Snitches get stitches (Wheeljack x Decepticon reader)

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Wheeljack waited for his old friend as he thought about everything. The autobots were getting suspicious, and he didn't want Y/n to get in trouble.

Soon, he heard the purr of her engines and waited as she transformed.

Y/n: "Heya, Jackie."

Wheeljack and y/n had known each other for years.

Y/n looked exactly like a decepticon.

She had dark purple armor and ruby red optics. Even though she wasn't a big fan of the look itself.

Y/n: "Cons just hit a new mine. The place is huge. One hit the place would go supernova."

Wheeljack: "Sounds dangerous. I like it."

Y/n: "Hey, something on your mind. You're not getting tired of seeing me, are you?"

Wheeljack only smiled as it faded away.

Wheeljack: "'s just.....I think we should stop meeting up."

Y/n: "What? Why?"

Wheeljack: "The bots back at base are getting suspicious about me knowing all of this. I don't want the cons to find you out or put you in danger."

Y/n: "Jackie, relax. They won't find out."

Y/n gave him a small peck on the cheek plate, then took off into the sky.

Wheeljack ended up worrying anyway. He started to get uncomfortable when the cons also started acting weird. Well, they started acting wierder than usual.

Wheeljack then ended up going to their meeting spot once again, only for her to never show up.

The next time, she didn't show up.

And before wheeljack noticed it had been two weeks since he hadn't seen her. He started to get worried more and even paced back and forth a few times.

Ratchet noticed the weird behavior and started to think about it before he asked what he was worring on so much.

Ratchet: "Wheeljack, something going on. You've been pacing, mumbling, and tapping your pedes all day."

Wheeljack: It's nothing."

Ratchet: "It's something."

Wheeljack: "Why do you care anyways, Sunshine?"

Ratchet: "Cause you're an autobot like me. And you never act worried unless there's something wrong."

Wheeljack: "I'm fine....just stressed."

After a couple of days, Wheeljack felt like something wasn't right. He didn't know what, but it was something.

That was when Wheelhack heard Optimus and Magnus come in.

Optimus: "We are attacking the decepticons, autobots! Roll out!"

The bots got to the battlefield in no time at all and engaged the enemy.

Every bot fought someone different as Bulk and Wheeljack stayed together and fought Wrecker style.

Soon, they heard Arcee call for help.

Wheeljack: "Go Bulk, I'll cover you!"

Wheeljack started to slice through decepticons left and right while the rest of the bots took out fliers and other charging decepticons.

Soon, the battle was over.

As the autobots started to walk away, they heard Megatron's voice.

Megatron: "Forgetting Something Wheeljack!"

Wheeljack and the rest of the bots turned to see Megatron holding Y/n by the throat. She looked weak and was exceptionally hurt.

Y/n: "S-sorry j-jackie. Th-they found ou-out."

The bots all looked at wheeljack in confusion.

Wheeljack: "Put her down, Buckethead."

Megatron: "As you wish."

Megatron threw her down and started talking.

Megatron: "Decepticon Traitor."

Wheeljack ran over to Y/n, holding her tightly.

Wheeljack grabbed his swords about to unsheth them.

Wheeljack: "I'll kill you."

Megatron: "I'd love to see you try Autobot."

Wheeljack was about to attack when Ratchet spoke through the comm.

Ratchet: "Don't attack. Just get her here now!"

Wheeljack growled before picking Y/n up and backed away through the bridge.

Once through, the bots watched Ratchet as he worked.

Arcee: "You've been meeting up with this con the whole time."

Bulk: "Why didn't you tell us."

Wheeljack: "We were afraid that you guys wouldn't allow us to see each other again."

Y/n: "Ouch! Please be careful, doctor."

Ratchet: "I'm being as careful as I can....Y/n was it."

Y/n: "Yes."

Ratchet got back to work as Y/n looked over.

Y/n: "Apologies for not letting you all know about us."

Smokescreen: "So you're the one that's been giving Wheeljack all the info?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Sadly, I don't have anything to tell you guys. Unless you need energon mine locations."

Bee: *(That would be great.)*

Arcee: "So what kind of torture method did they use."

Y/n: "Cortical phycic patch, beating, shocking. Almost everything. The cortical phycic patch was their final try. And they are most effective."

Wheeljack: "I still wish I could've beaten the scrap outta him."

Y/n: "Now now Wheeljack you'll have next time. Just be patient."

Wheeljack: "You may have to hold me back at times, Darling."

Y/n: "Hehehehe, I'll try."

Then the kids spoke up.

Miko: "Are you a wrecker y/n?"

Y/n: "No, but I can destroy things just fine."

Soon, Y/n made a full recovery and became an autobot.

Wheeljack ended up apologizing for not telling the bots. And everyone seemed to like Y/n quite a lot.

Y/n and Wheeljack ended up being the perfect tag team, and soon once the war ended, they started to travel and bring old wreckers back to cybertron.

I hope you all enjoyed this and that you have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world.  Keep living your life to the fullest. Bye-bye.

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