Chapter 7 -The Carnival

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‘You drive?’ I ask shocked and amazed, he sees the slight fear flicker in my eyes and his face softens as he takes his place in the driver’s seat light and fast, reminding me of liquid. He holds my gaze steadily, ‘yeah, I do,’ he says with that soft murmur that somewhat made me relax.

‘Where are we going?’ I ask as he pulls out of the drive way and onto the dirt road. ‘Where everyone meets for a celebration; near the country where the town celebrations are always held.’ Taylor replies.

We arrive at a parking lot on a farm and started to walk to where everyone else was going. Leena holds my hand cheerfully, walking with pride and Taylor walks beside Leena looking at Jack every now and then on my other side, Jack walks next to me but makes it look like we don’t even know each other.

We started to get closer to where everyone else was and Jack soon starts to fall behind, I walk slower to stride next to him and Leena and Taylor talk to each other about some movie in front of us.

‘What’s wrong?’ I ask Jack, searching his face in concern.

‘Oh, uh, no, it’s nothing,’ he smiles and walks a normal pace keeping up with Taylor and Leena.

When we get to the country there are a lot of people: kids chasing each other in circles around their mothers, men talking loud in front of portable mini bars in small groups, women talking in big groups chatting quietly but then laughing out loud.

As Taylor, Leena, Jack and I walk into the country everyone stares at us for some reason, and not just the occasional few people it was more like everyone we walked past. They’re all looking at me!

Jack whispers something in my ear, his breath warm on my neck, ‘they like to stare at new people, beautiful people – like you,’ He smiles warmly.

I look down at Leena and Taylor who seem to be enjoying the attention smiling and waving at the people they knew.

As we go deeper into the country Jack walks beside me looking down at his feet about as embarrassed as me.

We soon get to a place where there are a lot of teenagers, about 14 and over and they all stare at me too, I get embarrassed again but I still look up and smile at them. Jack starts to get self-conscious for I can see he keeps looking down as he’s cheeks goes pink. I laugh and hold his arm giving it a little squeeze of reassurance, Leena and Taylor looks at us and smile before running off to a guy about Taylor’s age. He gives Leena a hug and laughs; he too stares at me for a while before walking over to us.

‘Oooh, Jack, who’s your girlfriend?’ he teases winking at me jokingly.

‘Luke this is Remy. Remy – Luke.’

I look at Luke and he bows theatrically, when he stands up straight again with a teasing grin on his face I let go of Jack’s arm, step forward and do a princess bow holding onto both sides of my dress and lowering my head a little. His gaze meets mine and we go quiet for a long moment, his grin gets bigger and I started to laugh breaking off the long awkward gaze, Leena giggles but Taylor punches Luke’s arm in a friendly way; not too hard. ‘You’re such a dork!’ Taylor jokes laughing straight after, Luke pulls a face and jerks away as Taylor goes to swat him on the shoulder.

Jack makes a grunting noise in between ugh and pfft but I wasn’t sure which.

‘Jack! Remy! Come here!’ Leena calls and a split second later Luke and Taylor race each other to Leena like two puppies full of energy.

Jack and I walk together to where they were all standing. ‘He’s one of our close family friends, only talk to him every now and then,’ he explains, ‘I think he likes you, I think everyone in this town likes you,’ he grins as I giggle, flushed.

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