outside and let me say bye to some people.’

Without a fight I walk outside and sit on a chair.

‘Hello, you must be Remy,’ I turn around but no one was there. My body tenses, ‘yeah, but who are you? Where are you?’ I ask, turning my head here and there.  Then a figure appears a black silhouette against the black sky.

‘My name is not important and right now I am here,’ he smiles, teeth and eyes just visible in the dark night. ‘Did you have fun at the party?’ he asks friendly.

‘In the end... yes,’ I giggle for some reason feeling half sober, ‘how about you?’

‘Me? Nah I didn't go.’

‘No? Why’s that?’

‘Let’s just say an old friend of mine didn't invite me,’ I see him wink. ‘And who may that old friend of yours be?’ I ask starting to smile.

‘Someone that you're not too fond about, someone that, well, is full of many secrets and lies. That lives in his own world where he thinks everyone has to do as he says and what he wants… everyone, but you.’ He grins, and then leaves, back into the dark shadows where he came out from.

‘Remy, you ready?’ the sound of Billy makes me jump as I get caught off guard. ‘Um… yeah, let’s get out of here,’ I say tiredly, getting off the chair.

‘So, err, what were you talking about with that guy?’ he asks walking close beside me.

‘Oh, I don’t know. How do you know I was talking to someone?’

‘I don’t, I just heard a guys’ voice and then when I came out there was no one but you. So, um, what were you talking about?’ he asks.

‘Well, nothing important really,’ I say turning to the car and opening the door.

Just as I thought he got over it the conversation goes on in the car. ‘So what’d that guy want?’ he asks nothing but curiosity in his voice.

‘Nothing,’ I sigh, starting to get irritated. ‘Did you ask for his name? I might know him,’ he says thoughtfully. ‘I did but he didn’t tell me.’ I admit. ‘Remy, you better tell me, I want to know his name,’ he starts to get irritated too, but why?

‘I just told you; he didn't tell me. He said it wasn’t important or whatever.’

‘Alright,’ he sighs, calming himself down. ‘What’d ya talk about then?’ he suddenly asks.

‘Like I said, nothing important,’ I look away into the window on my left, trying to ignore him.

‘Remy! What’d he say? ’ he gets more irritated and frustrated and starts to grip the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles white.

‘Geez, Billy! Nothing. Why do you wanna know? I'm probably never gonna see him again, it doesn’t matter. He was a bit of a creep anyways,’ I fib – the guy wasn’t really a creep at all.

‘It does matter Remy! You don’t understand!’ he says gripping the wheel even more. ‘Can you at least tell me what he looks like?’ he asks.

‘Billy, it was dark I couldn't see anything. Why don’t you just tell me why you want to know so much, and why it matters who I talk to,’ I look at him and see that he’s really tired.

Secrets, Deals and LiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя