Long time lover (Ultra Magnus x former Decepticon reader)

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Y/n watched as everyone worked looking for the relics before she looked down noticing Liege Maximo's arm on the ground.

Y/n bent down picking it up as she transformed placing it in her cockpit before accessing her vehicle mode.

Y/n continued driving even with the broken roads and rubble before she finally found the burial ground.

Y/n transformed walking in only to see that Megatron and Dreadwing didn't even close the desicrated burial back up.

Y/n only bowed showing her respect.

Y/n: "Liege maximo of the thirteen primes....I deeply apologize my once respectful leader has done this to you....I bring back what they took in good deed..."

Y/n rose up and reattached the arm causing it to twitch until it laid properly before it's glow faded.

Y/n then looked at the remains with respect before she grabbed the tomb lid and slid it back up allowing it to rumble before closing up and sealing.

As Y/n left she felt something pulse inside of her causing her body to tremble as she stumbled back up to the door.

Y/n growled in pain before turning only to see something she never thought she would.

The apparition stared at her before he clicked his hooves and bowed in respect as he mouthed a Thankyou and faded away.

Y/n's optics widened as warm air flew past her knocking her back outside as the door closed back up.

*A couple months later*

Y/n watched in silence as Megatron and Starscream talked about their time on cybertron with the omega lock and about Optimus Prime returning. Y/n only lowered her helm and disappeared back into the shadows. Soon she got to the flight deck before she ran as fast as possible before jumping off the deck and falling to the ground once she was close she transformed and quickly flew up over the trees.

Soon Y/n reached a good spot before she took out her Decepticon tracking and smashed it.

Y/n then walked into a clearing and then contacted the autobot base.

Y/n paced back and forth slowly until the bridge opened up showing Optimus and his other autobots.

Optimus simply stared at her as she watched them all with their weapons raised.

Optimus: "I don't believe we've met. Why did you contact us?"

Y/n: ".....I wish to join your ranks."

Bulkhead: "Hah! Like we'll give you a chance."

Optimus looked down at Bulkhead before looking back up at her.

Optimus: "Why do you wish to join?"

Y/n: "The Decepticons have strayed too far from their first intent....we used to wish for cybertron to be free of bots like the Senate.....but now Megatron's designating the graves of some of our biggest bots in history and no longer wishes for a safe world and instead for universal domination.....and it....has left a bad taste in my mouth."

Optimus and the rest of the bots listened before they all started to put their guns away.

Y/n: "Whether you allow me to join or not is up to you. It doesn't bother me nonetheless."

Optimus: "I will allow you to join us."

Arcee: "Optimus this could be a trick."

Y/n: "Trick or not I'd rather not end up like Dreadwing......one of the best sic's we've ever had and Megatron kills him for someone as Treacherous as Starscream......."

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