Chapter Eight

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I pulled up into the parking lot of the college at 9:36 finding the coolest spot possible. I picked up my book bag and tossed it on both shoulders. I pulled out my cellphone, messaging my friend Trish. She told me she was near the bathroom on the A block which gave me a little exercise since I needed some waking up. On my way to her I stopped by the college's deli, purchasing a coffee for myself.

Once I had collected my coffee, I made my way towards her. Trish was the first person I met when I came to college. She was my only friend basically. We some how always managed to have atleast 2 classes together each semester. She and I both were studying medicine so it only made since that we sticked together.

I trusted her with mininum information about me. She didn't no much about my life and I like it that way. She knew a little bit about my love life but that was rare. If I could help it I would. She and I both had jobs so spending time together wasn't much of an option. I walked down the hallway on the A block, passing the Art majors bench before turning to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and was about to shoot Trish a text but I stopped when I heard her loud mouth.

"Bey!'' She yelled. "Over here." She screamed at the little gazebo next to the nurse office.

"Hey Trish whats happening?" I said hugging her.

"Nothing much, excited for summer school to start. I couldn't take another minute of being around Derry." She said looking exhausted.

"You still letting Derry stress you out I see. I thought you was gonna be done with him after him and Diandra messed around." I said putting my bag on the floor and drinking my coffee.

"You no how Derry goes. Everytime shit happens and I threaten to leave he comes with his begging shit. After I stayed by my mama for those few days away from him he started tripping out. Talking about if I don't come back he'll kill himself and all kind of shit. So when I finally went back to his crib, he had the place all cleaned up, stocked out with food and had all type of bags from Victoria Secret and Gucci." She said. "I was about to take the shits and push but I knew he meant it. Even though he did alot of shit I still feel we are meant to be together." She said fumbling with the chain on her neck that spelled Derry.

"So how you been?" She asked after her rant about the man she complains about everytime but never leaves.

"Good actually. Work is going good and I just treated my mama to dinner last night." I said making it short and sweet.

"Thats good. I heard about your new car. What kind is it?" She asked.

"Its a Kia Optima. Your ass always know something." I said annoyed.

"Girl this state is too small. Everyone knows someone who knows about what you got." She said smiling. "How are you and Kelly? I haven't seen you guys out at Miracles in little while." She asked.

"We're good. I just was with her on Saturday and Sunday." I said drinking the last little bit of my coffee.

"Oh Yea, you guys were at the Soca joint last night. I saw you with her cousin Xavier, I think he's called. You to dating or something?" She asked.

I looked at her with wide eyes. This girl knew too much. I don't know if it was because her man was never home or what it was that made her occupied her time in people's business but she was too damn nosey.

"Nah, we just met last night." I said irriated.

"Oh, I thought you guys were a couple. The way he was holding you and shit." She said laughing.

"I think you should go into detective instead of medicine Trish you have to much time on your hands." I said.

"Its not me. I just happen to see, hear and know everything." She said laughing.

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