Just a little lonely. (Soundwave x Femme autobot scout)

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We've got a new request. This one will be interesting so I hope you all enjoy it. Anyways apologies for not updating on the other stories. I may try and write more today. Anyways I hope you like this and let's get to it.

Y/n treaded carefully and quietly. The new found mine she stumbled upon looked like it had been dug a little while back. Not to mention the traces of Decepticon footfalls all around the area.

Y/n continued on through the mine trying to keep to the shadows.

Y/n: *(As long as there aren't any Decepticons right now I should be fine.)*

As Y/n carefully walked through she eventually got to the top edge and looked down at the operation only to see a couple of Decepticons loading up supplies for transport.

Y/n stood up carefully and started to walk away only to almost trip on a mining tool and stumble out in the open.

Y/n: "Damnit"

Y/n looked up only to see Soundwave staring at her before he started to walk forward until he was only a few feet away from her.

Y/n: "Don't come any closer Decepticon."

Soundwave only tilted his helm to the side before playing a recording back.

Y/n: "The frag...What are you?"

Soundwave tried stepping another step towards her causing her to flinch from panic.

Y/n stared at him only to blush before she started to back away only to turn and run out before transforming and speeding away.

Soundwave watched her leave before he rewinded her voice back and scanned it through the autobot records he had.

Soon Y/n was on a regular road trying to calm herself down.

Y/n: "Damn....that was fragging close...."

Soon Y/n calmed down enough to assess what had happened only for Soundwave's visor face show up in her head causing her fans to whirl with heat.

Y/n: "Scrap......why do cons have to be sexy."

Soon Y/n was able to get back to base and report that the mine she had found was being abandoned. The only thing she had left out was her encounter with Soundwave.

*A couple weeks later*

Y/n listened all around her as the kids played before she heard Arcee talking to Smokescreen.

Smokescreen: "I'm just saying that it is stupid that they were trying to achieve peace on cybertron only to cause the war to first start."

Arcee: "Well your half right. But the peace part isn't."

Smokescreen: "True. Hey Y/n what do you think?"

Y/n looked up at them before cocking her helm to the side.

Y/n: "About what?"

Smokescreen: "About the war."

Y/n thought about it for a second.

Y/n: "I mean I can understand why they started the war. Cybertron did need a better government and the Senate wasn't much help. On the other servo I understand why we fight them. So if your wanting my opinion then I guess that while I am an autobot who is proud to be an autobot I can understand why the cons wanted to start this war in the first place."

Everyone in the room looked at Y/n curiously as she looked at the kids before looking curiously at there game.

That was when the computer start to beep catching everyone's attention. And next thing everyone knew they were all in an energon mine.

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