Unknown beauty (Optimus x femme vehicon reader)

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Y/n hissed in pain as she wrapped her breasts up. As the only femme vehicon on the ship she knew that if anyone found out she'd be chased down and possibly used since femme vehicons weren't meant to exist.

She continued to wrap up her breasts before she took off her heat cloaker. Now that her monthly heat was finished she didn't need to mask it.

Once she had confirmed she didn't reek of heat she put on her vehicon armor only to growl from how much strain she was feeling before finally putting her visor and mouth piece back on.

Y/n started to walk through the halls along with some other vehicons when she saw commander Airachnid and Megatron walking past them.

She saluted along with the rest of the vehicons before heading to the assigned mission area.

As Y/n stood with the rest of the vehicons she heard her designated number called. Meaning she would be going on a scouting mission.

Once she got to the area a bridge was opened.

They transformed and drove through the bridge till they got to the area and started there patrol.

As Y/n stuck to the sidelines along with the other vehicons a couple were talking about her before a device was shoved in her face.

T753: "hey mind saying how far away the area ending is hmm?"

Y/n looked at the device he was hanging in front of her before she pushed it out of the way and continued further into the small crowd.

Y/n never spoke she may have had a voice box but she didn't like being the center of attention nor did she like the idea of anyone finding out that she was a femme. The other vehicons included.

Soon the vehicons all came to a stop when they saw a light blue glow.

The other vehicons then pushed Y/n in front having her go first.

Y/n took her blades and chopped away the branches till it came into view.

Y/n walked up to the relic. It was beautiful. A small necklace with intricate patterns and gems ran along the golden metal as it glowed a beautiful deep sea blue.

That was when she heard it the deep voice of Optimus prime.

Y/n turned as the rest of the vehicons began shooting at him she then looked at the relic then back to the group as Optimus was trying to keep them all from crowding him.

Y/n then grabbed the relic and ran only to hear the prime.

Optimus: "The relic!"

Y/n continued to run the relic glowing and pulsing in her servos.

Y/n then tried to call for a bridge only for the signal to lose.

Y/n: "Scrap."

Soon Y/n opened a small area in her plates and placed the relic inside so she can run faster.

Soon she felt someone crash into her till she was pinned down.

Y/n struggled before opening her optics from behind her mask to see Optimus.

Optimus: "Hand over the relic vehicon."

Y/n continued to struggle when Optimus noticed that her servos were empty.

Optimus continued to look around the area before his signal went off at her chest plates.

Optimus then pressed the area before ripping the armor off only for prime to stop and stare.

Y/n was shocked as Optimus looked at her chest only to look up.

Optimus: ".....A femme...."

Optimus then let go of her servos before taking her helmit off only to stop and stare.

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