Hatchlings (Part 3 of Femme x Starscream)

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The first little nose popped out as Starscream and y/n watched. The other babies had grown seemes in the protective armor of the egg, showing they had popped their talons or servos out.

The months were chaotic, with Cybertron slowly being rebuilt and replenished from the war, and Starscream was already saying that he wanted another litter once these ones were a good age where they wouldn't need to feed out of a bottle.

Y/n: "You want another litter after this one."

Starscream: "Even though I wasn't expecting to become a Sire. I am very happy that this happened."

That was when the first sparkling popped out.
It was a full predacon and had red and silver armor with two sets of wings. One pair close to the front of its torso and the second tightly folded towards their flank.

Y/n slowly picked up the sparkling, holding it as carefully as she could.

Y/n: "A femme predacon....she's perfect."

Starscream: "Indeed she is."

Soon, more and more of the sparkling poked out of their eggs all one right after the other.

Soon their was only one left. 4 of which were full predacon and 3 seekers with predacon like features.

Starscream: "Six mechs and one femme so far."

That was when they heard a pop sound. Looking over, they saw the last egg hatched. It was a full femme seeker with armor exactly like her carriers. The only predacon like features she had were sharp fang like dente and foldable wings.

A few cybertronian days later, they had the sparklings playing in the throne room while Starscream and y/n just sat and watched in content.

Y/n: "Six mechs and two femmes....heh we're going to get a lot of complaints from school in the future."

Starscream: "Not from just this litter either."

Y/n: "Who do you think is gonna protect who?"

Starscream: "Our sons are going to protect them from mechs, and our daughters are going to be the ones fighting the crazy ex's or blackmailing them."

Y/n: "Not unless the girls end up as firstly and protective as I was."

Starscream: "Was? Hehehe, you still are."

That's when they saw it. Their small femme seeker had sneezed, causing her wings to flick and spark a flame, making all the other sparkling giggle.

Y/n: "Well, at least she's not breathing fire."

Starscream: "Hopefully, they don't develop that till later."

They both sighed as their sparklings continued to play and crawl around. Their daughters stayed next to each other as their sons were roughhousing all around them before they joined in the fun aswell.

Starscream: "Heh... beautiful daughters. Thank primus and all spark."

Y/n: "Indeed my king...indeed."

Sorry this took a while to be uploaded. I thought I would wait a little while to take a little time off. Thanks for the patience. Goodbye.

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